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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. Who are all these ITK people, 4 weeks, 8-10 weeks, Out until play offs, Minimum of 2 months?
  2. I've been told the scan has been held up, Collins was in the A&E yesterday at Derby General, He was sent home after a 23 hour wait and told to come back Saturday morning when the Scan machine will be operating again ...lets hope they can rush the resulting scan through πŸ‘
  3. I didn't want to start a Russian/Putin thread ...so I'll post this here Jailed Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny is dead What does this mean for Putin if anything? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news
  4. Maybe just maybe that player wasn't available, We had one...then his manager has a change of mind, SWFC wanted to put a gun to our heads over 2 of their forwards...we walked away, We have...god willing 2 capable forwards in Waghorn and Washington when available, And if he has to play Sonny Bradley as an emergency forward...then so be it. PW has pulled 2 rabbits out of the hat in CBT and Adams, Getting that "improved player within the set budget" is like standing behind a rocking horse with a bucket and spade ☺️
  5. Same here Bucks, Having Sky Sports is like having a favourite old pair of trainers, You don't wear them but you refuse to chuck em away, I'm getting used to not watching football on TV, The pundits make me cringe, The waffle by the commentators makes a Stanley Unwin story seem understandable, The sucking exercise for any of the top 6 makes one want to vomit, As for the FA cup it lost it's status when they let Man Untd enter the competition in the 4th round as they had a money spinning World Club match to play, It only takes significance around round 5 for them when most of the chattel have been knocked out πŸ™„
  6. Yes sorry WKR and @Ghost of Clough Google sent me to the Stevenage fixture from last October. Lets hope Mr Reeves has a good memory aye ☺️
  7. And the mind games have begun...Ladies and Gentlemen I give you...Steve Evens And the former Leeds United boss, who has already begun the mind games ahead of the trip to face the Rams, feels Derby fans have the ability to influence decisions. "When we go to Derby, we just need a fair crack," he said. "We don't need big things to go against us because there are 27,000 or 28,000 Derby fans who get them a decision. "They are going to try. I've been there with teams and they are a brilliant, vocal, home support. I don't know who the referee is, I've not looked, but he has to be strong." Of course you don't Steve...it's...Thomas Kirk...as you full well know πŸ™„
  8. I'm a big fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seen the lot...brilliant, Now series 12 is out I thought age may have crept up on the show...nope brilliant if not better, All the characters are getting older...but the story lines are getting better πŸ‘β˜ΊοΈ
  9. ...he should know, He signed some right cnuts ☺️
  10. Would that be the small bin a the X large bin😁
  11. The Long Memory 1953 on Talking pictures, John mills in the lead role as a man convicted of a crime he didn't commit so seeks revenge, Thora Hird also in it. An absolute pile of horse sh!t, Mills must have been pissed when he signed this films contract, The acting was so bad it hurt my eyes, I mean it's day light outside, A copper puts the light on and a woman closes the curtains WTF 😬 1/10 and I'm being nice
  12. You get all sorts of folk trying to rubbish a 3-0 away win...notice the initials at the top right 😁
  13. Just a little point of contention concerning JC continually being caught offside, Now I've not witnessed this as I neither go to PP or watch on RTV only read it on here, Has anyone ever thought that the reason he's offside is because the player with the ball holds on to it just that little to long...just a thought πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  14. Simple Juan...there's those that know and there's those that don't ☺️
  15. 33' missed 58' missed 66' missed 93' missed 6' 7' 56' 68' 93'again and 96' all missed...I think you're missing the point 😊
  16. It's only what I've heard 😁, As it looks like the person who was sent to STFC got lost, PW sets his team up with 5 at the back against a team that was 6th from bottom, He admitted his mistake and changed his tactics...or changed tac in mid streamπŸ™„ And as an aside...wasn't the Bolton game heavily influenced by a fcuking sh!t refπŸ‘
  17. I remember a time not to long ago when WE knocked it around and would have 70% possession but couldn't score away from home...now who was that manager 😁
  18. Then I guess if we played a more "streetwise team" the tactics would/could have been different, You have the opposition watched, You come back with a plan, You put that plan in place...except when you play STFC at home, It looks as the coaches are beginning to learn what football is all about.
  19. Listen to Barkers post match interview, We had a plan, Even talking in the hotel leading up to the game, What is this master plan...to let them have the ball and we press, Would we have let a more streetwise team "run us ragged"?...over to you coach.
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