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Everything posted by RoyMac5

  1. Almost like he didn't know what he was saying. Ah bless. He's not setting the Club up to be 'also rans'.
  2. David Clowes says we've a 'good Championship budget'. #COYR Oh and he says 'We want to finish in first place...' So that's what we're aiming for!
  3. Warne wanted more athleticism didn't he? 'Hardworking player with pace' says Jubbs.
  4. Surely they going to put the Tonic ads on those. 😄
  5. "...Working closely with Derby CEO Stephen Pearce, they started off with "a review of some of the club’s processes" and "provided some recommendations”, before engaging in a formal partnership. The Sporting Intelligence department will have direct oversight of four areas: Sports Science and Medicine (“the doctor, physios, conditioning coach, nutritionist, psychology, soft tissue therapists”), Data Analytics, Talent Identification (scouting) and Talent Acquisition (recruitment). “Our job will be to organise and align the thinking in these areas and to enhance it with some really good analytics,” Bobat says. In addition, Sporting Intelligence will “support and inform the two football environments”, which are Paul Warne’s First Team and Matt Hale’s Academy operation. Between them, Bobat and Smith will spend a combined 200 days at the East Midlands club... “The club are putting a premium on decision-making and that is the overarching aim of the Sporting Intelligence unit," he says. "Football seems obsessed with data, but data alone isn’t the answer - decision making is the answer. “Data is just one way you arrive at your decisions. How you utilise it is the key. Having data that is predictive rather than descriptive is likely to give you more informed decision making.” This is why Bobat and Smith have brought in a company called Palantir in to help drive the analytics capabilities at Derby. “We’ve partnered with Palantir, who are an organisation with world-leading analytics, AI and machine learning capability,” he explains. “They’ve done a lot of work with the Ministry of Defence and NHS, among others, and we're applying this software in sport. They work with organisations, offer up their software and provide some engineering, helping organisations to solve problems they wouldn’t otherwise be able to. "I think the partnership offers a real opportunity for us. Palantir have a number of different software platforms, including their Artificial Intelligence Platform (AIP), which is pretty sophisticated. It can help us move to solutions far quicker than standard analytics would be able to. “We are working with them on a few projects over time and are hoping we can arrive at some really useful insights and do some cool predictive stuff. We want them to work with myself and Ed to set Derby up as one of the best-in-class from an analytics perspective.” There has already been one big appointee within the Sporting Intelligence unit: the new Sports Science and Medicine Lead, Rob Price, who previously worked at Leeds United for six years. “We’re really excited by his appointment,” Bobat admits. “Rob has a strong pedigree and calibre and will add real value to Sporting Intelligence and to the club more widely.” Derby are also currently advertising on TGG for a Data and Analytics Lead to help "align all of our analytics capabilities in-house”, in Bobat's words, while also managing the partnership with Palantir. “We currently have recruitment, first team and Academy analytics, as well as Talent ID, and want to bring all of these under one central technical leadership,” Bobat explains. “Having one person to lead that group of people is really exciting and will move us towards some standard processes." ...Generally, Smith will focus more on managing upwards and delivering Sporting Intelligence insights to the CEO and Board, while Bobat will have a more hands-on involvement with the department. The duo are big believers in “a hybrid between the data and human elements,” which is the overarching theme of Smith’s book Making Decisions. This is why it has been so important to forge a relationship with manager Warne and his coaching staff and to utilise their football knowledge and expertise. “Ed and I have been hugely impressed by the quality of the people who are already at the club,” Bobat says. “Paul and his coaching team did a brilliant job in getting the team promoted last season and we enjoyed getting to know them after coming in in November. ..."I’ve got to know Paul reasonably well since November and he’s been very welcoming, open-minded, curious and extremely humble. I’ve been really impressed with his approach. He’ll always say, 'I’m open to anything that can help us.' “It’s important that myself and Ed position Palantir alongside Paul Warne and his coaching team. We are not going to arrive at any smart answers if we don’t have engagement from the football experts alongside our data analytics. It’s nice when you have a manager who is that open-minded and trusting. It’s been the same with the rest of his coaching team and you just want to reciprocate that."...
  6. Winning them. 😄 Playing good football at worst.
  7. That's the point isn't it. The pool of players the England manager has to chose from, the level that they play at, we should be doing really well at tournaments if we had 'any good manager'. Southgate is FA friendly, a pleasant chap and not 'any good manager'.
  8. I didn't say what I thought about Warne did I. You are so predictable, it's not worth discussing stuff with you at all, but here goes: I said "I put on the 'anticipate' thread aiming for Top 6 and I see no reason why we shouldn't realistically aim for that." So where do you think Warne is aiming for?
  9. Which was why I started with 'are we under embargo'. I would expect us to be decent signings - the keepers being talked about 'sound' decent? So Nyambe, Nelson, Cashin, Elder + keeper - good back 4? If Back '5' then even easier to not have to get too many midfielders in. I put on the 'anticipate' thread aiming for Top 6 and I see no reason why we shouldn't realistically aim for that. Oh and wasn't Rotherham's total so poor because they no longer had Warne? Lots of comments on how well he had Rotherham doing at the 'top' of the Championship before we poached him.
  10. Are we under some sort of transfer embargo then, can't sign any players? Yet again we will have a decent budget to spend - not parachute payments decent, but good enough. Why shouldn't we be up there rather than down there?
  11. Is there any sort of plan behind our deadball play?
  12. It's crap, we look like the underdogs.
  13. We're soooo lucky that their final pass has mostly been poor. They're cutting through us and down the sides at will.
  14. A mad idea. Why not just have Saka run down the wing and cross it to Kane?
  15. Hi, there's some talk about who's going and some info further back in this thread. Read from the quote below, it may help you get in touch with others too. 🐏
  16. 👍 Not likely either unless it's already done and announced with the kit? Warne is away on a residential management course for the week. The 'coping with stress' bit will come in handy. 😄
  17. I just don't understand why managers don't play the players in the position they are best in. Is all this pissing about by Southgate because we don't have a Kalvin Philiips replacement? Really? He's so wedded to one system of playing, shoe-horning players in where they don't fit. He'd rather lose? I suppose this is the last time he will repeat his failures of the past - before anyone starts I don't think I've missed seeing us win anything. I've seen teams with lesser resources win things though.
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