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2012/2013 Fixtures


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Because its not the official league fixture date and it gives those that visit family on good Friday chance to do so and go to the match?

More to the point why weren't the fixtures arranged fit good Friday and Easter Monday by the football league in the first place?

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Speaking as a season ticket holder living in London, it's bad enough travelling up the M1 for a normal mid week evening game, but the motorway on a Friday afternoon is hell with so many people invariably returning home for the weekend. Will the club give me a refund for these games? I think not! The club must reconsider this decision. Bearing in mind the cost of the 240 mile round trip , the time involved and of course the cost of three season tickets , the feasibility of renewing these tickets must be in question, if this trend continues. This is not to mention the overall disappointing football over the last few seasons!

I have Emailed the club and I hope that those who agree with me will do the same.

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Speaking as a season ticket holder living in London, it's bad enough travelling up the M1 for a normal mid week evening game, but the motorway on a Friday afternoon is hell with so many people invariably returning home for the weekend. Will the club give me a refund for these games? I think not! The club must reconsider this decision. Bearing in mind the cost of the 240 mile round trip , the time involved and of course the cost of three season tickets , the feasibility of renewing these tickets must be in question, if this trend continues. This is not to mention the overall disappointing football over the last few seasons!

I have Emailed the club and I hope that those who agree with me will do the same.

Barnet Ram- emailed the club earlier saying almost word for word what you have said. It's a 260 mile round trip for me. Let's not forget that Sky have barely started with their assault on the fixture list. Home to Leicester on a Thursday night again anyone?

The point is that when you renew your season ticket you know that the fixture list will throw up some midweek games, then you hope that Sky will just move kick offs to different times on the Saturday. What you don't expect is the club to put the boot in on the many fans who travel long distances with this move. What about the fans of Hull, Bristol City and Hull? As someone who goes to plenty of away games I'd be furious if other clubs started pulling this stunt when our away game comes around...

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My reply, arrived first thing this moning..

Thank you for your recent email, of which I have forwarded to our Club Secretary, Clare Morris. Clare will be in touch in due course to discuss your concerns.




PA to the Senior Executive Team

Derby County Football Club

Pride Park Stadium, Pride Park,

Derby, DE24 8XL


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Response from Claire...

I write further to your recent email to the Club regarding the movement of three of our scheduled Saturday home fixtures to Friday nights. It has been forwarded to me for response as the fixture list and any associated amendments fall under the jurisdiction of the Club Secretary and, on this occasion, the changes have been made with the first team in mind.

Following discussions with Nigel Clough and his staff, a decision was made to make the three amendments, primarily, on footballing grounds; basically to allow extra preparation time for the team and in turn, make Derby County more competitive. All fixture changes have to be agreed by the opposition and sanctioned by the Football League and I reference below the specifics surrounding each individual change:

Hull City: Every season involves a hectic Christmas period; this year we face four games in the space of 10 days. Bringing the Hull City game forward gives both the playing and coaching staff an extra 24 hours for preparation and recuperation over what is a particularly demanding period of the campaign. From a supporter perspective, we also felt moving this fixture would free up the last Saturday before the festive period for Christmas shopping.

Crystal Palace: We travel to Cardiff City on Tuesday 5th March, and therefore, moving the Crystal Palace fixture forward from the Saturday to the Friday gives the players and coaching staff an extra 24 hours to not only recover from the game, but also prepare both physically and mentally for a 331.2 mile round trip to the Cardiff City Stadium.

Bristol City: We travel to Leeds United on Monday 1st April. (Easter Monday). Prior to the rearrangement, there would only have been a 24 hour gap between the original Saturday fixture with Bristol City, and the Bank Holiday trip to Leeds United. Making the amendment doubles the time scale and in turn gives the players and coaching staff an extra 24 hours for preparation and recuperation.

As general points, it is felt, particularly by the Manager and his staff, that night fixtures at Pride Park under the floodlights tend to produce a special atmosphere, which the players relish performing in front of. We have decided to carry out an experiment this season having observed other Clubs doing the same in past seasons. Indeed, we notice Brighton & Hove Albion have amended two of their fixtures this season in order to increase time between fixtures.

We understand there will be some supporters who are against non Saturday kick-offs but, as we stand now, 30 games out of the 46 on our fixture list are on a Saturday, half of those (15) are here at Pride Park Stadium. Notwithstanding that, we will, of course, listen to our supporters' opinions on this issue and will consider the position, in conjunction with the Manager, when the 2013/14 fixture list is published.

I hope this response helps you to understand the reasoning behind the changes but should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely


Club Secretary

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