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Tony Le Mesmer

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    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Inglorius in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Thanks for your thoughts, at least now I have some understanding I can maybe find a little closure. I have a lot of your similar traits I find it difficult to maintain social or trivial chit chat and have just lost many friends or contacts through my life just down to lack of motivation or effort on my part. Thanks again for your wishes.
  2. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from EssendonRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Exactly my position Inglorious. I am high functioning and diagnosed recently although I've managed to live a reasonably 'normal' life up to now having a partner and kid who aren't on the spectrum. I find I have a tendency to think that whatever I think or say then i'm right and everyone else is wrong but i'm learning to accept that others have other opinions that are equally as valid. I also have a strong desire to see people who commit the most innocuous of 'crimes' such as parking in a disabled bay when they aren't disabled told about it and punished. It's just something that drives me. If it's wrong then it's wrong and often with the unfathomable behaviour of many other people, day to day life is tricky as i'm always getting annoyed at people who don't do the right thing and I've been in scuffles and arguments about this with strangers many times.
    At times you do feel like you don't belong on earth and you are a complete different species and something that makes perfect sense to you doesn't seem so clear cut to others not on the spectrum and it is frustrating. I don't avoid human contact but I do prefer either people who pretty much think and act like me or people who basically just don't annoy me. I'm pretty judgemental which means I haven't really made as many close friends as I could have over my 20 years of working. If someone is into enough stuff that I find trivial then I cannot get past pleasantries. It's tough but learning all the time.
    Chin up mate. Just gotta keep plodding along with it, managing and trying to push yourself as much as you can.
  3. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from 2tups in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Exactly my position Inglorious. I am high functioning and diagnosed recently although I've managed to live a reasonably 'normal' life up to now having a partner and kid who aren't on the spectrum. I find I have a tendency to think that whatever I think or say then i'm right and everyone else is wrong but i'm learning to accept that others have other opinions that are equally as valid. I also have a strong desire to see people who commit the most innocuous of 'crimes' such as parking in a disabled bay when they aren't disabled told about it and punished. It's just something that drives me. If it's wrong then it's wrong and often with the unfathomable behaviour of many other people, day to day life is tricky as i'm always getting annoyed at people who don't do the right thing and I've been in scuffles and arguments about this with strangers many times.
    At times you do feel like you don't belong on earth and you are a complete different species and something that makes perfect sense to you doesn't seem so clear cut to others not on the spectrum and it is frustrating. I don't avoid human contact but I do prefer either people who pretty much think and act like me or people who basically just don't annoy me. I'm pretty judgemental which means I haven't really made as many close friends as I could have over my 20 years of working. If someone is into enough stuff that I find trivial then I cannot get past pleasantries. It's tough but learning all the time.
    Chin up mate. Just gotta keep plodding along with it, managing and trying to push yourself as much as you can.
  4. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Inglorius in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I've recently been diagnosed with having Aspergers Syndrome which is a form of autism, I am still coming to terms with accepting this and found it even more difficult to cope with the diagnosis given that the clinical psychologist who diagnosed me said there is basically no cure as such and that it was just about managing the condition. He gave me a list of contact groups whom became apparent that they were all geared around autism in children not for a middle aged adult like myself and then referred me back to my GP whose knowledge of the subject was cursory. 
    I asked to be referred to a CBT whom discharged me after a few sessions as she said there was nothing she could help me with, it seems that there are no contact or help groups for adults with autism I have a moderate condition on the autism spectrum which means I can function at a level on a day to day basis unlike some sufferers but still has a huge impact on my existence for example avoiding human contact, having little or no appetite to do anything, like depression which I have also suffered from, it can be very debilitating.
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    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from RamuelLJackson in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I have CFS so know what you mean Paul. I think partly it's psychosomatic for sure in the case of ME/CFS but it is a real medical issue that is unrecognised. If I do some exercise or gardening then the day after I can barely move. Most days I wake up in the morning having had plenty of sleep but tumble out of bed feeling like I've just run a marathon. My legs hurt all the time, my head is groggy, I get viruses and things at least every 3 months which in turn impacts on your health and state of mind as it would.
    Some days you are pretty ok and others you can hardly function and it's also the unpredictability of this that means planning for things is an impossibility. I've been on holiday before and spent large parts laid up. I have to cancel things or rearrange last minute depends on how i'm feeling and work since it got bad the last 5 years working has been tough as I have to work from home because I was off ill frequently in other employment.
    Going to football also is a long day. Some people can just rock out of bed, get ready and head off out on the train with mates for a few beers and a bite to eat then head off down the iPro and have a great day out. I have to push through severe fatigue, plan the day which in turn causes stress and anxiety which exhausts your adrenal system and makes you even more tired, then there is the drive to Derby and the hassle of finding somewhere to park, then the sheer number of people you face milling about at the ground which can send your senses a bit awry. To be honest the easiest part is just to be sat down in my seat and then I can relax a bit for 90 minutes.
    The way we think about things, whether we worry or have anxiety about things gradually takes it's toll on your health and it's incredible just how the manner in which you react to set backs and situations over many years can have such a profound detrimental impact on your way of life.
