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Posts posted by Rammiesdad

  1. Do other people  think that DC may be tempted  to give it at least one season, and if the unbelievable  were to happen,  ie promotion  again.  Then everybody  would be very well set

  2. 2 hours ago, David said:


    I mean, is that not what managers do when they are jumping around and screaming at the officials.

    Warne himself has been critical in the media during his time here.

    Part of the game, nothing to bother ourselves with.

    I live in mansfield and attended a game when he was manager,  he and his crew  gave the 4th official verbal abuse for 90 + minutes 

  3. 16 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Do you remember the 3 Amigos sold more tickets to Sunderland fans all those years ago, Mayhem in the South East corner, A slither of netting between both sets of fans, Sunderland fan creeps under the netting and attacked my mate, My mate then attacked him, Mate Identified through CCTV also the attacker, Plenty more were pulled for the carnage, Mate gets a 3 year banning order never been in trouble before, It took 18 months and £3k in lost wages and legal costs to get his case heard again with a Police witness, Ban turned over but lost his money.

    As for the flare at Blackpool...nowt will be done unless the lad makes a complaint, Even then it'll be hard to bring a case.



    I've been bleating on about this for a while , it's inadequate  stewarding  usually by student's etc employed for the day . Same thing  caused the storming o

    f Wembley at the euro finals . Don't blame individuals  , its hard to challenge people  with minimum  training  and only a days pay or less coming .  Flares are dangerous and it could be something worse being smuggled in.  Don't want to sanitise the game  but don't want anyone injured  either 

  4. 6 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

    Kinda made this point a week or so ago, but in strict business terms derby has a very loyal fan base and can attract 20,000-30,000 to Pride Park (you’ll see the higher echelon of that with the Rooney factor). Any prospective owner should be looking to get every penny it can do out of that fanbase. Get more fans in early and staying later, family meal deals, better merch, decent local beer, early day ko’s on the screens, post match analysis after games.

    The survival of Derby County isn’t about who has the most money, it’s who has the best business strategy to keep the club viable for many years to come. Ofcourse there’s more to it than this but it’s about using what’s available to you.

    Off the back of this discussion, I've  always thought were not very welcoming  for visiting supporters.  I know there are safety and security issues, but perhaps a fan park for visitors?  . You treat people like animals  you get animal behaviour IMO. Of course theres always a few idiots 


  5. 20 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    There's a strong sense of injustice from DCFC fans, Our only way to fight back on a match day is being vocal with our support, A victory or a battling draw can make a supporters day well worth while, I've built a time machine, But I daren't go into the future as I may not come back as i'll be on a bender for days on end after the Cardiff game in May

    Hope Jack o Connell  is taking  notes, if we pull this off, its hoing to make one hell of a film !  We even have a theme tune now.  Allez allez allez

  6. 1 hour ago, TooFarInToTurnRed said:

    What all football fans need to ask is do you want all leagues to become bi-annual. We have a year of football then a year of litigation to adjust the placings based on who did what.

    This is what is coming if claims such as there are allowed. Feel the EFL might rue their interchangeable fixture list idea this summer as there could be lots of teams involved. 

    And god help any minnows  daring to win an  fa cup tie against  one of the big teams !they will be sued for bumpy pitches! 


  7. 3 hours ago, Ted McMinn Football Genius said:

    If the new owner is Mike Ashley or someone similar (business experience wise) which I am guessing they are/ will be.

    They will see these spurious claims as laughable as the rest of the planet. 

    1/ Gibson has no case whatsoever, (can he sue the National Lottery because he didn’t win the jackpot because someone bought an extra ticket more than him) ?.

    2/ Wycombe neither have any claim against us as it was The EFL that didn’t apply the 9 points deduction last season and not DCFC. 

    Neither of these “debts/charges” have a cat in hells chance of binding onto DCFC & that is why I don’t see this putting off Mike Ashley or anyone else.

    In actual fact I wouldn’t be surprised if the new owners don’t put a counter claim against both these charlatans and the EFL for restricting our business practices for the last 2 years. We could even see a challenge to eradicate our 9 point deduction if these morons persist with both their extremely tenuous claims.

    So in short Gibson and Wycombe, get back to your miserable little lives and take your pathetic grievances and shove em when the ☀️ don’t shine.

    COYR ????????

    Think paricularly if it is Ashley  that buys us , then others may think twice before taking him on on the courts or LAP


  8. 9 hours ago, Malty said:

    Sorry, another thread from me after watching my first live game on a couple years….

    One thing I noticed on Saturday was the level of time wasting that the Blackburn players did. Every time someone went down two physios (why two?) trotted onto the pitch. They treated the “injured” player for at least a minute, probably two or three and then trotted off whilst the other players hung around waiting. 

    On one occasion, early in the second half, Sam Gallagher was down for probably three minutes apparently being treated. Meanwhile many of the Blackburn players were getting told by their manager what to do about Derby’s new formation. So much so that one guy (their left back) got waved over - clearly hadn’t realised the tactic - to get further instructions on what to do. For me as a fan it was infuriating that the referee did very little about it until very late on and I’m sure that the five minutes of extra time was not nearly enough against the level of time wasting.

    I guess if it was Derby doing it then I’d turn a blind eye to it, but I really think that the football authorities need to look very hard at this gamesmanship and start handing  out bookings for obvious time wasting in future.


    Just my view. Perhaps it’s just sour grapes?

    Im not impressed  at how long its taking to kick off again  after a team has scored. Ok go celebrate and crawl back to the half way line in dribs and drabs . But it seems to take forever and getting longer , they even choreograph  some of the celebrations.  Soyr grapes on goals against   , yes most definitely !

  9. 1 hour ago, Ratpackram said:

    I can't believe that Wayne has got this mismatch of old / young / unwanted players performing at a level that could have us up with Fulham . 

    Actual 6 points but even without rose tinted glasses on 

    Huddersfield should have been 3

    Peterborough should have been 3 

    Boro should have been 3 

    Forest should have been 3

    # feeling upbeat

    Get this and agree but when you think you've been played well and dont pick up  the points,  could be a bad sign 

  10. 8 hours ago, Steadybreeze said:

    After constructive discussions with my other half i've decided to put back my decision to buy a ST or not back another 6 days...but...

    Being in the SW corner looks like its not going to be the cheap seats anymore in fact i still have no idea how much it's going to cost me to watch Derby this season.

    I'm now a grandad with all that entails, just paid for new window and front door, booked three breaks end of August, middle of Sept and end of October. It's ok for all the young bucks to chuck money at following Derby but for old 'un's like me im afraid time waits for no man and Derby have missed their chance at luring me in this season. Will i come back next season? who knows, ive been following the club and paying out for 40+ years, i've drifted away a few times and always come back but never have i had as many other interests or responsibilities as i do now. I think the way forward will be half a dozen hand picked home games and a few aways/weekends away..Bristol, London, Cardiff etc

    It's a shame but i fear a lot of people around my age group wont be back

    Yes I  identify with  this ,  now 60 plus age ,travel a round trip of 25 miles . Not too far    but when I  could stay home  and watch on tv . Other thing's  in life etc . I could easily make excuses . But the orher side is  I  may not be able to go in a few years  , so whilst I  still can , I  will

  11.  As this week we are able to renew season tickets , do football clubs in general and ours in particular , have to win us back . At this point it would be quite easy to become an armchair tv fan .

     yes I  know  the main reasons for being there,  but after an enforced break , it could break the habit .

     At the moment I  feel a total disconnect  to our club .  But will renew 

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