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We never replaced [insert name]


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I saw this on another forum and thought it would be a good idea on here, as in my time of supporting Derby we've gone from having some genuine class acts, to being named worst team in history.. so who do you think we never replaced

The first name on the list, without question has to be Chris Powell, the last decent left back we had and that is quite annoying when you think he left in 1998 for a measly 825,000 only a 75,000 profit on such an integral player!

Carsley was a funny one, although I don't remember him being too highly rated by the Derby faithful and people were happy to see him go for the 3million+ to Blackburn, it left a massive gap in our midfield that could of been one of the underlying reasons the rot set in and the relegation that started this run of miserable years.

Anymore (I could name 13-14, but this is a forum game)

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Put that question on the Forest forum and bet most would say Teddy Sheringham.

It recent years, Howard and Oakley. Going further than that Stevie mac as assistant manager, you could pinpoint that moment as the start of the downfall when he left for Man utd

Disagree with both Howard and Oakley... they were part of a team that was the worst in history, went to leicester and relegated them into league one, both came out better in their old age but Leicester will have made a huge loss on both of them, overall.

I would however argue that we never replaced Seth Johnson from our promotion season, we didn't have that combative midfielder to stop other teams sitting in our half having shooting practise in the premiership, which was the underlying issue to us being a laughing stock.

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Well we did replace Seth Johnson with ....... Well with Seth Johnson lol 7 million thank you very much

The replacement for Seth Johnson when we was promoted was big Ben Feilhaber... remember him? 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mellow' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':mellow:' /> 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

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Yeah I do, just hardly ever played him, looked alright when he did.

Complete opposite to Seth though, from what I remember had good enough technique but wouldn't do anything at all.. wouldn't tackle, wouldn't run at players and wouldn't shoot.

5-10 yard passes was his game and he was good at that.

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The most recent example I can think of is probably Rasiak.

Have we had another keeper of Poom's class in the last 20yrs?

I thought about Poom but he was real class, in todays game he would be up there with the best of the premiership so not surprising we haven't had a keep within his class however we seem to have keepers who can't keep consistency.

Fielding, Bywater, Camp, and Grant all had spells of being a very good keeper but the last 3 especially just sank off without a trace, hopefully fielding can stay away from this trend, although more recently his form and confidence is dipping.

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we did mate,if we had been left with him we would have been bankrupt.

I was talking within the sense of someone who made things happen for the football club, Gadsby did alright... and nowadays the Americans run things sensibly but it just stinks of 'sitting on an investment'

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weve never replaced billy davies,love him or hate him he was a quality manager(at this level)

Players/qualities we have never replaced...

Billy Davies..........great manager

Chris Powell........the perfect left back.

Igor Stimac........classy centre half

Robin Van Der Laan........a CAPTAIN (imagine having one of those!!!)

Paul Williams........A versatile player.

Idiakez......A creative midfielder.

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