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Can we get promotion next season what will it take


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Anything is possible, we have seen what the players can do in patches this season, hopefully as they mature the consistency will come. I am pleased with the progress this season and if we can push on next season with a couple of players for back up incase of injuries we could be in amongst the playoffs- or we could be among the bottom 3. We just never know being Derby fans

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It's hard to say with Paul Green, I don't know if anyone really knows what's going to happen, he certainly doesn't but says he'd like to stay. Tbh, I would keep him, but I guess it may depend on whether we can find a decent/better replacement.

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It's hard to say with Paul Green, I don't know if anyone really knows what's going to happen, he certainly doesn't but says he'd like to stay. Tbh, I would keep him, but I guess it may depend on whether we can find a decent/better replacement.

As I have been saying all along, the contract is there to be signed and has been for most of the season- he's not signing, it's down to money simple as that. If that's his attitude he can go for me, no-one wanted him Jan though so that may make his mind up for him.

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I think its amazing how we've changed.......

12 months ago we were suggesting Ishmael Miller,jimmy Bullard,James Vaughan, Charlie Austin,Waghorn etc, now we are looking for up and coming, i guess we've got the message,and in a way i find it more interesting,because its argueably more about 'grass roots' football, rather than Chelsea/Man city' champange players buying style.

My concern,is that i wonder what will happen if we ever did get promoted..... would the board then invest, when they originally bought us with the now famous 'Global brand' statement,they had a vision, and i wonder if,after financially stabilising the club, and if this new build from the roots up strategy works, would they would see DCFC still as a potential 'Global brand' ? Interesting........

Looking for the stars of the future is a gamble,as obviously some dont make the step up,but financially its a low risk one,with the possibility of great rewards in the future either playing for Derby or the prospect of selling them on a la Southampton.....

I wonder if thats the plan ? and has NC got the right scouting set up in place for that as some have suggested they get travel sick 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

I hope that the board will make a statement as to the direction they forsee so we (or most of us) could all get behind it....

With NC saying we have no money, i expect to see out of contract players coming in, or promising talent from lower leagues.

How ST's will be affected im not sure, but i cant see us swallowing too much BS again, so come on Mr Glick, lay it on the line........

Whats the plan ?

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Clough said that if we got all our targets last summer then we would be finishing in the playoffs. So yes, I expect us to finish in the playoffs next season. That said, we're only 7 points off the playoffs now so it shouldn't take much, which is good, seeing Clough said we're not getting many players in this summer.

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I'm pretty sure next season will be similar to this one.

We should do our best to keep Paul Green, but get a replacement full back so he can play in the middle with Bryson and probably another centre back because I'm not convinced that we are have the depth there at the minute.

Another season of just watching a team with good work rate is not that appealing but I can't see it changing any time soon.

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Because apart from Barker and Shackell I have no confidence in any of them performing consistently throughout a season if called upon. They may all have their good games but over a season they won't be consistent enough.

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Can we get promotion next season? Yes any club can.

What will it take? Decent transfer budget with a manager that can get value for money and the right blend of players.

Will we get promoted next season? never say never but I would highly doubt it.

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I love the way people seem able to put a precise monetary value on what it will take to get us promoted. We could spend £15m and end up lower in the table (like Leicester) or we could sell our best player and only spend half the money on a reject from scotland but get promoted anyway (like Blackpool with Barker and Adam). What it will take to get us promoted is the 'right' signings, irrelevant of cost, wages, experience whatever. If we get a striker that can hold the ball up and score a few goals in the process (even if it's a £400k failure from shrewsbury like Grant Holt), a creative midfielder (even if it's a free-transfer journeyman like Oakley) and a bit of cover at left back then we won't be too far off the playoffs IMO.

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Hard work is a good starting point and the attitude of players like Fielding and Barker are the right kind to have. Hopefully we wil build from here into a steady team. Inconsistency is the only thing that has really cost us this season, the injuries (especially to Davies and Brayford) haven't helped either. With consistency, a couple of additions and a slice of luck we could be playoff contenders.

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this has been the poorest championship season for a while. with the teams that will come down out of QPR, Wolves, Bolton, Wigan, the league will be much stronger.

unless we splash out on a striker and a midfielder, then no chance.

I disagree, I think So'ton and WHU, arguably Reading at the moment are better than a few of those mentioned. If the likes of Bolton, Wigan and Wolves do come down then it leaves it in the balance, much more than it is at the moment. I have no doubt's QPR will spend their way back to promotion much like WHU have done if they come down, can't say the same about the other 3. Wolves are screwed if they get relegated.

If we finish in the top half then next year the expectation will be there to improve again, even if that's just missing out on the play offs I wouldn't be that disappointed, although it all depends on how much/less we spend in the summer and what players leave or not.

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