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Stive Pesley

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Everything posted by Stive Pesley

  1. Not sure mate - you've given yourself a lot of competition 😂 Proper LOLs at his "I don't want you to advertise with us" rant. It's like a classic schoolboy reaction to being dumped - "actually I don't even WANT to go out with you any more" and the "everyone will know that you killed X" is gaslighting in the extreme. Take some responsibility for you actions Space Karen!
  2. Yeah look where the ball is when NML plays it. It's already well into the dark green stripe, and TJJ is still in the pale stripe behind it. Can't be offside if you are behind the ball when it's played!
  3. I'm hoping that's the what the manslaughter charge is all about - a chance to have this explained in court, so that Petgrave can come to terms with what happened, and that Johnson's family can find some peace in it being officially ruled a tragic accident
  4. Leave him alone, that's his schtick!
  5. Yes V1s were rockets built by nazis, intent on pursuing their dream of a better world with a purer master race. Clearly not the case here
  6. Ugh - we're only half way through and quite enjoying it. I shall temper my expectations
  7. Such pretty rockets. Definitely going to be a colony on Mars dead soon. It's happening people!
  8. It's knowing I-Ram is always there for me that keeps me going!
  9. Officially maybe not, but I and every one of my friends who don't have a blue tick have noticed that the view count on anything we tweet has fallen off a cliff compared to a year ago and more. I have just over 1000 followers and the last thing I tweeted (about a month ago) said it had a view count of 5 or something. There could be other legit reasons for this I guess. People leaving the platform in droves, or on the flipside maybe people posting more so tweets drop down the feed before anyone sees them. Or people switching to (or being switched to) "for you" feed But realistically it feels like there is something more fundamental going on with post manipulation. Not that I'm especially bothered, as I've stopped using it altogether in the last few weeks unless someone sends me a specific link to look at Ultimately though, it's still feed manipulation that if you try to reply/engage with another person's tweet, and you are getting ignored if you don't have a blue tick. What's the point. It's now effectively a dead platform as your voice only matters if you have money... And the whole thing about the ads is crazy. I just read an article about Laurence Fox's libel case and it had a link to a tweet he just made about the "great replacement". Obviously the replies are a bin fire of emboldened racism, and the first ad amongst the replies is for St Mungo's Homelessness Charity, then one for SSE energy, then one for the KRCS Apple offering trade-in discount to school kids! But apparently this doesn't happen and I've manipulated the platform 🙄
  10. https://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/society/why-isnt-there-a-white-friday-asks-gammon-20231123242750 😂
  11. Anyone watching Boat Story on BBC iplayer - not sure about the weird narration thing going on, but getting used to it. A LOT of fairly unexpected violence too, so probably not for those of a nervous disposition Daisy Haggard is excellent as ever, as is Paterson Joseph (although I keep expecting him to go full Johnson out of Peep Show) And episode one has an excellent Whippet in it 😂
  12. The Mogul on Green Lane is probably the best bet for quality/price/not heaving at that time of day-ness
  13. I didn't say that they wouldn't land on Mars, in fact I said my best hope is that we will land a person (eventually) but it's pretty much a given that they will die. Then we will give up on the idea of ever building a human colony there. The trip to Mars in space is long. Much longer than going to the moon. People should stop conflating the two things as the same Astronauts need to be sustained and kept sane for that long, and also have enough supplies to last for an indefinite period. Carl has talked about the transfer window being limited (Earth needs to be in the right place relative to Mars for the trip to be as short as possible), so opportunities to re-supply are therefore limited Mars has virtually no magnetic field. and virtually no atmosphere so you can't hang around on the surface too long because of solar radiation and the soil is comprised of fine sand that is highly carcinogenic, so again, very difficult to start digging it up to build stuff. It's very cold (-153c). Humans will need an energy source to keep warm, let alone power machinery, life support etc. Solar panels aren't a very good solution as Mars is that much further from the sun. So nuclear energy is the only real solution, but very difficult and some way off We've also talked about the lack of gravity and its effect on human bone density - the length of the trip to Mars and then the idea that humans can hang around on Mars for any amount of time is fatally flawed by the fact that the astronauts will be crippled pretty quickly. And finally- the cost of solving ALL of the above is incomprehensibly large, so there has to be some benefit. If we ever make it to Mars I strongly suspect that we will find there is no reason to be there and it will be money wasted that we could have spent engineering solutions to our own problems. The sci-fi wetdream of us being a "multi-planetary species" is very silly. Mars is even more inhospitable and ill-suited to human life than a globally warmed planet. At least we'd be looking for solutions in a breathable atmosphere with the correct gravity. I get that it's a whizz-bang exciting idea for sci-fi fans, but unfortunately it's not sci-fi and we can't suspend our disbelief on this one. I love Star Wars too but I'm just being a realist. Sorry
