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Ewe Ram

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Posts posted by Ewe Ram

  1. 8 hours ago, Phoenix said:

    Me too. Why won't they take a lie detecter test? Why would they refuse to answer 40 of the 42 questions put to them by the Portugese police? Why would they put their missing child's favourite soft toy through the washing machine?

    I spoke to a guy in the Leics force who is in no doubt as to what happened. Some of the things he told me, in strict confidence, points to their guilt, and is quite disturbing.

    And then GMcC, who rated zero on his scale of trustworthyness and co-operation, somehow has the clout to get the investigation moved to the Met, who my contact described as a bunch of d1ckheads.

    There is absolutely no doubt that GMcC wields incredible influence, not given to the likes of the rest of us.

    There's more holes in their story than a string vest. How come a cadaver sniffing dog has been ignored when it clearly indicated the presence of a body in the boot? I despair how this could happen. But then the huge paedophile ring of celebs went under the radar for years 

  2. On 27/04/2017 at 19:33, Angry Ram said:

    The geezer who parks his feckin van on the corner, so I can't see what's coming down the bloody road.. Had words today :thumbsup:

    Kids who borrow my gold clubs... Scum of the earth.

    Someone posted a pic of an offender on a local Facebook page. The car was parked illegally opposite a junction, on a bend and clearly dangerous. Owner was tagged and she duly replied 'lol I can't park anywhere else, that's where my house is' and a smiley face emoji. 

    Lost the use of your legs? Not heard of having a driveway put in? Park safe and walk. 

  3. Cyclists (again) who wear headphones. 

    Silly woman this morning cycling along a road with parked cars all the way along and instead of moving over and letting the line of traffic move past she carried on oblivious cycling down the middle of the road. If I wanted to travel at that speed I'd get a bloody bike! 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    Scumbags, no better than those who dont pick up after their dogs.

    Anyone caught should automatically be enrolled in 100 hours community service cleaning the streets. Like wise anyone caught throwing any litter, regardless of what it is, even chewing gum or cigarette butts.


    100 likes for this! 

    A local woman with 2 huge dogs has even been offered bags by other dog walkers but she just walked off! She never picks it up and it gets all dog walkers a bad name  

    There should be a way of sending fines to drivers who throw litter out of the window. The hedgerows are full of McDonald's wrappers, bottles, cans and chip wrappers. Plus god knows what that HGV drivers fling onto the side of motorways. 

  5. Snide people. A la Nigel Clough. Those passive aggressive little digs dropped into conversations. 

    I saw an excellent example of passive aggressive behaviour at the petrol station yesterday. Man in little red car full of wife, bags of compost and dogs whips through the gap to the front pump just as man at back pump gets into his camper after paying. Camper man stands agog looking at red car man who won't make eye contact but procedes to fill up his tank. Camper man, still blocked in, gets into camper and pulls up to red car bumper. Driver still doesn't make eye contact and behaves like camper not there. He pops into kiosk, pays, then comes out and squeezes between the 2 car bumpers instead of going round the front of the car. This is England, quiet, seething rage :D

  6. On 28/11/2016 at 22:59, Phoenix said:

    Got a peculiar problem manifested itself in my 2 year old car, in that the heater fan only runs on setting 4 (of 4 ). You would think that it would work on all four, or none at all.

    I phoned the garage (a main dealer) to get it sorted. They told me they will run a diagnostic check. If it's a problem under the 5 year warranty, they'll fix it for free. If, however, it's deemed to be caused by me, I have to pay £50 for the diagnostic check.

    How the f*** I could have caused it is beyond the wit of man. I refrained from venting my rage on the receptionist, who was probably reading from a script, but the service manager had better be on his best behaviour when I take it in.

    £50? Try £168 if you have a Mini! That's for diagnostics. Robbery! They plug it into a bloody computer, something we all do with devices every day 

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