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Posts posted by ViewsFromTheMiddle

  1. 3 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Although the maths in the film isn't perfect, it's reasonably coherent and one of the cleverest ideas they come up with. Basically (and true to real-life) an hour of real time is the equivalent of 12-20 hours dreaming (20 if you have a strong sedative like the guy is able to prepare). And in the next level of dreaming this is multiplied so an hour in real life will be between 144 and 400 hours of dream time. And so on. Your question gets it the wrong way around. They have to do everything during the flight to America, but by the time Cobb is rescuing old man Saito from "limbo" at the end it's right that Saito would have lived decades down there and Cobb would have had time to bring him out.

    Either in reality Cobb knows Yusef is a good chemist and has to go to wherever it is (Morococo?) to hire him or it's Cobb's overall dream state and he finds himself there when he needs the good chemist.

    I think the film would have been dull if they explained how people get into each other's dreams. They show a device that they hook themselves up to and for that you have to suspend your disbelief and accept that this is possible.

    In the film, the different levels are parts of different people's dreams. My personal interpretation was the entire film is set within an overall dream of Cobb's, but he refuses to acknowledge he's dreaming. His wife has killed herself to wake up, but he doesn't think it's a dream so he can't dream he's not being chased. But if you take the initial level as reality, the dream levels go:

    1. Van chase - chemist Yusef's
    2. Hotel - Arthur
    3. Snow fortress - Eames (the forger)
    4. Cobb's and his wife's dream world - Cobb
    5. Limbo - a shared state

    The absence of gravity from the truck falling has a clever impact on the next dream down in the hotel. It makes sense to me that this happens, though I can see inconsistencies in that it doesn't affect the further down dream levels. The Nolan brothers would probably argue the effect is localized. Though I accept the kick of van hitting water and lift hitting the ground feed through the other levels.

    All thoughtful questions. My answers may be rubbish or unsatsfying but it's important to me that there is a logical consistency to these things so I enjoy thinking about it. Onward! I have premieres of Downsizing and How to Talk to Girls at Parties coming up in a couple of weeks so look forward to posting about those.

    Is that good or bad?

    Bad :lol: I saw it when it came out at the cinema, didn't enjoy it then but might rewatch and see if my opinion will change.

  2. 56 minutes ago, EastHertsRam said:

    My wife's just been and had a hair do, it was very long and she fancied a radical change, I've just got to go and pick her up now and if I don't say I love it, she'll have the hump all day.

    I know she'll say " What do you think"? But if I don't say what she wants to hear,  there will be no pleasing me. 

    So, people who ask your opinion but expect your answer to be what they want to hear is something that annoys me.

    Same with when someone asks if you think they've lost weight.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Luke said:

    Can whoever is paying the main commentator to use the phrase "master-blaster" to describe a shot at least once per game, please stop?

    This. Couldn't believe it when he used it again last night.

  4. Just now, SaintRam said:

    Take it into the match chat, its a good point, should be discussed.

    We don't want to fill this thread with mumbling tho as the club reads it for feedback.

    My bad was meant to post it in matchday thread 

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