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  1. COYR
    CBRammette got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    Thanks for your kind words. Totally with you on the "enjoying yourself" attitude - life is too short to spend it in a spiral of negativity
  2. Like
    CBRammette got a reaction from Indyram in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    Thanks for your kind words. Totally with you on the "enjoying yourself" attitude - life is too short to spend it in a spiral of negativity
  3. Like
    CBRammette reacted to Inverurie Ram in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    I enjoyed reading that @CBRammette
    Thank you. I enjoyed that some folk out there, especially you, can enjoy themselves.
    Sorry about Dad and more importantly for us all, we only live for a short time, and I am probably in the minority in this forum, but I plan to enjoy myself,whilst I am, and the people I love, and admire are around me.
    Regarding the majority of the posters on here, they seem to be all blaming Liam for the mistake, that led to the Chesterfield goal.
    I watched the game, and with my coaching head on, my supporting head on, my TV watching head on, my I am enjoying the game head on, saw Sonny play an over hit pass at Liam in a dangerous area on the pitch, with Liam in a dangerous position with Chesterfield players around him.
    I then watched Sonny try to win or defend the ball back after he knew he’d made a mistake, as did all the coaching staff, and the players on the pitch and some fans watching, as he moved across from the left sided position he’d found himself from his pass, to go to a more central area achieving very little, other than giving the man now in acres of space, more of the actual space, to receive the final pass to go and score the goal.
    The Rams then reverted back to giving Cashin more of the ball at the back to bring it out. Sonny also received a ball in the second half where he nearly passed it back to Vickers but ended up giving Chesterfield a free corner, another potential mistake that fortunately for the team didn’t lead to any problems thereafter.
    I enjoyed the game and all the positive passing, defending, work rate, pressing, chances created, throughout the team and in the match totally outweighed a couple of mistakes that every day people make in life, because we are all human.
    The clock is ticking, I’m getting older, wiser, and I’m enjoying my life and I love Derby County Football Club. 🖤
  4. Like
    CBRammette reacted to angieram in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    I really enjoyed the game against Chesterfield,  too. 
    Lots to enjoy on the pitch and their supporters were terrific. Made me laugh, there were loads of them wandering around Pride Park after the game trying to find their way back to the station and moaning about phone signals! 
  5. Like
    CBRammette got a reaction from Castor in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    I enjoyed it. I enjoyed seeing the new players for the first time live/seeing how they worked together or didnt, I enjoyed seeing Nyambe back, I enjoyed seeing Fozzy being Fozzy, I enjoyed seeing Tommo going from being shaky to finding his feet to scoring a great goal, I enjoyed watching the Chesterfield fans having fun, I enjoyed simple things like how totally chuffed the ball boy was when NML ruffled his hair, I enjoyed the, albeit brief, flashes of how this team could play when they settle, I enjoyed the precious 5 hours there and back in the car with my youngest son, and chatting and laughing with him during the game ahead of him going to Uni, I enjoyed just being back in Pride Park after the summer, and I enjoyed watching and supporting the frustrating team my dad did through thick and thin a couple of weeks after he died. 
    I am not being positive for the sake of it, I am not lying but do appreciate that we're on a rebuild and am willing to see where it goes this season and enjoy being at PP for what it is and what it means. Some fans seem to be determined to have a downer on absolutely everything and everyone from the very very start of the season which is their right. But others have the right to be more positive and there really is no need to be quite so derisive of and superior to those who can still enjoy the match and/or match-day generally. Doesnt mean we're wearing rose-tinted glasses or lying and may well be moaning and groaning ourselves if the team doesnt gel, and we're abject with no sign of improvement in in the next 2-3 months but I dont expect to be watching prime Barcelona at this point. 
  6. Cheers
    CBRammette got a reaction from Inverurie Ram in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    I enjoyed it. I enjoyed seeing the new players for the first time live/seeing how they worked together or didnt, I enjoyed seeing Nyambe back, I enjoyed seeing Fozzy being Fozzy, I enjoyed seeing Tommo going from being shaky to finding his feet to scoring a great goal, I enjoyed watching the Chesterfield fans having fun, I enjoyed simple things like how totally chuffed the ball boy was when NML ruffled his hair, I enjoyed the, albeit brief, flashes of how this team could play when they settle, I enjoyed the precious 5 hours there and back in the car with my youngest son, and chatting and laughing with him during the game ahead of him going to Uni, I enjoyed just being back in Pride Park after the summer, and I enjoyed watching and supporting the frustrating team my dad did through thick and thin a couple of weeks after he died. 
