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Everything posted by Tamworthram

  1. I haven’t got a problem with the way the vast majority of our fans behave but there is, without doubt, a small minority of morons (as there is with every club I suspect) who are a disgrace with the songs they sing, the way they goad opposition supports (way beyond harmless banter) and even abuse their own teams players (although, you can’t really take any action for the latter “offence” I guess). Identifying and banning/ejecting from the ground these individuals (or at the very least tell them, under the warning of further action, to cease their unacceptable behaviour) will NOT kill the atmosphere.
  2. But you must know averages don’t quite work like that. If everyone attending was asked to chip in 16p then yes, you’re right, it’s no big deal. But it’s quite possible that some folk won’t have any coins on them (or very little) whilst others may have 4 or 5 pound coins. Still not quite the end of the world but effectively adding a fiver to your ticket price is a bit different to just 16p.
  3. Surely though, by the same logic, one poor game doesn’t make you a flop that should be dropped. Admittedly, I’ve not got to any away games yet but I think Kenzo has impressed in more than just the Cardiff game.
  4. Exactly. It might not be very well received but a player could always say he’s physically/mentally exhausted and needs a short break. Football (in general) is meant to be concerned about mental health or is this one of the few remaining industries where employers only play lip service to the wellbeing of their employees?
  5. I know it will never happen but I wonder what the players would say, if the authorities offered to reduce the number of tournaments (and consequently games they have to play in a season) or agree a maximum number of games any player can be asked to play (similar to the working time directive) but their wages would have to be reduced accordingly?
  6. I’m not “getting hung up”, just having a conversation about it. I assumed it’s what you believe as you suggested it.
  7. Way too early. Let’s not get carried away with the decent start (at home) to life in the Championship. I reckon it’s very unlikely any Championship clubs are going to be sniffing around just yet.
  8. I think, according to reports, Kenzo was a little more than half the price and his contract is only one year longer. Isn’t “selling him after 12 months” exactly what you’re saying - before his value starts to diminish the following summer? (Unless of course we can agree an extension) What, in your opinion, do we do next summer if he declines to sign an extension so early (would we even offer one with still 2 years remaining) and we received an offer of say £2million? Also, whilst you may be right, what makes you so certain that becoming a trading club is the new long term plan? My thoughts are that, by and large, we are buying cheap (or free transfers or loans) because that’s all we can afford.
  9. Have you replied to the wrong post? I wasn’t making any comparison.
  10. On the DCFC website, he said it could be a couple of weeks or we might not see him again this side of the international break.
  11. What about Kenzo, should we look to move him on when he’s still got two years left to run? It feels like madness to me to scout and sign such a player and give him a three year contract only to consider selling him after just 12 months because we’re afraid of making a loss on him. Also, you can’t really compare this one (big compared to our other signings in recent years) signing with the silly money splashed during Mel’s tenure during which time we (in most people’s opinion I reckon) lost significant amounts of money on transfer dealings mainly due to paying way over the odds for players in the first place. Provided his early promise continues, I wouldn’t consider selling him next summer unless we received a significant offer for him - well in excess of double what we paid. Regarding “financial backing to sign a player …….. recoup none of it” we’ll never know but do you really think it was part of the master plan to sign Kenzo and Zetterstrom but only if we could sell them at a profit (or no loss)?
  12. But that is the case with any contract offered. By that logic, every 3 year contract becomes effectively a one year contract (before you consider selling). It also depends on 1) whether we have signed him as an investment or to strengthen the squad for the next three years, 2) who we could get to replace him and 3) how much we would be offered for him. Unless we’re offered silly money next summer then we’d be mad to sell him (provided of course his early promise continues).
  13. He won’t be in the final year of his contract until after the summer of 2026.
  14. I agree and understand your point. All I was trying to suggest is that the away games we have played so far may not be teams that remain top 4 as the season goes on. As the table stands at the moment, Luton look like an easier opponent but I’m not sure they will be.
  15. I don’t think you should read too much into the league table after just 5 games. Let’s just keep our feet on the ground and not get carried away after a very decent start.
  16. Definitely too early especially given three of our five games have been at home. Win at Sheffield United next week 😉 then, whilst still too early, it would be a very good start.
  17. I think the main thing tells us is that Lars Husum needs to get a life, a girlfriend or, at least a proper job.😀
  18. Exeter was sold out (as @Foreveram said). It’s difficult to take more if there’s no more tickets available and there are bound to be some that buy tickets but don’t make it to every game. We may not sell out but I suspect there will be a fair few more than the numbers that went to Barrow. Again, as Foreveram suggests, the Barrow game can in no way be used as a benchmark for likely away following this season.
  19. “Asia” is a big place. Doesn’t it depend on where your eldest is likely to be around at that time?
  20. I agree but haven’t we learned it already rather than regurgitating once again how bad he was for putting the club into administration, how much he lost personally and how evil the chairmen of Wycombe and Boro were etc?
  21. Haven’t we discussed Mel’s tenure to death already and shouldn’t we return to the original topic “investment” as in what and when future investment might look like?
  22. Blackburn this season for one. 😀 Seriously though, it’s way too early in the season to be thinking “typical Derby to lose against such and such who hadn’t won until they played us”.
  23. Doesn’t make any difference to me. If you nail your colours to a particular nation, especially when you’re over 18, then you shouldn’t be allowed to change allegiance in my book.
  24. What’s worse, in my opinion, is once they’ve made your choice to later change your allegiance.
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