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Everything posted by Srg

  1. Nelson saying “is that all they’ve got?” At the end. Lad.
  2. I seriously hope they fall flat on their face. Not even because it’s Birmingham, just any team that goes spending like that in that league.
  3. Wait, they spent £900k on Ryan bloody Allsop?!
  4. I agree. Some supposed contract clause isn’t going to be the obvious reason for the delay.
  5. I’d be surprised at longman. He’s been used a lot by Hull pre-season and they’ve lost 63 of 68 goals they scored last season through sales.
  6. I think you are reading a little too much into that.
  7. The guy who told me said the guy is usually right and does seem to have a source somewhere in the club. First time I’ve ever been passed anything though, and I’ve known the lad who told me for a few years so 🫠
  8. I’ve just heard Dembele all but done, and Bobby Clark loan… it’s third hand, and apparently usually reliable. So guess we will see. ps - I’m really trying to get too excited about Dembele.
  9. Didn’t Barker say we were coming home Sunday? Or did I imagine that
  10. For the millionth season running, it doesn’t actually matter. A bit of fabric round your arm is not going to change how you act on the pitch, in the dressing room or at training. With that said, Nelson seems the steadiest choice. Maybe Cashin backup to groom him to take over.
  11. But who’s the midfielder?
  12. I’m choosing to believe that guy as ITK purely because I want Dembele to sign.
  13. Helmets are the new insoles.
  14. I can only begin to imagine the meltdown if it's Michael Smith... and it would be slightly warranted.
  15. Let me guess... Tom Ince was lazy too?!
  16. He’s definitely bought two tickets to the gun show.
  17. There’s definitely a massive element of that, some more than others. This guy seems to fall into that category more often than not.
  18. Just throw us in to the multiple clubs in one tweet bingo.
  19. Big fan of you just assuming Alexander Isak’s name was Isaksson 😂
  20. Can they hold off a bit, I'm going on Saturday.
  21. Think it shows we are using analytics. We will be looking for certain characteristics and statistical markers for different positions, then digging into from there. It's not like the old days where you physically just had to watch a lot of games and then go from there.
  22. I did think we'd get a little interview on the first week, but we then got Matlock and the Podcast, and I'd imagine we'll get something else maybe post Stockport. So, nothing to be too puzzled about really.
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