    I am not being positive for the sake of it, I am not lying but do appreciate that we're on a rebuild and am willing to see where it goes this season and enjoy being at PP for what it is and what it means. Some fans seem to be determined to have a downer on absolutely everything and everyone from the very very start of the season which is their right. But others have the right to be more positive and there really is no need to be quite so derisive of and superior to those who can still enjoy the match and/or match-day generally. Doesnt mean we're wearing rose-tinted glasses or lying and may well be moaning and groaning ourselves if the team doesnt gel, and we're abject with no sign of improvement in in the next 2-3 months but I dont expect to be watching prime Barcelona at this point. 
  7. Like
    CBRammette got a reaction from McArthur Park in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    Well that is good to hear. They are quite captive in the car anyway to talk/nag/interrogate etc arent they! dreading the youngest going actually - not for him as he's worked so hard for it and cant wait but we'll miss him
  8. Like
    CBRammette reacted to Ian Buxton's Bat in Tedious and boring   
    I know it’s difficult for the mods but the forum is becoming more of a petty game of oneupmanship and forum archeology rather than simple differences of opinion.
    For example, one poster, who has been absent for a while, appeared again yesterday and was belittling another poster because of their English within about 4 posts.
    Each petty post isn’t necessarily a problem in its own right so not normally worthy of reporting them but it’s like those little niggly fouls that tot up and become worthy of a yellow card.
    Is it possible to have a ‘boring’ / ‘tedious’ / ‘petty’ emoji that can be pressed by sensible posters that doesn’t show on the post but is highlighted to the mods?
    if a poster accumulates sufficient tedium emojis they can have a little break.
  9. Haha
    CBRammette reacted to Mucker1884 in Tedious and boring   
    Lot of talk re "eventual/inevitable sacking" going on. 
    Am I the only one that sees him being headhunted/poached by one of "The top six"... if not a real life European Giant...  and heads off into the sunset, leaving poor old Mr Clowes with a pair of dangling bobbles between his legs.
  10. Like
    CBRammette reacted to Loughborough Ram in Tedious and boring   
    Not the football, this forum! 
    I think that most people come on here to have a 'chat' about the Rams or even football in general but increasingly it reminds me of the old Monty Python sketch, "are you here for the five minute argument or the full half hour".
    Everybody is entitled to post what they want in a manner they chose but after 50 pages of "you're wrong", "no, you're wrong" it just becomes pointless. I know that the idea of these forums is to generate debate, but very little of what happens on here is debate. 
    Take the issue of Paul Warne. To come on here after every game and tell everyone, essentially how rubbish he is and tell everyone where he is going wrong tactically, because you play football manager, or coach you sons under 8s on Darley Park, is just howling at the moon as your theories will never be tested, so they will always be correct in your head
    I doubt anybody on here thinks that Paul Warne is the best manager we've ever had, or even in the top five, but he is our manager and will be until David Clowes decides differently. Ultimately you will have your way and you will be able to say "I told you so" because he will be sacked at some point.
    If you want an idea of sensible debate look at the Mickley Arthur thread on the cricket. There is probably more to be upset about at the cricket club than the Rams but it's all reasoned discussions where people put forward opinions, rather than confrontational statements, aimed at pitting one side against another.
  11. COYR
    CBRammette reacted to Ramfan1958 in Vs Middlesbrough (H) Match Thread   
    Boro look mighty impressive tonight at Leeds !!! Bit worried 😟 
  12. Like
    CBRammette reacted to Ian Buxton's Bat in Vs Middlesbrough (H) Match Thread   
    In life, I generally try to forgive and forget - or at least move on and not let things fester.
    However, I'm afraid that with Gibson and Couhig, I suspect I'll have a simmering resentment until my dying day.
    On Saturday, my head tells me that it's only a game of football.....but it's a fixture that Gibson nearly succeeded in erasing from the football calendar for eternity.
