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Everything posted by FindernRam

  1. Similar for me, although the screen is on in my "office" (computer game room). Only use is when the little light goes orange which tells me the kettle is on for a cuppa.
  2. If he wants somebody bad enough he should follow them on holiday to make his case. The great Brian Clough would have done!
  3. Same here. I am doing a National Parks tour soon and look forward to making more new friends.
  4. The old adage still applies for all but the big 5 or 6: How to make a small fortune. Start with a large one and buy/invest in a football club. A Swedish group has bought Burton Albion. What do they get out of it? Unless losses are tax deductible what does any outside investor hope to gain? DC did it for love and the same for Robinson at Burton. These people are as rare as the Dodo these days.
  5. Its deliberate to avoid fans having to travel too far. There are apparently lots of considerations that go into the fixture list. Its not just "computer says!". I don't think clubs have too much say in it but can make requests.
  6. Update on my "another one bites the dust" thread. Torquay have new owners a new manager AND have taken Neil Warnock on as a Director. Torquay was his first management job before moving on an up.
  7. Apparently the viewing figures were down 23% on last year. Not a surprise to me.
  8. Is there no statto on here who can produce some comparative facts of sending offs over the years for us v other teams. I don't count yellow cards as these are for blowing your nose wrong these days.
  9. We play in white shirts because we are as pure as the driven snow. Any fouls given against us, yellow or red cards, are down to incompetent officials or cheating by the opposition.
  10. Every time there are proposal to limit spending, redistribute wealth, introduce external governance etc, the PL and FA publicity machines go into overdrive. Message is this is the best league in the world and we spend so much to keep it that way so hands off! Is it the best any more? Our so called best teams are failing in the European competitions to the extent that Germany now has the extra spot in the Champions League. Financial management of teams ranges from incompetent to rule bending that borders on illegal. VAR whilst of good intent is a time wasting joke the way we use it. The football is full of diving, fake injuries and boring tactics. Our teams are stuffed full of foreign players of dubious quality and starving home grown players the opportunity to develop and enhance the national teams. I'm also convinced that skill levels are poorer than they have been for years. Misplaced passes, bad headers, ridiculous shots way off target.
  11. Reminds me of a flight to Salzburg many years ago when female pilots were rare. We had a pleasant uneventful trip and were walking across to the terminal. We were pretty much last off. Missus says to me : " Don't you worry about flying with lady Pilots?" Me: "No , they have same training, more risk averse, so I'm fine!" Then I have to add: " As long as there's a male co-pilot to hold the map the right way up!" Female voice right behind me. The pilot: "We don't use maps any more sir! We can't trust the men to fold them up properly!" She was smiling!
  12. I find some of this debate a bit demeaning to PW. This is the guy who negotiated himself a 4 year contract with a very clever business man! He then took over the football at a club that was almost dead, with very limited resource and in 2 seasons got us up. Look at that record as an unbiased outsider and you see a very sharp cookie. I'm sure if he wants an extension he will know just when to ask, equally DC will offer one when the time is right.
  13. Bit disappointed my team did better than me! Mid Div 1. Need a big bobble hat for next year.
  14. We all want to be entertained but we probably all have different definitions: I find the 50 yard defence splitting pass collected with one touch a thing of great beauty. Others detest the tactical naivety. But for any supporter I think it depends where you are in the league. If you want to avoid relegation any point will do, no matter how you get it. If you want promotion ditto. The points are the important thing. Only if you have nothing to play for do your priorities shift to being entertained. On Saturday grind out a 3 goal lead and then and only then start to party carefully---Man U Coventry!
  15. Just to put some facts in place here. Derby have a pass accuracy of 75% on a good day. That means we have a less than even chance of stringing 3 passes together. To get ten the odds are about 1 in 20 attempts. We average 200 passes a game so once a game we may get 10 passes completed. The odds against 50 is 1 in 2million. Even top teams say 90% accuracy will only achieve 10 passes about a third of the time.
  16. That if you kissed a girl with braces you got blisters on your tongue. Who knew they meant on her teeth?
  17. Frish and others where the "even clean under the rim" . Who cares I don't touch or look or smell under the rim..Leave them germs alone!
  18. What are the ads that really get to you in a bad way? Some starters: Gala Bingo during The Chase: Un-funny the first time dull after the 100th. EMR: ditto Make up ads quoting some wonder chemical: What is Hyloranic acid or peptide? Holiday ad showing empty beaches or pools
  19. P.S before you ask for evidence I can't remember specifics apart from Reading for the play-offs but I sat through 50 years of last home games and remember a feeling of dread boredom almost every time.
  20. Historically Derby are bad at handling end of season pressure so I'm not optimistic until either Bolton screw up or the final whistle blows on the last day. On the bright side we are top scorers in the league and have Mr Motivator as a manager so there is hope
  21. Newcastle run out to it at home games. There is a 9 minute version called guitar heroes (99p) download with 60ish different guitarists profits to charity.
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