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Everything posted by Mucker1884

  1. Where is everyone? I'm still here waiting for them to come out for their lap of honour...
  2. I think they've compiled two, in case we have to go back and finish the game! 🤣
  3. Personally, I find @Comrade 86's matchday threads a little on the short side. They could do with more pages! 👀
  4. Well, that's very kind of you sir, as it's more than we're wishing you in yours, this season! 😉
  5. #raising a can 4 dan. Thanks for everything fella. You did us proud.
  6. Dear EFL Championship, We're back...
  7. 1/ Has the whistle gone yet? Do we have to go back to finish it off? 🤷‍♂️ 2/ The "Stand up for David Clowes" had me welling up... as did his double lift of the trophy. ("Once more for the cameras please David"!) 3/ "Ok... erm... well... how about you agree to stay off the pitch until after the final whistle then? Deal?". That has to win the safety announcement of the year award! 🤣 4/ Visually, the scenes (on the pitch) afterwards looked stunning. But the atmosphere was lacking. Lots milling around wondering "What the heck do we do now"! Very little in the joyous celebration department was evident from the stands. Just a couple of ripples. Nowt special. I repeat... visually stunning. 5/ Disappointed with the lack of a lap of honour (No surprise there!), but so glad I hung back to the end, and watched (on the big screen) Mr Clowes lift that trophy. What. A. Hero. 🐏 6/ Yeah. After 49 years, it's up there. It's still means summat. I still feel it... which is nice! Now... where's that bottle of Emva Cream... Cheers, fellow Rams. 🍻
  8. Damn it. I totally missed that. #Love it!
  9. Time to man up... Home win 4-0 Collins ...Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand relax!
  10. Well, that touched a duct! All the very best to you sir, and here's to you remembering today for many, many more years to come. 🐏🤍
  11. Should be, just as long as we keep the pressure on them, the fans shouldn't blow a gasket. Time to make a bolt for the Championship, and seal promotion. 🐏
  12. You never said! Why didn't you say! 😉 🤣 🤍
  13. 3 more espressos in now... manning up as I type... #Warne Up
  14. I hate to be pedantic on a day that is meant to be all about enjoyment, spontaneity and emotion, but I've just had a horrible thought... Will I seriously get in with these, or should I hide them down my pants...
  15. EDIT: For George, not @DarkFruitsRam7. Obvs! 👀
  16. Oh, don't get me wrong, my sit down order was 100% for his own good. I never met the lad, but it was quite clear how bloody clumsy he could be! I worry for him, and it's a bloody big fall from up there! 😲 🍻
  17. Need to man up. Just one espresso in, and I've already shed tears this morning. Gonna be a wreck by 2:30. Bloody football, eh!
  18. Well, we're here buddy. Enjoy it. Savour it. Share it. ... and don't fall off that feckin' cloud! Sit thasen down! Luv yer. 🤍🐏🍻
  19. Beautiful that. I'll not see it today, but I'll make a point some time soon to take a diversion to get a good look at it. Looks fantastic!
  20. ... and then I woke up, and realised it was just a nightmare! Phew!
  21. Looking on up to our spirt in the sky... May our flanges flutter gently amongst the sighs from above. May our ballions float heavenwards, and our day end in tears of joy. Today, we stand together. Hand in hand. There will be no absentees. There will be no dear departed. He's with us... and we're with him. #do it for daniel #raise a can for dan #jumpin' around, on cloud No 9 #bemoreb4 #🤍🐏
  22. Only gone and "over lay" didn't I. 7am! I only normally sleep that long in a tent! Usually up between 5-6am. Must be the latest I've woken since October! 😲 Still... at least I probably won't nod off at the game today, so that's nice! 👀
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