    I know he didn't cause our problems but he wilfully made them worse.
  13. COYR
    CBRammette reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    My post of the year,sums up all that's great about being a football fan in general and particularly about following and being involved as a derby supporter.
    This post should be pinned (preferably to some posters foreheads)
  14. COYR
    CBRammette reacted to On the Ram Page in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    Brilliant outlook!
  15. COYR
    CBRammette reacted to Comrade 86 in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    Fortunately I think it's highly unlikely that Thommo would give a flying **** about the inarticulate ramblings of one of our least intuitive members. I don't suppose the poster in question retracted or addressed his comment, did he? I only ask as I put him on ignore the moment I read it.
    Perhaps those who push the agenda that the only trolls and WUMs on here are not those criticising Warne and his players , but rather those who allegedly see no issues at all, might wish to rethink their position, especially after reading posts like @CBRammette's last night. Why those who derive some pleasure from watching a game like last night's need to be derided for doing so is beyond me, but in truth I'm at a point now where I'm past caring. 
  16. COYR
    CBRammette reacted to RodleyRam in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    Early season league cup game against a banana skin which we normally lose! Hard to see where the huge objections for that performance come from.
    My take: 
    We were completely dominant without getting the goal our play warranted until they scored. 
    For 5-10 minutes after we looked a bit vulnerable but quickly back on terms. 
    First half possession and style of play was mostly pleasing on the eye, if lacking in the final product.
    Second half we largely controlled the game mostly out of possession. This is where Warne is tactically astute. 
    That second half performance was also probably to hammer home the learning from Blackburn when we lost shape and got punished. 
    I'm personally encouraged by both games so far and expect us to improve with games and new faces.
  17. Like
    CBRammette got a reaction from Kathcairns in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    Well that is good to hear. They are quite captive in the car anyway to talk/nag/interrogate etc arent they! dreading the youngest going actually - not for him as he's worked so hard for it and cant wait but we'll miss him
  18. COYR
    CBRammette reacted to McArthur Park in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    Just catching up. @CBRammette your post is lovely and explains perfectly why there is so much more to enjoy about the matchday experience than just the football!  The  bit about chatting with your son before he goes to Uni really resonates with me. Our son is out the other side of Uni now, with a good job and living away from Derby, but the pull of DCFC has remained and he still returns for most Saturday matches and now drives us to away games! Just wanted to say, you may not be finished with the match journey chats yet!
  19. Like
    CBRammette got a reaction from Half fan in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    I enjoyed it. I enjoyed seeing the new players for the first time live/seeing how they worked together or didnt, I enjoyed seeing Nyambe back, I enjoyed seeing Fozzy being Fozzy, I enjoyed seeing Tommo going from being shaky to finding his feet to scoring a great goal, I enjoyed watching the Chesterfield fans having fun, I enjoyed simple things like how totally chuffed the ball boy was when NML ruffled his hair, I enjoyed the, albeit brief, flashes of how this team could play when they settle, I enjoyed the precious 5 hours there and back in the car with my youngest son, and chatting and laughing with him during the game ahead of him going to Uni, I enjoyed just being back in Pride Park after the summer, and I enjoyed watching and supporting the frustrating team my dad did through thick and thin a couple of weeks after he died. 
    I am not being positive for the sake of it, I am not lying but do appreciate that we're on a rebuild and am willing to see where it goes this season and enjoy being at PP for what it is and what it means. Some fans seem to be determined to have a downer on absolutely everything and everyone from the very very start of the season which is their right. But others have the right to be more positive and there really is no need to be quite so derisive of and superior to those who can still enjoy the match and/or match-day generally. Doesnt mean we're wearing rose-tinted glasses or lying and may well be moaning and groaning ourselves if the team doesnt gel, and we're abject with no sign of improvement in in the next 2-3 months but I dont expect to be watching prime Barcelona at this point. 
