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Do you prefer the chocolate penguin or the penguins with wings that can't even fly?

I'm not a massive chocolate fan and being a bird with wings that cant fly must be so frustrating so I should out of sympathy go with them, then another part of me says **** the bird the chocolate tastes better.

I honestly can't decide which....

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Do you prefer the chocolate penguin or the penguins with wings that can't even fly?

I'm not a massive chocolate fan and being a bird with wings that cant fly must be so frustrating so I should out of sympathy go with them, then another part of me says **** the bird the chocolate tastes better.

I honestly can't decide which....

Bartender! Give us what Daveos on and let us join in with his ramblings.

And if it's a preference, you fellas should choose the winged variety because they send their ladies off to do the hunting & gathering while they get to put their feet up and do presicely nowt.

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My missus wouldn't even go down the road to get me some beer tonight, could of done with one of those penguins

They would have been useless for two reasons-

1. They are away for months

2. They lack any real carrier bag carrying capability

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That's true. But you can huddle with your fellow male penguins and forget about all the arguments you've had and keep warm together. Bet it's a right laugh fest in there. "Have you heard the one about the mother in law, LOL".

The women on the other hand can easily carry the bag in their mouths dodging seals whilst sliding the way back on their bellies, what a crack!

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