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Posts posted by De22Ram

  1. Aint payed for it but seen the results! Brick top cleaned up 🙈! Im all for boxing trying to appeal to more fans and create good fight cards etc but im not sure about making it about the promoters, doesnt sit right, eddie and frank looking all smug doing interviews like its all about them! Hows about the promoters put some gloves on and get in the ring! That id pay to see that 🤔!!

  2. 2 hours ago, The_Sheriff said:

    Makes you wonder 2 things which i think it's possibly abit of both. I believe vantage point can have a big effect, maybe it felt Taylor was connecting more then he actually was as let's face it tv shows close up punch by punch then live viewing.

    Secondly I feel when we watch on TV we are heavily influenced even unconsciously by the commentary, such as saying its a good round for x he's ticking these off.  When if you watch without commentary you may not come to the same conclusion.


    Spot on that! 

  3. Those score cards were a bit off for me! Good fight, wouldnt mind seeing a third! Its tough with judges tho aint it because it depends what they like! Some favour the aggressor, some favour the defensive boxer not getting hit, then you throw in which angle they see it from, plus if the crowd cheer for certain punches etc! 

  4. 49 minutes ago, superfit said:

    Some good points. 

    Thing is spending £150m to survive in the Premier League is no longer ‘bonkers’ considering the rewards. It’s loose change in the grand scheme of things. 

    I used to argue about about where football is heading with someone on another forum some years ago. They argued football clubs are a rich man’s play thing but their not, football clubs simply reflect big business and that’s big money. 

    Some interesting numbers to consider. the Man City owners have invested around £1.8b to date in the club, most of that money has been already recouped through selling shares to other investors whilst still maintaining control of the club. According to Forbes the club is worth in excess of £4b. So if the club spends £400m on defenders that don’t work so what? 

    However these numbers pale into insignificance to the billions that have poured into Dubai in the form of foreign investments of the back of the owners links to Man City. 

    Even clubs such as West Ham that are in size very similar to Derby County are now valued at £1b and Ipswich Town were purchased by American ORG investment fund for £40m whilst being 7th in League One in 2021. With £17m used to clear the clubs debts after Marcus Evans agreed to waive £83m in loans making the club debt free. 

    In the last few months the club has received a further investment of £105m from Gamechanger 20 for a 40% stake in the club reducing ORG’s stake from 90% down to 50% valuing the club at £250m and that valuation was before the clubs promotion to the Premier League!

    I can see within the next 5-10 years the Champions League expanding even further into a Super League and the Premier League reducing in numbers with Championship following suit and becoming the closed shop that you fear. 

    So talk about about sustainability and stuff may be a romantic way of looking at things and nobody wants to go down the road we’ve been on over the last few years but without serious investment we are at best going to be lower Championship League club. If people are happy with that then that’s fair enough but that’s not for me. 

    I think the problem with it is it will ruin competition in the game! On the pitch! Thats the "product" people want and pay for which drives the business!

    Like a european super league, maybe im wrong but to me the reason Liverpool v real madrid is appealing is because it doesnt happen that often so when it does it makes for a great sporting event! If the big european clubs play each other all the time the magic goes! The "product" isnt as valuable!

    Same with if man city win the prem for the next 10 years! Etc, etc! 

    To me all this big business and big money is just short term thinking and it will burst, because the powers that be forget what makes this game great and that is the competition, the actual football! The more that gets erroded away by money and unfair playing fields eventually people wont enjoy it and stop paying for it!

  5. 46 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    I agree with what you are saying . I would have to ask the question - without the handouts from the Prem . Would the best players in the Championship , have to go abroad to get better wages ? ( I also think good Championship players have now become just bench- warmers in the Prem)

    Yeah probably! I think the agents are a massive problem in the modern game tho! They drive up wages and transfer fees! I dont mind footballers having someone to look out for there interests but some of the cuts agents get to make a deal is crazy and its just common sense for them to engineer moves for players so they get there cuts! 

    I know this is all pie in the sky thinking lol but in an ideal world fifa would run the world of football equally and the money would be devided around countrys and leagues evenly so you have a truley fair playing field! 

    The premier league is bot just ruining english football, it will eventually, if it carrys on as it is, ruin european football aswell! More so than it already is!

  6. Its just madness the money and the way the prem clubs are run! I hate the bussiness side of football! I dont see how clubs can really compete unless they go into big debts! 

    The prem just want to turn it all into a franchise and open shops all around the world and sell merchandise for the so called "big" clubs to get even more money!

    They moan theres too many games but f off for tours during the winter beak! They get rid of the fa cup replays but newcastle and tottenham do a 24 hour flight to oz a week after the season finishes to do a tour! Drives me mad 😡🤬😤

    I hated the idea of a european super league when it was floated a few years ago but the more i think about it the more its growing on me! Take the franchise clubs and f off on your european greed train and let the proper clubs sort out a proper league where footballs run sustainably! 

  7. I dont see us as mid table! I see it as anything but relegation this first season! Im all for ambition but my worry is this first season will not be pretty, itll be about surviving and building for the following season! Dont want some fans to start booing after a few games because they think we should be mid table and were sitting in the relegation zone 🙈

  8. What a fight! Thought fury should have got usyk out of there when he had the chance! When i saw furys ring walk i was worried about how he would perform, he looked p#ssd, dont like it when he messes around and showboats, i know some boxers do it to gain confidence and control there nerves but never like seeing it! Prefer the spartan march to the ring kind of fury i thought wed see not the "this is going to be easy" fury!