  20. Like
    CBRammette got a reaction from McArthur Park in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    I enjoyed it. I enjoyed seeing the new players for the first time live/seeing how they worked together or didnt, I enjoyed seeing Nyambe back, I enjoyed seeing Fozzy being Fozzy, I enjoyed seeing Tommo going from being shaky to finding his feet to scoring a great goal, I enjoyed watching the Chesterfield fans having fun, I enjoyed simple things like how totally chuffed the ball boy was when NML ruffled his hair, I enjoyed the, albeit brief, flashes of how this team could play when they settle, I enjoyed the precious 5 hours there and back in the car with my youngest son, and chatting and laughing with him during the game ahead of him going to Uni, I enjoyed just being back in Pride Park after the summer, and I enjoyed watching and supporting the frustrating team my dad did through thick and thin a couple of weeks after he died. 
    I am not being positive for the sake of it, I am not lying but do appreciate that we're on a rebuild and am willing to see where it goes this season and enjoy being at PP for what it is and what it means. Some fans seem to be determined to have a downer on absolutely everything and everyone from the very very start of the season which is their right. But others have the right to be more positive and there really is no need to be quite so derisive of and superior to those who can still enjoy the match and/or match-day generally. Doesnt mean we're wearing rose-tinted glasses or lying and may well be moaning and groaning ourselves if the team doesnt gel, and we're abject with no sign of improvement in in the next 2-3 months but I dont expect to be watching prime Barcelona at this point. 
  21. COYR
    CBRammette got a reaction from DCFC Kicks in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    I enjoyed it. I enjoyed seeing the new players for the first time live/seeing how they worked together or didnt, I enjoyed seeing Nyambe back, I enjoyed seeing Fozzy being Fozzy, I enjoyed seeing Tommo going from being shaky to finding his feet to scoring a great goal, I enjoyed watching the Chesterfield fans having fun, I enjoyed simple things like how totally chuffed the ball boy was when NML ruffled his hair, I enjoyed the, albeit brief, flashes of how this team could play when they settle, I enjoyed the precious 5 hours there and back in the car with my youngest son, and chatting and laughing with him during the game ahead of him going to Uni, I enjoyed just being back in Pride Park after the summer, and I enjoyed watching and supporting the frustrating team my dad did through thick and thin a couple of weeks after he died. 
    I am not being positive for the sake of it, I am not lying but do appreciate that we're on a rebuild and am willing to see where it goes this season and enjoy being at PP for what it is and what it means. Some fans seem to be determined to have a downer on absolutely everything and everyone from the very very start of the season which is their right. But others have the right to be more positive and there really is no need to be quite so derisive of and superior to those who can still enjoy the match and/or match-day generally. Doesnt mean we're wearing rose-tinted glasses or lying and may well be moaning and groaning ourselves if the team doesnt gel, and we're abject with no sign of improvement in in the next 2-3 months but I dont expect to be watching prime Barcelona at this point. 
  22. Clap
    CBRammette got a reaction from Premier ram in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    I enjoyed it. I enjoyed seeing the new players for the first time live/seeing how they worked together or didnt, I enjoyed seeing Nyambe back, I enjoyed seeing Fozzy being Fozzy, I enjoyed seeing Tommo going from being shaky to finding his feet to scoring a great goal, I enjoyed watching the Chesterfield fans having fun, I enjoyed simple things like how totally chuffed the ball boy was when NML ruffled his hair, I enjoyed the, albeit brief, flashes of how this team could play when they settle, I enjoyed the precious 5 hours there and back in the car with my youngest son, and chatting and laughing with him during the game ahead of him going to Uni, I enjoyed just being back in Pride Park after the summer, and I enjoyed watching and supporting the frustrating team my dad did through thick and thin a couple of weeks after he died. 
    I am not being positive for the sake of it, I am not lying but do appreciate that we're on a rebuild and am willing to see where it goes this season and enjoy being at PP for what it is and what it means. Some fans seem to be determined to have a downer on absolutely everything and everyone from the very very start of the season which is their right. But others have the right to be more positive and there really is no need to be quite so derisive of and superior to those who can still enjoy the match and/or match-day generally. Doesnt mean we're wearing rose-tinted glasses or lying and may well be moaning and groaning ourselves if the team doesnt gel, and we're abject with no sign of improvement in in the next 2-3 months but I dont expect to be watching prime Barcelona at this point. 
