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  1. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Ewe Ram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Here is the Parliamentary Committees response to Bury's collapse
    So recommending an independent regulation and licensing system.

    Penalties for individuals not for clubs. Warnings to EFL not to repeat their failings of Bury.
    Yet no sign yet of EFL learning from their mistakes is there?
    If it happens again there will be no second chances for EFL they wil be replaced as regulator for sure.  
  2. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from jono in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Your analysis is wrong logically and in law. If the answer to 1) is No then how could the EFL claim we were a basket case going into the pandemic? We may have been weak but we would have survived financially if the pandemic hadn't happened and that is the proper legal test.
  3. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from jono in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    In my view saying the owner ran out of funds and that is why you went into administration is a tautology. The administrators I guess could say he had no choice .. if debts are mounting what else can an owner do? he's already getting slagged off for letting the HMRC debt build up, so maybe he should have done it sooner?. 
    Wigan's owner was not a benefactor.. he gave up after a few weeks.
  4. Cheers
    PistoldPete got a reaction from kevinhectoring in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    I don't think its pedantic to resist a claim against me for a £10,000,0000 million bet that I never agreed to! Hardly a minor detail is it? and even if i had agreed to the bet I would be looking for every loophole I could to get out of it.  
  5. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Here is the Parliamentary Committees response to Bury's collapse
    So recommending an independent regulation and licensing system.

    Penalties for individuals not for clubs. Warnings to EFL not to repeat their failings of Bury.
    Yet no sign yet of EFL learning from their mistakes is there?
    If it happens again there will be no second chances for EFL they wil be replaced as regulator for sure.  
  6. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Crewton in Mel Morris fan club   
    Ok thanks for the answer . In short you say he can afford to pay from his own pocket and so he should. If you are right on that I would agree with you.
    but others have said he has borrowed heavily and gambled with our future. If he has so much money why would he need to borrow?
    the truth is right now we do not know. Which is why I am reserving judgement . I think the truth will be out there very soon. 
  7. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Miggins in Mel Morris fan club   
    I think this quetsion has been asked a few times. Morris answered it on radio Derby. First off,  no other club in the EFL has lost such an amount of revenue , amounting to two thirds of our revenue.  That's due to the size of our fanbase and also the fact that we do not get parachute money which income was largely unaffected by COVID/ lockdown.
    Other clubs got loans arranged by EFL (which Derby were deemed inelgible for). 
    And of course some other clubs like Stoke have much wealthier owners. We are not the first club in administration nor the first to use COVID as a defence (Wigan did both).  Their defence (which lost) was less worthy in my view.  
    There is no doubt that Derby's historic over spending was a factor of course if Mel had been saving more for a rainy day this may never have happened. But as i've said many times, that is a contributory factor not a cause.
  8. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from San Fran Van Rams in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well that's exactly it David. The EFL is not independent, it is mob rule.
    I posted what Ridsdale was saying a few months back saying nobody should get a loan, especially clubs who have overspent, because preston were doing fine with  their sadly now ex owner.
    I mean Ridsdale for Gods sake! of all people!
    This is why Derby fans like me cannot take being lectutured to about our club being punished to "maintain the integrity " of the League.
    It is pure hypocrisy.
  9. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from San Fran Van Rams in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Maguire accused an auditor of not being independent because he was a rams fan. 
    did he provide any evidence  that the auditors work was impacted in anyway by the fact if being a rams fan. No he didn’t. 
    I have heard a lot of quotes from maguire and I have never heard him criticise Efl. Other commentators have. Nixon has. Samuel at the mail has. Parliament has.
    how come maguire never does. To me he is obviously biased that is my opinion and I am not the only one who thinks that. 
    it is a fact that maguire and parry worked together. I am not passing on anything as fact that this is only opinion.
  10. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Andicis in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    It isn't conjecture. It is a fact. The two have had shared vested interest in people signing up for their courses at the same  business school .  Maguire is not independent of EFL, he peddles their agenda all the time.
    By no means are EFL the sole cause of our problems. And by no means has Mel Morris not made multiple errors.
    But our ultimate fate our very existence as a club rests with the EFL (and to some extent the forbearance of mel Morris as a creditor). EFL  have within their power to banish us from the League.
    If they succeed they will claim a weird distorred moral argument that they have to punish us (all of us every Rams fan, and sorry for questioning if you were Leeds but it wasn't clear)  for the allegedly self inflicted actions. to maintain their "integrity" of the League (no really).
    And no I do no trust EFL  one bit, and unless he proves me wrong, i still trust Morris to save us now if he can.   So no I'm not keen to slag him off right now.
  11. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Andicis in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well that's exactly it David. The EFL is not independent, it is mob rule.
    I posted what Ridsdale was saying a few months back saying nobody should get a loan, especially clubs who have overspent, because preston were doing fine with  their sadly now ex owner.
    I mean Ridsdale for Gods sake! of all people!
    This is why Derby fans like me cannot take being lectutured to about our club being punished to "maintain the integrity " of the League.
    It is pure hypocrisy.
  12. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Kathcairns in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well that's exactly it David. The EFL is not independent, it is mob rule.
    I posted what Ridsdale was saying a few months back saying nobody should get a loan, especially clubs who have overspent, because preston were doing fine with  their sadly now ex owner.
    I mean Ridsdale for Gods sake! of all people!
    This is why Derby fans like me cannot take being lectutured to about our club being punished to "maintain the integrity " of the League.
    It is pure hypocrisy.
  13. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Kathcairns in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Efl issued statements implying Derby were not eligible due to being under suspicion of rule breaches. Then later said we didn’t apply. Why would we apply for a loan if we weren’t eligible ?
  14. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel Morris fan club   
    We were a long way from profitability or sutanainability in 2015-16. Just saying we have made net transfer profits since then. Wages were still a problem for years after that,and debts were piling up , so we owed loads of money.. to Mel Morris. But his "soft loans" are not the problem. It's the debt to MSD and to HMRC that are the problems and they have accrued since lockdown. 
  15. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Kathcairns in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Maguire accused an auditor of not being independent because he was a rams fan. 
    did he provide any evidence  that the auditors work was impacted in anyway by the fact if being a rams fan. No he didn’t. 
    I have heard a lot of quotes from maguire and I have never heard him criticise Efl. Other commentators have. Nixon has. Samuel at the mail has. Parliament has.
    how come maguire never does. To me he is obviously biased that is my opinion and I am not the only one who thinks that. 
    it is a fact that maguire and parry worked together. I am not passing on anything as fact that this is only opinion.
  16. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Kathcairns in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well we went into admin after Lionel Pickering left, and then came the 3 amigos. Lionel was a decent man just a a bit stubborn and he left us in state too. I don’t think he had to deal with a pandemic either. 

