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Happy Birthday Mary

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Mary Hinge is 40 today. Happy Birthday old gal!

Mary comes from a long line of Hinges dating back to a distant relative who invented an important component for a door.

It is rumoured Mary is pregnant the sort of forums little secret, but Mary is not aware of any bedroom activity, Mary is claiming to have recieved a visit from an angel telling her to call the baby Jesus.

Marys ambition is to become a forum Mod. and is currently training for this roll.

Anyway Happy Birthday Mary!!!

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Happy Birthday fella. Amsterdam while your missus is carrying your child?

I'm not one to judge.

Ha ha cheers pal!!! Got back today we only spent about four hours in the city centre and it was spent on a tour bus and eating tapas food, not the usual when visiting Amsterdam I know but I'm crazy like that, might be a wee bit messier when I go again in August on a stag doo.

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