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Everything posted by RoyMac5

  1. After seeing Kane's prematch interview where he's 'headlined' as a defender I think we might go accidently attacking 😉 Wildsmith Wilson Nelson Bradley Cashin Adams Hourihane NML Bird Barks Gayle
  2. Who are you having a pop at? 😄 There's a difference between professional courtesy, and setting up the team to play as if the opposition threat is what you're saying in public. If only Warne set up the team based on how he supposedly does his behind closed doors team talks?
  3. That wasn't the necessarily the cause of Administration and near extinction (for the third time in my memory!), after all we got good money in for Snake and Lampard.
  4. So are you saying only the fans of both teams hear Warne saying how good the opposition are?
  5. But Mad Mel wasn't wrong about Clement was he. He just made an earlier decision than some thought was necessary. He got Mac wrong - good enough for Man U - but other than that Pearson was another error. However we didn't have to suffer a lingering misery! It's quite obvious after a season and a half of Warne that what we see is what we get. There's nothing more to come, so this is it. Some might be happy with it and some not. Those looking to a longer outlook for the squad and Club don't see the same need to give him any longer. After all it could all end like last season did in failure. We don't really have any reason not to gamble, we know what we have now.
  6. Didn't someone else, on this thread? say you can't look at what happened at previous clubs as a basis for what is happening now? Think it might have been talking about Rooney but it'll do for Warne, 3 promotions with another team guarantees nothing at another club.
  7. Tactics? Talking about NML: "...In fairness, Nat didn't have his best game midweek, but in the last 20 minutes, it felt like it was him against the world. He kept putting cross in after cross in. But unfortunately, we didn't have anyone in the six-yard box who could put it in. He's earned that right to be that and does everything right to be great for us."
  8. Or possibly? Wildsmith Nelson Bradley Cashin Smith Adams Bird Sibley NML Gayle CBT/Barks Or possibly? 😄 Wildsmith Smith Nelson Bradley Cashin Adams Bird Hourihane NML Gayle CBT/Barks Edit: more like to be Wilson than Smith at FB. Who knows what it'll be. 😄
  9. You are making personal comments in reply to my comments about Warne or the football - you are trying to stop me making those comments. That is bullying. I don't live in Derby how do you know whether I might want to go to an away match near where I live? You don't.
  10. Which was a reply to them aiming a snipe at me on this thread. If you don't like my anti-Warne posts block me because I don't want to get into any more of a 'personal argument' with you.
  11. I have no interest in personal infighting but I will not be bullied. Stick to commenting on the football then I can ignore you.
  12. Point out where I have sniped at posters. My comments except when replying to personal comments like the ones you make are about the football and the manager. But you believe you have the right to tell others what they can think and post when talking about Derby County.
  13. No. I answered a post that had a jibe aimed at some - you grow up with your constant personal comments.
  14. Apparently we're not 'All Derby aren't we'.
  15. Oh surely that's not why it was posted! 😄
  16. Oh right, another I'm a better fan than you poster. Nice.
  17. Only if it's due to fans returning their tickets! 😄😉
  18. I agree. It also makes it harder to 'enjoy' him being our manager, for some anyway. Whatever was thought of Roseniors football style I think you could be sure he wanted to be here and for the Club to achieve things with him.
  19. Are we trying to craft the perfect goal?
  20. Didn't last long for Sibs did it.
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