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  1. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Pearl Ram in Mel Morris fan club   
    Neither did I, I thought it was marvellous. But then I also thought he was an astute and responsible businessman and owner who would do nothing to jeopardise the very existence of the club. 
    Morris really did hoodwink me, I never liked Rush, or Rowett, come to that, and posted to that effect from very early in their tenures with us so, there I was, congratulating myself on being able to spot a wrong ‘un a mile off and Morris actually reminds me, in fact, I’m not all that after all.
  2. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to The Key Club King in Mel Morris fan club   
    Though I hope that our legal case will be successful in our claim that Covid has driven us toward administration, the losses through Covid are smaller than the reduction in the wage bill during the same period. We could claim we were going to reduce the wage bill anyway but I would guess that we have probably lost less money in the past 18 months than we did in the previous 18 months to that. 
    I would also point out that I had absolutely no problem with the overspending by Mel (however wasteful) when I'd assumed that he was personally paying for it. Putting in on the clubs tab was never mentioned.
  3. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Mel Morris fan club   
    HMRC do expect that money every month though. PAYE tax and N.I is due as salary is paid.  He had no need for admin.  He could have paid the money owed to HMRC in instalments as long as all accounts related to the club were up to date, or, just paid it in full.  They would prefer 100% of what's owed so would take it over 24 months.  The clubs sponsors were still paying what was required of them and that accounts for a huge percentage of club revenue, so there was never a 30 million black hole.   I would imagine a bloke with over 500 million in fixed and liquid assets has little need for payday loan sharks.   
  4. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel Morris fan club   
    You say Mel gambled, yes he did recklessly and to point of risking our future and very existence.
    One mans vanity project complete gone wrong!!!!!
    Ask yourself the question, if we did go under, would you still be blaming covid and not the man himself?   
  5. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Mel Morris fan club   
    You say Mel gambled, yes he did recklessly and to point of risking our future and very existence.
    One mans vanity project complete gone wrong!!!!!
    Ask yourself the question, if we did go under, would you still be blaming covid and not the man himself?   
  6. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Rev in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Apologies, may have been slightly crossed wires. 
    If you're talking about support in person at matches, and I think/hope you are, I agree wholeheartedly and would do the same.
    If you were talking about supporting every decision the club makes off the pitch, and not questioning it, I couldn't go along with that.
  7. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Leeds Ram in Mel Morris fan club   
    If mel was looking to sell because his cash was running out then you can't claim from 2015-2016 we were on the path to sustainability and profitability....  You can't have your cake and eat it.

    Mel hasn't just gambled his money he's gambled this club's future existence which is utterly inexcusable. He's not only completely mismanaged the club to a degree rarely seen in english football but he's walked away after claiming he can no longer fit the bill and publically declared none of it is his fault, instead it's entirely to do with covid... It's so mind-bogglingly arrogant and stupid of him to make such claims I can't believe anyone has fallen for it. 
  8. Like
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Leeds Ram in Mel Morris fan club   
    He wasn't gambling with his own money though, he's run up a poo load of debt.  He's gambled with the HMRCs money, he's gambled with the money owed to HMRC (income tax and employees & employers NI contributions) which may result in ex-employees state pensions being reduced.  He has gambled with dozens of peoples jobs and long standing servants of the club like Faye Nixon have lost their jobs.  I wonder how many can no longer pay their mortgages, maybe you should stand there face to face with these people and defend Mel and see what reaction you get!  
    About time you took your Mel Morris appreciation society specs off.........!!!!!!! 
  9. Like
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Leeds Ram in Mel Morris fan club   
    They do eventually when they fail to ever make a profit.  If Mels master plan was so good how come:
    He had to sell the ground back to himself?
    How come he's had to borrow money off MSD with high interest rates?   
    How come he had no contingency plan for funding the ground if the sale failed to go through?
    To blame this all on yhe pandemic is utter rubbish, only fools and the blinkered believe the rubbish he spouted.
