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Do footballers deserve their wage?


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According to research conducted by XPro, a charity for ex-professional footballers in the UK and Ireland, three in five players blow their fortunes despite the average wage in the league currently being £30,000-a-week.

Tottenham goalkeeper Brad Friedel, former Blackburn captain Colin Hendry and ex-Aston Villa star Lee Hendrie are among the players who have declared for bankruptcy while Fulham’s John Arne Riise and ex-Manchester United pair Keith Gillespie and Eric Djemba-Djemba have also had major financial issues.

What's more, one in three players who are married end up filing for divorce within 12 months of their retirement.


No, they don't. That money you spend to pay their wages, largely disappears up an agents arse or somewhere else.

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It's a dream job, no doubt.


But as that paragraph said, once you're in that position you don't know - it's a different world to the one I am currently in. I don't think they deserve the wages they get, but the pressures and work some of them put in are tremendous! I am currently off work, struggling to walk after an operation, but I wouldn't swap my life with Conor Sammons... he must be in a dark place at the minute, I know I would be.


The mental strength it must take to be a footballer is incredible. 

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It's a dream job, no doubt.


But as that paragraph said, once you're in that position you don't know - it's a different world to the one I am currently in. I don't think they deserve the wages they get, but the pressures and work some of them put in are tremendous! I am currently off work, struggling to walk after an operation, but I wouldn't swap my life with Conor Sammons... he must be in a dark place at the minute, I know I would be.


The mental strength it must take to be a footballer is incredible. 

You raise an interesting point there. I used to be a competitive swimmer, and I'm talking like 9-16 years old type galas, open meets and county championships. The nerves I used to feel, particularly for the county champs, was absolutely awful. 


I used to work with a guy that claimed he was a trainee at Manchester United, he also spoke of the crippling nerves before a game. That was at youth level, so I don't know what it's like for these senior players.


But, surely that's what it's about. The excitement/nerves. Not looking forward to seeing your inflated bank balance on pay day. Like anybody, all Connor Sammon needs to do is pull his head out of his arse, see how lucky he is to even be playing first team football in the second tier of English football and get on with his job. 


(That's no slight at Sammon btw, just that you said his name. I think he does actually play the game at 100% of his ability.)


I wonder how many of those footballers would continue to play if wages were capped at something like £100'000 per year, which is pretty similar to the Prime Minister's wage and had to continue their education in whatever they choose. Which in itself, is a liberty that many don't have.

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I've seen research which suggests that you're far more likely to end up with depression as a football than most other jobs.


It's not a good job. It ruins you. Very few footballers are balanced, well-rounded individuals and very few top-flight footballers strike me as happy. That's before you even get on to what happens once they hang up their boots, when you still have over half your life ahead of you...


Of course footballers don't earn their wage, but it doesn't mean their job is something to be jealous of.


They're paid what they're paid because there's that's how much money their is in the game. Why is there money in the game? Because people are interested in it. People pay attention to the sponsors, the advertisements, we bet on the games and we pay our Sky subscription fees. They're paid according to supply and demand.

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Its a bum job.

Training for a couple of hours and then having to play golf.

Trying to decide how to spend all the money.

Having to cope with all the birds.

Retiring at 35.

Kinell. Its no life is it.

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I think footballers deserve their money... The top ones especially..


Afterall football is a business, and they're paying the best players alot of money because they're the ones that make the business what it is...


Rooney getting paid $250k a week is no different to one of the top positions working for Walmart or some rich oil company..

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I'd rather the players get their share rather than agents, club execs, PL/FL/UEFA/FIFA etc.


We live in a globalized/capitalist society these days, so people get paid the amout they get offered, based on demand/markets ect, Club execs are the reason why player salaries are high, mind you outside PL and Championship, the wages are pretty low consider careers end at 33-37 age range.


Players to tend to be poorly advised on what do after football as seen with Gavin Ward, Gary Charles, Michael Branch etc. That's the good thing about modern academies there, education outside football now takes an importance.

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Tisn't their fault the wages are so high. They're hardly going to barter on a pay cut are they?

But. They aren't deserved are they? They're sportsmen, not run off their feet like overworked and underpaid docs and nurses.

When you hear a footballer talk about his career you get all the 'I've been very lucky' and 'I'm very fortunate'. Yes you are so don't take it for granted and become prima donnas who think they're Gods gift because there's nothing worse.

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I think footballers are underpaid.


They train for 90 minutes, 4~days a week and play in 1~2 matches each week.


For all that effort, they deserve a little more.


I say increase the admission fees, raise the taxes and pay those that are deserving of it a little more.


It is simply unheard of to start any kind of new career in your thirties so effectively, they are redundant to the work force as soon as they retire from the professional ranks.

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its a very short career considering even the best players command a massive wage until their late 20's so the money they earn really is to set them up for life not really their fault though if someone came to you & offered you a massive wage to do a job whether you were good at it or not would you not take it?  

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No, they don't. Especially when you have people risking in there live's in the army and police (i have 5 family members in the police force in belper,derby and nottingham) on miniscule amount compared to some of the player rediculous wages PER WEEK.

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