  14. Actually no - I don't hate him at all. And certainly not for his political views. He can have whatever political views he wants. I do however find it deeply weird how he inspires this cult-like quasi-religious devotion from certain people (and that's no exaggeration when our resident Chief Scientist of the Red Pills literally called him the saviour of the human race the other day). Especially when the same people are very quick to tell you how much they dislike religion and the hold it has over people. Go figure. I'm also raising a strong eyebrow at those on here who have spent the past few years regurgitating talking points from US Youtube videos about how they think Big Tech is run by super rich people with terrifying agendas to suppress our freedom, yet are cheering and whooping for Elon as if the Billionaire Musk doesn't have his own agenda to impose his will on the entire bloody world (X as a super-app anyone? "Let no man buy or sell lest has the number of the beast" etc). Like I say - pop another red pill and tell me when the mist clears Please point me to the place where I said I don't want SpaceX to achieve it's aims? I've actually said multiple times that I would love nothing more than to see a man on Mars, just that my gut (and copious amounts of evidence) lead me to think it's not very likely. Bear in mind that we're still in the "trying to not have the rocket explode shortly after take-off" phase - which should be the easy bit. Then we have the how do we now get it to carry people safely and then the how do we get it all the way to Mars, and then the how do we land it, then what do we do when we get there. In the current trial and error mode that Musk seems to favour I think the best bet is to not have so many people die in the process that we run out of volunteers
  15. Yes - that's because I was exaggerating for effect. It's a construct that people can use in arguments to highlight the flaw in the opposing position. We're joint 6th and have shown signs that we can put in decent performances. And it's November Don't get me wrong - I'm not especially convinced by Warne, but to change horses at this point feels like a far bigger risk than to give him a bit longer. Thankfully Clowes doesn't seem quite as recklessly unpredictable as Mel Morris - or half our fanbase. Just have to be grateful that we've got a sensible head in charge
  16. Too late for what? This season? If only there were another season! Roll the dice again - see what happens. Probably see you back here in February calling for another manager to be sacked for not winning every game I honestly wonder if people support the same Derby County as me. Not that long ago we almost didn't have a club and now half the fans are losing their minds because we aren't Man City already
  17. I'd say that's spot on DC would be a moron to sack Warne in Mid-November with our current league position. It'd be the sort of thing we'd take the mick out of other clubs for doing. Come Feb if we've had a transfer window and we're still this inconsistent and still not consolidated into the play-off spots then that's a different matter
  18. I find Twitter's defence laughable though - they are admitting that their algorithms did serve ads against "the content in the article" (nice euphemism lads) - which is entirely the point. The fact that it's focused on the huge corps who doubtless spend the most money on Twitter advertising is because that's what hurts, but it's not the point It's about the principle of serving ads against hateful content. It doesn't actually matter who the advertisers are, and it's not "gaming the system" to prove that. I do a lot of work with software code bug hunters and vulnerability management / penetration testing - we don't consider them to be "gaming the system" when they force niche scenarios to expose issues. We thank them for it Which in my opinion is what Twitter should be doing if they want to win back the trust of advertisers. Say "we thank Media Matters for bringing this flaw in our advertising algorithms to our attention and we are taking steps to ensure that NO adverts get served against extremis content, no matter how blue the tick the extremist paid for is...". Doubling down and saying "well...most of the time we try not to serve ads next to racist posts, but as Media Matters have shown we can't promise it" is not going to help them get advertisers back 😂
  19. Fairly obvious what the Media Matters lawsuit is about They are an organisation whose sole purpose is to highlight misinformation in the conservative media. Calling them "anti-free speech" is laughable. They don't lobby to have stuff taken down, they simply shine a light on where the misinformation lies So they will be a constant thorn in Twitter's side now that Twitter is algorithimically programmed to amplify misinformation if paid accounts are posting it So no wonder Twitter wants to squish them. Pop another red pill lads, the rabbit hole goes deeper than you all think
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