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About Wolfie

  • Birthday 11/03/1973

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  1. I bet Villareal have signed loads of players by now. just sayin’….
  2. What car have you gone for?
  3. Near Ayia Napa, Cyprus. Last full day here 😢
  4. LOST. Hated it so much it has put me off watching so many series since out of fear that they’ll end up crap as well. Now I often don’t start watching something until after it’s finished.
  5. Eldorado was great TV and should never have been cancelled
  6. Fans shouldn't need to have 5 pints before during and after matches. I find the whole drinking thing around games a bit sad (in every sense). Not big or clever.
  7. My spring weight loss efforts were scuppered by picking up a stinker of a cold/flu/covid that floored me for a couple of weeks, which has meant I've missed my target by about 3lbs before going on holiday this coming Saturday. Annoying in that it didn't kill my appetite but did stop the gym sessions. I'm going to have to try not to go mental with the all-inclusive but I suspect we all know what's going to happen there.
  8. I realy like Eurovision. Unfortunately this year, we were round at some friends who had a big TV but with terrible tinny speakers, so I didn't have the normal viewing experience. Anyway, not that anyone asked for them but here are my thoughts: The best songs finished at the top, on the whole. No complaints. Political voting (friendly countries voting for each other) isn't anywhere near as prolific as it used to be, despite what the haters say - many of whom will slag it off and then say they haven't seen it for years. Our song didn't deserve to do any better than it did. I thought it might be in the top half but hated the staging. I'm really no prude but the comedy cod-piece thrusting looked like a parody of a strip club. Embarrasing and cringey, and would have turned a lot of viewers off IMO. The whole zero gravity effect thing never once looked convincing. Ollie's performance was OK but no better than that & way behind that of Switzerland, whose staging was far simpler (their gimmick worked) but a lot more effective. I've just heard Richard Osman (The rest is entertainment podcast) give a very good explanation of the massive Israel public vote - basically that even if the public were a lot more sympathetic to Gaza than to Israel on average, pro-Israel votes will only go to Israel. Anti-Israel votes can go to any one of 24 countries, so that was always going to happen if people are going to take the war into account.
  9. After finishing Fall of the House of Usher (very good), we decided to jump straight into another Mike Flanagan creation: Midnight Mass (Netflix). Promising first episode but must admit it threw me a bit having most of the actors playing billionaires in Usher, now turning up on an impoverished remote island.
  10. It does when we have a decent song and performer (that Sam whatsisname who should have won when Ukraine did). An average pop song with an average performance from somwone you've never heard of just won't cut it. Last year was a decent pop tune but an awful live performance. I expect us to be in the top half this year but don't think the song is memorable enough to do really well.
  11. That may well be true but we currently have nowhere near a mid table Championship squad, once those who are leaving have left, IMO. We're playing catch-up and so we'll need investment that other teams don't require. Which is why I would say expectations of anything above half way are some way too high.
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