    of course maguire has a vested interest . He has books to sell podcasts he wants people to listen to. He wants a story. That story will be a big one if it leads to the biggest financial failure in English football history and he has a vested interest in that .
  17. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Kathcairns in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    I think you distort what i say just a tad. 
    EFL and Maguire are not independent. That's all there is. Maguire isnt going to slag them off and hasn't ever. He slags Derby and Morris off a lot. It isn't balanced at all. On the facts he is wrong more often than he is right.
    If you read my posts you will see that I am not all uncritical of Mel Morris. He has made many many mistakes.  So do many football Charirmen by the way.
  18. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Kathcairns in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    It isn't conjecture. It is a fact. The two have had shared vested interest in people signing up for their courses at the same  business school .  Maguire is not independent of EFL, he peddles their agenda all the time.
    By no means are EFL the sole cause of our problems. And by no means has Mel Morris not made multiple errors.
    But our ultimate fate our very existence as a club rests with the EFL (and to some extent the forbearance of mel Morris as a creditor). EFL  have within their power to banish us from the League.
    If they succeed they will claim a weird distorred moral argument that they have to punish us (all of us every Rams fan, and sorry for questioning if you were Leeds but it wasn't clear)  for the allegedly self inflicted actions. to maintain their "integrity" of the League (no really).
    And no I do no trust EFL  one bit, and unless he proves me wrong, i still trust Morris to save us now if he can.   So no I'm not keen to slag him off right now.
  19. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Kathcairns in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    As I've posted elswehere Maguire is a known work assiociate of Rick Parry , so his views on Derby's battles with EFL will always be indintinguishable from theirs, he will always side wth them. So no he is not objective or reasonable in his views.
    On the stadium sale how come Derby were the only ones challenged on valuation? Why were Villa and Hillsborough valuations not challenged. They were lower than Derby's but that's because their stadiums are much older.
    Strange how the world's experts in accounting depreciation did not twig that Villa Park had depreciated by a lot more than Pride Park on account of it being about 50 years older. Duh!   
  20. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Indy in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Ok. Well let's see. I think Derby's case is much stronger than Wigan's but of course I am biased. 
  21. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Derby4Me in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Neither have been forgotten about and are still ongoing issues. Bury in particular will prove terminal for EFL. 
  22. COYR
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Some people call full stops points.Which are also useful , you may find some day.  
  23. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from GB SPORTS in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well that's exactly it David. The EFL is not independent, it is mob rule.
    I posted what Ridsdale was saying a few months back saying nobody should get a loan, especially clubs who have overspent, because preston were doing fine with  their sadly now ex owner.
    I mean Ridsdale for Gods sake! of all people!
    This is why Derby fans like me cannot take being lectutured to about our club being punished to "maintain the integrity " of the League.
    It is pure hypocrisy.
  24. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Derby4Me in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well that's exactly it David. The EFL is not independent, it is mob rule.
    I posted what Ridsdale was saying a few months back saying nobody should get a loan, especially clubs who have overspent, because preston were doing fine with  their sadly now ex owner.
    I mean Ridsdale for Gods sake! of all people!
    This is why Derby fans like me cannot take being lectutured to about our club being punished to "maintain the integrity " of the League.
    It is pure hypocrisy.
  25. Clap
    PistoldPete reacted to Foreveram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    So your right and I’m wrong and I’m not allowed an opinion. I didn’t say I agree with everything the club does or every decision the owner takes , but if you support the club you do so in the bad times as well as the good not just when it suits you. It’s a bit like having kids. I along with 3000 or so other fans will be cheering the team on at Coventry tomorrow regardless , trying to keep them in this division. Like I said that’s my opinion, I didn’t rubbish yours .
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