  23. Like
    CBRammette got a reaction from Ewe Ram in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    I enjoyed it. I enjoyed seeing the new players for the first time live/seeing how they worked together or didnt, I enjoyed seeing Nyambe back, I enjoyed seeing Fozzy being Fozzy, I enjoyed seeing Tommo going from being shaky to finding his feet to scoring a great goal, I enjoyed watching the Chesterfield fans having fun, I enjoyed simple things like how totally chuffed the ball boy was when NML ruffled his hair, I enjoyed the, albeit brief, flashes of how this team could play when they settle, I enjoyed the precious 5 hours there and back in the car with my youngest son, and chatting and laughing with him during the game ahead of him going to Uni, I enjoyed just being back in Pride Park after the summer, and I enjoyed watching and supporting the frustrating team my dad did through thick and thin a couple of weeks after he died. 
    I am not being positive for the sake of it, I am not lying but do appreciate that we're on a rebuild and am willing to see where it goes this season and enjoy being at PP for what it is and what it means. Some fans seem to be determined to have a downer on absolutely everything and everyone from the very very start of the season which is their right. But others have the right to be more positive and there really is no need to be quite so derisive of and superior to those who can still enjoy the match and/or match-day generally. Doesnt mean we're wearing rose-tinted glasses or lying and may well be moaning and groaning ourselves if the team doesnt gel, and we're abject with no sign of improvement in in the next 2-3 months but I dont expect to be watching prime Barcelona at this point. 
  24. Clap
    CBRammette got a reaction from Tamworthram in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    I enjoyed it. I enjoyed seeing the new players for the first time live/seeing how they worked together or didnt, I enjoyed seeing Nyambe back, I enjoyed seeing Fozzy being Fozzy, I enjoyed seeing Tommo going from being shaky to finding his feet to scoring a great goal, I enjoyed watching the Chesterfield fans having fun, I enjoyed simple things like how totally chuffed the ball boy was when NML ruffled his hair, I enjoyed the, albeit brief, flashes of how this team could play when they settle, I enjoyed the precious 5 hours there and back in the car with my youngest son, and chatting and laughing with him during the game ahead of him going to Uni, I enjoyed just being back in Pride Park after the summer, and I enjoyed watching and supporting the frustrating team my dad did through thick and thin a couple of weeks after he died. 
    I am not being positive for the sake of it, I am not lying but do appreciate that we're on a rebuild and am willing to see where it goes this season and enjoy being at PP for what it is and what it means. Some fans seem to be determined to have a downer on absolutely everything and everyone from the very very start of the season which is their right. But others have the right to be more positive and there really is no need to be quite so derisive of and superior to those who can still enjoy the match and/or match-day generally. Doesnt mean we're wearing rose-tinted glasses or lying and may well be moaning and groaning ourselves if the team doesnt gel, and we're abject with no sign of improvement in in the next 2-3 months but I dont expect to be watching prime Barcelona at this point. 
  25. Like
    CBRammette got a reaction from Indyram in Vs Chesterfield (H) Match Thread   
    I enjoyed it. I enjoyed seeing the new players for the first time live/seeing how they worked together or didnt, I enjoyed seeing Nyambe back, I enjoyed seeing Fozzy being Fozzy, I enjoyed seeing Tommo going from being shaky to finding his feet to scoring a great goal, I enjoyed watching the Chesterfield fans having fun, I enjoyed simple things like how totally chuffed the ball boy was when NML ruffled his hair, I enjoyed the, albeit brief, flashes of how this team could play when they settle, I enjoyed the precious 5 hours there and back in the car with my youngest son, and chatting and laughing with him during the game ahead of him going to Uni, I enjoyed just being back in Pride Park after the summer, and I enjoyed watching and supporting the frustrating team my dad did through thick and thin a couple of weeks after he died. 
    I am not being positive for the sake of it, I am not lying but do appreciate that we're on a rebuild and am willing to see where it goes this season and enjoy being at PP for what it is and what it means. Some fans seem to be determined to have a downer on absolutely everything and everyone from the very very start of the season which is their right. But others have the right to be more positive and there really is no need to be quite so derisive of and superior to those who can still enjoy the match and/or match-day generally. Doesnt mean we're wearing rose-tinted glasses or lying and may well be moaning and groaning ourselves if the team doesnt gel, and we're abject with no sign of improvement in in the next 2-3 months but I dont expect to be watching prime Barcelona at this point. 
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