    Did not see usyk turning it round like he did, what a boxer! I had him up by the end of the fight! Ref should have stopped it in the 9th imo, not sure what the ref was doing!

    All in all great fight, great undercard, shocking atmosphere, hate the whole saudi thing! 

    Massive credit to usyk but i think fury blew it, he should have and could have got him out by the 8th if he hadnt been so cocky and played with him rather than go in for the finish, think he buzzed him later on too but just stood off him! Rematch is a tricky one, usyks quality and i wonder if with 12 rounds of knowledge behind him he has furys number now! Fury might havd missed his chance!

  9. Buffer read out usyks weight wrong! Hes 223 so only 2lbs up from his last fight 🙄

    The more im thinking about it fury might just come out and try and steam roll him early!

  10. 13 hours ago, CWC1983 said:

    I just can't get excited about this fight and I reckon its because its in Saudi. No atmosphere, everyone showing off their wealth etc. 

    No doubt I'll warm to it tomorrow night but it's passing me by at the moment. 

    Yeah it is like a cheesy disco with all the music 🙈 cringy af them all arse licking! I love the actual boxing but hate, with a passion the politics etc! Like football really, like the game hate the money etc!

  11. Usyk doesnt see round 9 in my opinion! Usyk is a quality boxer tho but i think furys just too big and is a clever boxer with a high ring IQ who knows how to use his attributes! Think fury will box smart first few rounds beind the jab to rack up the points then put his foot down with that kronk style and smash him up later on! Usyks late 30s and has come in heavier than usual so id imagine he will tire with his style later in the fight!

    Mad that sugarhills uncle was lennoxs trainer last time the division was unified!

    Like Alpha said the undercard is quality, i dont get to watch much pro boxing as dont usually like to pay unless a big fight and i find it hard to get a quality version on you tube after! Looking forward to watching moses itauma tonight!


  12. 9 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    I know what you mean, a good big 'un always beats a good small 'un. Usyk is six inches shorter, over two stone lighter and giving up seven inches of reach. Which makes you think Fury has it. But Usyk can fight southpaw, will be the faster puncher to score and has beaten fighters of (nearly) Fury's size. Anyone who tells you they know how this is going to end is lying, to you and to themselves.

    Yeah, you never truly know how a fight will go, specially heavyweights! Usyks obviously got a chance, fury struggled with johnson, similiar size to usyk! 

    For me its fury all day long tho, he can switch hit! Derek gave usyk problems, bellew was arguably up on points before usyk worked him out and dropped him, debous, altho a low blow imo, did get to the body! 

    Usyk is no spring chicken, lot of amateur fights, plus furys the type of boxer who gets up for the big dangerous fights! Like you say, a good big en beats a good lil en imo!

    If usyk does beat him then fair play, he goes down as one of the best boxers of our era, to be fair already is even if he loses! I just hope there is some action and its not just a fury shut out boxing behind the jab! To people who know boxing its a masterclass, to the casuals its boring and he wont get his dues!

  13. I think furys to big for him! Fury either stops him or wins on points for me! I think usyk is a great boxer but just to small at the weight, dont see how he beats fury! If he gets in close fury will tie him up or clip him coming in! Then fury just works behind his jab and drops the odd bomb at range! Be interesting to see what fury weighs, he looks light!

    As for the rest of the furys, shanes the only one worth listening to! John always plays the clown trying to entertain people!

  14. 1 hour ago, BaaLocks said:

    Inoue is really quite impressive. For the first five rounds he looked like he was winning on points but then he just seemed to take it up a level - or maybe he is carrying on at the same rate as his opponents tire. The finishing combination was just text book - problem for him is where to go, we've seen time and again that power punchers lose their unique advantage when they go up through the weights but he's cleaned up here so hard to see much attractive to him or the promoters.

    Hes quality! Its a shame the lighter weights dont get the recognistion they deserve in the main stream media and therefore the money! If he was welter or above hed be a household name around the world, unbelievable fighter!

  15. On 03/05/2024 at 20:41, Bris Vegas said:

    You always have to question fighters who can jump through weight classes. You can’t just pack on 20lbs of lean muscle without juicing when you are already a peak condition athlete.

    Canelo’s PED use was brushed under the carpet. You can’t go from 154lbs to 175lbs without putting on fat and looking softer. Impossible.

    Pacquiao as amazing as he is, is another case. Can’t go from 122 to 147+ while still maintaining low body fat. Impossible without enhancements. 

    Makes my blood boil because this isnt bodybuilding! If they paralyze or kill someone because there using PEDs and fight a clean fighter! Should do prison time! Probably would tbh! Disgusting juicing in any combat sport imo!

    Youd like to give them the benefit of the doubt but you could make a case for most juicing! Why did mayweather always fight in vegas? Fighters who finish strongly, thats a sign of PEDs, so froch etc! Boxers only fighting, once or twice a year, is it so they can cycle a PED and have it out there system for training camp! 

    You look at athletes now compared to 20 years ago! Is it all because of sports science? Or are the "supplements" getting better and people know how to use them better? Vada is the best anti doping tester tho!


  16. Garcia tested positive for PEDs 🙈

    To get popped for PEDs in this day and age there either stupid or it was a genuine mistake! Either one shouldnt happen! 

    And i mean stupid because theyve got caught! You cant just juice up and not get caught! They have to micro dose and if they do it properly its hard for vada to catch them! Theres a really good podcast on boxing news about it! Well worth a listen! Its rife in pro boxing! Another reason i prefer the anateurs lol!

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