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Posts posted by ketteringram

  1. 45 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

    Over half the world's population, you sure?

    Wasn't even watched by half of the people in this country.


    Not sure how anyone can ever measure the figure though. 

    No one's asked me who watched it in our house. I believe some watched In cinemas. They'd probably have accurate figures for that but I doubt they're included in BBC figures. Then there's people watching on a big screen in towns or parks. 

    May as well just guess a figure. Which is probably what they do anyway.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Loughborough Ram said:

    Freedom of speech exists. I can say whatever I want, to whoever I want, when I want and nobody can stop me.

    People who trot out the freedom of speech argument are being disingenuous because what they actually want is freedom from consequence which has never been, nor will ever be, a thing.

    Sensible people realise this and rightly, consider what they say and to who, which is how any normal society works.

    In which case, we definitely don't live in a normal society.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Yellowstone - after recommendations on here (Paramount)

    Kevin Costner can act... I forgot this. Only 2 episodes in and loving it


    Do I need to sign up to Paramount to see this? Already have Netflix, Prime, and Apple.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    Car manufacturers who have removed physical buttons and knobs in favour of touchscreen controls. For everything.

    How is that more user friendly or safer, to have to take your eyes off the road to use the screen?!

    Was looking at a newish Honda the other day , parked next to me. Couldn't work out why it looked odd. Then twigged there are no wing mirrors ?. All now down to cameras, and two small screens at either edge of the dashboard.

  5. 40 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Currently watching and enjoying Kleo on the Netflix 

    Pretty much a cross between Killing Eve and Deutschland 83/86/89

    If you enjoyed both of those you will like

    I'll have to try it .

    Liked the first series of Killing Eve, hated everything after that .

    Loved Deutschland 83, and hated 86 and 89. ?

  6. 2 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Tonight we get to find out if Rangers really would've been better off forfeiting the game and accepting a 3-0 defeat.


    They'll probably get thrown out for singing the national anthem before the game anyway. Apparently, you're not allowed to do that ?

  7. 41 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Well no, because I'm also not a convicted paedophile?


    So presumably if you were, it would be ok. It's a bit of a minefield. If it's ok as long as what I'm shouting is true. I can shout at people who are fat, thin, bald, whatever. I'd expect to get knocked out if I started doing that anywhere, never mind at something like a wedding, or a funeral march. 

  8. 22 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    @GboroRamyou may well think my post was worth a laughing emoji but all you did was prove that what I said was right.

    Some people happy to shout about freedom of speech but don't wish for it to extend to people who disagree with them.

    If someone shouts the same thing to you, when you're out shopping with your family , presume that's ok? Or while you're attending your mother's funeral. Still ok? 

    I've actually no idea where the line is, when it comes to freedom of speech.

  9. 1 hour ago, Anon said:

    So, now it's been established that we get a bank holiday when the head of state dies, if we can kill 1 per day we'll never have to work again. I suppose we'll eventually run out of heirs, but there are quite a lot of royals and after that we could move on to pretenders, like Perkin Warbeck and Chrissie Hynde.

    Maybe we could space it out and just do 1 per week, then all you you workshy socialists will get your mythical 4 day week you're always banging on about.

    If you're going to propose killing people, maybe stick it in the freedom of speech thread. 

  10. As it's a finance thread.

    The other day on the radio, they were talking to pub bosses, who were talking about charging £20 a pint due to rising costs of everything.

    Now, I don't drink, and haven't for nearly 30 years. I don't know what a pint costs now, and I can't remember how much it was when I bought my last one. I do remember though, that when I started , it was 16p. That was for M&B mild. I drank that partly because I liked it, but mainly because it was the cheapest. Bitter was 17p, and I think Lager was 19p. 

    So if you drink, is there a cut off point , cost wise, which you wouldn't pay? £5, £10, £20?

  11. 9 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Discussion of energy bills seems to have fragmented over multiple threads, so resurrecting this one as the one with the most pertinent title. I suspect it's going to generate a lot of heat over the next few months (pun very much intended)


    This just sounds all shades of wrong to me. Effectively mortgaging energy. Yes, our bills may remain affordable in the short term, but the energy companies still rake in the billions and it does nothing to address the mismatch of energy prices to household income


    Do you think there should be a different price for energy, depending on household income?

  12. 1 hour ago, BaaLocks said:

    I didn't actually say it needed to stop in a game between men, but maybe it can because I can say everything I need to say using phrases such as batter - it really doesn't break my world to do that, if it is important to others. And, in return, why is it so utterly threatening to do so? I'm not out to make others stop using it, doesn't really matter that much to me, call them batsblokes if it makes you happy. But I find it somewhere between amusing and interesting that some seem so strong of opinion about it when it changes their lives not one percent.

    Langugage evolves, cultures evolve - I remember a school teacher lecturing us adamantly that he would still call the colour 'n****r brown' because that was what it was, not at all related to race. But forty years later we don't do that, because it is offensive to do so and he was wrong. Many of us remember Robinson's jam, with golliwogs on the side - you could even save up tokens to get one posted to you - the Black & White Minstrel show, Jim Davidson and monkey chants to black footballers. They all seemed acceptable at the time but, like my teacher, they were wrong.