    Morris saw this as a money making opportunity as he though a large onjection of cash woul deliver PL football, to be fair he nearly got us to the promised on a few occasions.
    His fatal error though was not to reduce costs and regroup the war chest in the FFP 3 year cycle.
    £200m+ (And rising) loses reported by himself over a 6 years, is reckless, its incompetence at a level tgat would get any CEO the sack and cave a company in any other walk of life.
    Those that do not want to face up to the reality that thier savour Morris could possibly have done anything wrong, are blaming Signings & Wages and spiraling costs on others.  The buck stops with the owner who not only allowed but encouraged this reckless approach.
    Mels fatal mistakes summed up:
    1.  Set a budget and stick to it, allowing the wage bill to get to 161% of the clubs turnover was only ever going to end in administration if he did not reign in spending.
    2.  Surrounded himself with poor advisors, he's made some shoking decisuons, ultimately on his managerial appointments.  He's  made too many and the wrong ones.  He claims to have wamted more players blooded from the academy.  He should of told managers to make is happen.
    3.  Failure to allow people to make the right decisions....  No right minded CFO would of recommended the path we've gone down.
    4.  Interfering in every aspect of the club, micro management does not produce the best results.
    5.  Finally and most importantly no business continuity plan or exit strategy.  Through reckless oversoending and mounting debts, he made the club unattractive to buy.
    Finally, you may say that there are plenty of interested parties in buying the club.  This on the face of it appears to be true, but, why has Mel failed to se previously?  one huge negative is the points deduction, trust me if we get - 21 with no success on the appeal, what the numbers of intrested parties drastically reduce!!!!!
  10. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Tarantism in Mel Morris fan club   
    He wasn't gambling with his own money though, he's run up a poo load of debt.  He's gambled with the HMRCs money, he's gambled with the money owed to HMRC (income tax and employees & employers NI contributions) which may result in ex-employees state pensions being reduced.  He has gambled with dozens of peoples jobs and long standing servants of the club like Faye Nixon have lost their jobs.  I wonder how many can no longer pay their mortgages, maybe you should stand there face to face with these people and defend Mel and see what reaction you get!  
    About time you took your Mel Morris appreciation society specs off.........!!!!!!! 
  11. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Archied in Mel Morris fan club   
    Crass and vile comments about people who've lost loved ones to Covid, there are some places you should not go to win an argument and you've gone there!!!!!!!  
  12. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Oldben in Mel Morris fan club   
    He wasn't gambling with his own money though, he's run up a poo load of debt.  He's gambled with the HMRCs money, he's gambled with the money owed to HMRC (income tax and employees & employers NI contributions) which may result in ex-employees state pensions being reduced.  He has gambled with dozens of peoples jobs and long standing servants of the club like Faye Nixon have lost their jobs.  I wonder how many can no longer pay their mortgages, maybe you should stand there face to face with these people and defend Mel and see what reaction you get!  
    About time you took your Mel Morris appreciation society specs off.........!!!!!!! 
  13. Like
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Oldben in Mel Morris fan club   
    This is laughable, so what of we made a transfer profit, its about the figure at the bottom RH Corner of the balance sheet that matter.  How much did we still lose that financial year.  All because of the ridiculous wage bill Morris allowed to be built up during his tenure!!!!  
  14. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Rich84 in Mel Morris fan club   
    As @PistoldPetesays, everyone apart from Prof Pope seems ok with what was done which suggests @Chris_Dthat maybe he's the one getting paid to say what a client wants.......
    Surely, the only ones that matter in any case with compliance are those at Companies House? If it wasn't conforming to the requirements they would have been all over it.
    It is clear that we exploited the poorly written rules and once Maguire highlighted it for what ever reason/agenda he had the EFL are saying it isn't correct to their 'hidden' interpretation, just because no one else has tried it that we know of.
