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Could someone tell me what is wrong with me ?


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2 litres of Red Bull, pack of pro plus and some whizz....you won't sleep for a week

The daily diet of school kids.

Cisse, there could be summat up with your thyroid

Gland? Let us know what your results say.

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The daily diet of school kids.

Cisse, there could be summat up with your thyroid

Gland? Let us know what your results say.

I'm betting on thyroid gland myself. I'm hoping on brain cloud though, The same disease Tom Hanks is diagnosed in Joe versus the Volcano.

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I was put on sick leave last week after I went to the doctor and told him that I need to sleep about fifteen hours per day and can't be up more than 4-5 hours at time.

Now they have done every possible test and I should get some answers in couple of days.

Perhaps you lot would like to play Dr. House and his team. What's wrong with me ?

Go crazy.


Low thyroid?

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