    It's the same with terms like these - we think they are OK because they are established in our language but our cultures evolve (thought obviously not for all). We didn't swear on telly forty years ago, now we seldom see a night go by without the f-bomb in one show or other. We only had two genders now some people prefer to be referred to in what we would consider the third person - I couldn't care less if it makes them happy, and I certainly don't want to take the stance of telling someone what they can and can't say about themselves.

    Remember, this initial exchange came out of reference to 'wokeism' and how some felt threatened they were being forced to change their ways just coz the loony left wokies demanded it - I'd suggest it's more often the opposite, that the resistance to want to consider why something could benefit from changing is driven by little more than arrogant self belief that their way is the right way. 

    It won't change overnight, but it will change in our lifetime. Feel free to bump this message in 2052 if I'm wrong.

    I'm more than old enough to remember all of the examples you give. Language does indeed evolve, and always will. A lot of the stuff you talk about there is /was offensive, and it's rightly, (mainly) a thing of the past. I'm struggling though, to see how something like Batsman is offending anyone. 

    I'm not threatened by change, just puzzled by some of it. It doesn't break my world either to refer to someone as a batter. Like you, I'm happy to call them anything you like. Though all it's doing is using one word instead of another, when , in this case anyway, I'm not sure what the issue is with the original word.

  13. 51 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Isle of Wight. No border controls for the ferry.  

    If he doesn't like the car park charges in Brighton, he's definitely not going to like the cost of taking a car over to the Isle of Wight ?.

    I was in Brighton last month for the first time ever. We were staying about 20 miles away, and went there twice .I liked it. If I was going there for a long weekend, and wanting to stay near the front, I'd forget about the car park charges, and go on the train.

  14. 12 hours ago, sage said:

    I've been diagnosed with Vertigo which isn't much fun if you like driving, drinking and being able to stand still for more than 20 seconds. 

    I was wondering, what would make a better illness to suffer from that is the Title of a Hitchcock film

    I use over the counter travel sickness pills to help with the symptoms of this.

  15. 21 hours ago, Anag Ram said:

    Holliday Grainger is a favourite of mine which means I’m watching episode one of series two as I type.

    Yes, I’m shallow.

    I am too, when it comes to her. Hadn't realised she was in it.

    Thanks for the heads up. This had passed me by whenever it was on. ?

  16. 2 hours ago, David said:

    I used to watch through NOW splitting the payments with the father in law, the only cons are you are sometimes around a minute behind watching it through a Sky/Virgin box. Also no ability to pause, rewind and all that jazz.

    The money saved though kinda makes up for it. 

    Never had any issues with buffering or anything like that. 

    As far as tips go, this is a standard one that everyone should really do and that’s splitting your 2.5 and 5Ghz connections, these smart routers that think they know it all and switch you back and forth can drop connection.

    Connect to which suits you better per room.

    5Ghz is faster speeds but shorter range.

    2.5Ghz is slower speeds but greater range.

    Just name them something like Carnero and Carnero 5 so you know which to connect to.

    with that, do you mean I should switch the connection from one to the other depending on which room I'm in? Or, do you mean different devices set to different frequency? So maybe my phone on 5, hers on 2.5 ?

    Just wondering, as we're supposed to have super duper WiFi etc, but upstairs, it's rubbish to non existent. And I'm talking small house here!

  17. 1 hour ago, Grumpy Git said:

    Just done an online calculation based on the latest price cap (load of bollox, it's no cap at all).

    For duel fuel before the Ukraine invasion, I was paying about £150/month, currently paying £350/month and from October its going to be £630/month. ?

    ....and from January, probably over £800?

  18. 1 hour ago, Crewton said:

    There was a piece in the Money section of the Sunday Times a couple of weeks ago that concluded that Smart Meters are still problematic, so I won't be changing over anytime soon. 

    Had one fitted last November. Booked a day off work, to get it fitted (after them pestering me for months). It didn't work.

    Booked another day off months later , for them to come and fix it. 

    It still doesn't work. So I'm still sending in manual readings each month , like I used to. I'm fine with that, but would have preferred not to waste those two days !

  19. On 16/08/2022 at 21:54, JoetheRam said:

    Final Better Call Saul was released on Netflix today.

    Immensely good slow TV that started out even more beautifully shot than Breaking Bad, and somehow went up several notches over the course of 6 series.

    Top tier status for me.

    Agree with this. Especially about the way it's filmed. Very carefully thought about by whoever is responsible for such stuff!

    Now I've seen all of it, I was thinking about the order to view BCS and BB. 

    I , as usual, late to anything, watched the the first five seasons of BCS , and then BB. I then rewatched all of BB. Was surprised by things I'd missed, and enjoyed it more the second time. I think logically, it makes more sense to watch them in the order I did. I then watched the final series of BCS. 

    Loved both shows. Would have preferred if Jimmy had never had a brother! And would have liked Hector to be 'able bodied' for a lot longer. 


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