    They should take it on the chin and amend the rules if that's what they want it to be like in future,  not penalise retrospectively 
  15. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Crewton in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    No, the point is that if a once-in-a-hundred-years pandemic hadn't been allowed to take hold of the country by (arguably) government complacency and negligence, would DCFC have been in the position whereby it was no longer able to meet its obligations to creditors?
    What you appear to be arguing is that the club should have been in a position to ride out any comparable storm, but since EFL rules don't require clubs to prove they can do that regardless of the force majeur event, I don't believe the appeal can simply be struck out on the basis that its finances should have been more robust, provided the club can demonstrate that its income was materially reduced as a result. 
  16. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Rev in Mel Morris fan club   
    This may be the least informed club related post I've seen in the 7 years or so I've been on this forum.
    That you then go and chastise others for peddling propaganda on this forum is unbelievable for its sheer chutzpah!
  17. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Mel Morris fan club   
    I think he just put that money from right to left pocket, then borrowed money against it.  The Saunders to Derby from Oxford type of stadium sale - exactly diddly.  By not paying HMRC he effectively found a way to reduce players wages by 40 per cent as the tax and NI is an automatic deduction. He deferred payers wages using HMRC to do it . When it came time to pay the piper he went walkies. 
  18. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Oldben in Mel Morris fan club   
    Crass and vile comments about people who've lost loved ones to Covid, there are some places you should not go to win an argument and you've gone there!!!!!!!  
  19. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel Morris fan club   
    He wasn't gambling with his own money though, he's run up a poo load of debt.  He's gambled with the HMRCs money, he's gambled with the money owed to HMRC (income tax and employees & employers NI contributions) which may result in ex-employees state pensions being reduced.  He has gambled with dozens of peoples jobs and long standing servants of the club like Faye Nixon have lost their jobs.  I wonder how many can no longer pay their mortgages, maybe you should stand there face to face with these people and defend Mel and see what reaction you get!  
    About time you took your Mel Morris appreciation society specs off.........!!!!!!! 
  20. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel Morris fan club   
    This is laughable, so what of we made a transfer profit, its about the figure at the bottom RH Corner of the balance sheet that matter.  How much did we still lose that financial year.  All because of the ridiculous wage bill Morris allowed to be built up during his tenure!!!!  
  21. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel Morris fan club   
    Crass and vile comments about people who've lost loved ones to Covid, there are some places you should not go to win an argument and you've gone there!!!!!!!  
  22. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Ramaway in Mel Morris fan club   
    He wasn't gambling with his own money though, he's run up a poo load of debt.  He's gambled with the HMRCs money, he's gambled with the money owed to HMRC (income tax and employees & employers NI contributions) which may result in ex-employees state pensions being reduced.  He has gambled with dozens of peoples jobs and long standing servants of the club like Faye Nixon have lost their jobs.  I wonder how many can no longer pay their mortgages, maybe you should stand there face to face with these people and defend Mel and see what reaction you get!  
    About time you took your Mel Morris appreciation society specs off.........!!!!!!! 
  23. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Pearl Ram in Mel Morris fan club   
    You’re firing blanks mate, actually, I’m embarrassed for you. 
  24. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Mel Morris fan club   
    He wasn't gambling with his own money though, he's run up a poo load of debt.  He's gambled with the HMRCs money, he's gambled with the money owed to HMRC (income tax and employees & employers NI contributions) which may result in ex-employees state pensions being reduced.  He has gambled with dozens of peoples jobs and long standing servants of the club like Faye Nixon have lost their jobs.  I wonder how many can no longer pay their mortgages, maybe you should stand there face to face with these people and defend Mel and see what reaction you get!  
    About time you took your Mel Morris appreciation society specs off.........!!!!!!! 
  25. Like
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Mel Morris fan club   
    This is laughable, so what of we made a transfer profit, its about the figure at the bottom RH Corner of the balance sheet that matter.  How much did we still lose that financial year.  All because of the ridiculous wage bill Morris allowed to be built up during his tenure!!!!  
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