    I feel for Paul as I haven't got the medical issues that he has and mine probably pale into insignificance when compared but in terms of chronic fatigue and one day looking ok to people, I completely agree. It's a challenge every single day.
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    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Ewe Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I agree. But I'm a pacifist and don't like confrontation 
  7. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to jono in I'm hiding in here tonight   
    Oh it's just game, I am not that bothered, the world is going round, the sun will still rise. All will be well
    b*gg*r cra* ars*holes .. (Sounds of crockery being thrown etc etc )
  8. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from Pearl Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Russ Abbott.
    Not seen him for 20 years and he still annoys the hell out of me.........
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    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Pearl Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Dianne Abbott. 
  10. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Muskination in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Or driver's that turn in to a lane that's turning off, and then indicate when they're in it! It's too fncking late now, it's called an indicator to indicate where you're going, not where you are!
  11. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from Ewe Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    you're waiting in a queue for ages and the women in front of you finally gets served and when it comes to pay they take 5 minutes trying to find the purse in the bag, then getting it out, then opening it up, then faffing with change, then counting it, then dropping some, then picking it up, then counting it again, then finally handing it over.
    Having the money ready might be a good idea for the sanity of the rest of us.
  12. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from WhiteHorseRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    A Skinner Box for adults. Click and you will be 'rewarded' with more pointless inanity.
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    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to WhiteHorseRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    It's the equivalent of the lab experiment where the feeder drops a peanut to the mouse if it goes the right way in the maze.
  14. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from WhiteHorseRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    you're waiting in a queue for ages and the women in front of you finally gets served and when it comes to pay they take 5 minutes trying to find the purse in the bag, then getting it out, then opening it up, then faffing with change, then counting it, then dropping some, then picking it up, then counting it again, then finally handing it over.
    Having the money ready might be a good idea for the sanity of the rest of us.
  15. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from GboroRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    you're waiting in a queue for ages and the women in front of you finally gets served and when it comes to pay they take 5 minutes trying to find the purse in the bag, then getting it out, then opening it up, then faffing with change, then counting it, then dropping some, then picking it up, then counting it again, then finally handing it over.
    Having the money ready might be a good idea for the sanity of the rest of us.
  16. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from Mostyn6 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Totally agree. "What this actress looks like now will blow your mind!" , "What she wore will blow your mind!" , "What happened next to this man when he caught a bus will blow your mind!".
    The people that click on this stuff scare the bejeesus out of me. To have so few neurons is frightening and in actual fact they should be found and kept away from society.
    The time when I become unable to sleep until I've seen what Kelly McGillis from Top Gun looks like 25 or so years on is the time to seek urgent psychiatric help.
  17. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from jono in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Nasal air and ear hair. Discover it for the first time and then you know your years are advancing.
  18. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from Bridgford Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Totally agree. "What this actress looks like now will blow your mind!" , "What she wore will blow your mind!" , "What happened next to this man when he caught a bus will blow your mind!".
    The people that click on this stuff scare the bejeesus out of me. To have so few neurons is frightening and in actual fact they should be found and kept away from society.
    The time when I become unable to sleep until I've seen what Kelly McGillis from Top Gun looks like 25 or so years on is the time to seek urgent psychiatric help.
  19. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Bridgford Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    This must have been covered but just in case - I really hate the clickbait adds you get on all sites now with headlines like, 'She didn't know why the crowd were still cheering', 'The cameraman didn't expect to see that', '76 historical photos you won't believe' or 'Derby County close to signing...'
    I am no expert in Google rankings but I am sure that these adds probably do more damage for the sites than benefit.
  20. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Ewe Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    That's useful thanks! I have been known to get a tissue and pretend to blow my nose. This morning a woman at the gym had obviously eaten 3 ton of garlic and I had to move treadmills 
  21. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from i-Ram in January Transfer Suggestion Thread   
    Too lightweight from what I've seen. A better bet would be Aiden O'Brien from Millwall. He's physically robust, can hold the ball up and a great header of the ball and also is starting to score goals now and I think he's finally maturing and beginning to find his feet. He would give our attack something different if we are to go for another striker. He's a talent and could be a wild card in the Chris Martin mould.
    He's been floated around the lower leagues where he found it tough to get to grips with the hurly burly for such a young lad but it's been great experience for him.  I saw him at Torquay and Aldershot where he was on loan and was impressed with his all round play and attitude despite both clubs actually ending up being relegated to the conference. It's no surprise he's trained on now and starting to score for Millwall in league 1.
    He's an Irish U21 international and has scored a few for them.
    Bogle is just quick and scores the odd goal. His career IMO is extremely limited. He's dangerous at league 2 level but if he makes it any higher than league 1 in his career i'd be amazed. Like him though. Great name too!
  22. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from bigbadbob in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Nasal air and ear hair. Discover it for the first time and then you know your years are advancing.
  23. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Rev in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    When your barber first offers to trim your eyebrows is another unwelcome sign.
  24. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from Rev in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Nasal air and ear hair. Discover it for the first time and then you know your years are advancing.
  25. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from WhiteHorseRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Nasal air and ear hair. Discover it for the first time and then you know your years are advancing.
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