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Was looking around for some articles relating to Clough's coaching qualifications. As a coach at Burton it is unlikely he would have done all his coaching badges there. He may well be less qualified than many of the managers in the division, could be at least some substance to the story. All this must be starting to unsettle some of the Rams players. Does sound like the Mirror have made up an excuse to explain their original story being a load of codswallop though.

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Don't they use Burton to run courses - I think Savage mentioned once he was doing his badges there.

Is this really a new rule? I thought this was brought after Southgate got the Boro Job with no badges.

I think Clough will have known about the rule, and if he wanted to leave would have done the badges.

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To be honest being a staunch supporter of a Clough being at Derby which i am !!.

It leaves a sour taste in the mouth that he isnt coming out and publicly saying " Im staying at Derby its a special club and means alot to the family i have no intention of going nowhere for a long time ".

The fact he isnt calming fans nerves who do want him here,speaks volumes to me.I dont like the silence and im beginning to think these something in it.

And if there was and he did just what his dad basically did and left here to go to Forest....it doesnt bare thinking about,why would he go there above us ?????.I just dont get it.....i cant believe we are even talking about this and clough its slamming the rumours into oblivion.If it was a repeat of what went of with Brain ( bar the success of course ) it would be extremely cruel and twisting the knife into the fans backs in an extreme way for me......pretty unforgivable stuff.

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To be honest being a staunch supporter of a Clough being at Derby which i am !!.

It leaves a sour taste in the mouth that he isnt coming out and publicly saying " Im staying at Derby its a special club and means alot to the family i have no intention of going nowhere for a long time ".

The fact he isnt calming fans nerves who do want him here,speaks volumes to me.I dont like the silence and im beginning to think these something in it.

And if there was and he did just what his dad basically did and left here to go to Forest....it doesnt bare thinking about,why would he go there above us ?????.I just dont get it.....i cant believe we are even talking about this and clough its slamming the rumours into oblivion.If it was a repeat of what went of with Brain ( bar the success of course ) it would be extremely cruel and twisting the knife into the fans backs in an extreme way for me......pretty unforgivable stuff.

...This has got nothing to do with his Dad.

Take the emotion out of it, we just need to get a deal signed asap.

The Mirror/People are an absolute disgrace, and are obviously scouring the lower leagues for a good story as it's international week. Claiming this morning that Clough is now 'stuck' at Derby, because of his coaching badges - what a joke. And how stupid are forest for not checking them out in the first place? Not that I believe anything Alan Nixon writes.

Agree with Davenport - if you want to make yourself more marketable to other employers, do some qualifications - that's just common sense.

This now surely means that he can't go to another Championship club, and only down? Which surely means he's going nowhere anyway (not that I think he'd ever want to leave!)

Basically a sunstandard group of newspapers has put the **** up Derby fans. Are there many contract deals that are done and dusted immediately? No.

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To be honest being a staunch supporter of a Clough being at Derby which i am !!.

It leaves a sour taste in the mouth that he isnt coming out and publicly saying " Im staying at Derby its a special club and means alot to the family i have no intention of going nowhere for a long time ".

The fact he isnt calming fans nerves who do want him here,speaks volumes to me.I dont like the silence and im beginning to think these something in it.

And if there was and he did just what his dad basically did and left here to go to Forest....it doesnt bare thinking about,why would he go there above us ?????.I just dont get it.....i cant believe we are even talking about this and clough its slamming the rumours into oblivion.If it was a repeat of what went of with Brain ( bar the success of course ) it would be extremely cruel and twisting the knife into the fans backs in an extreme way for me......pretty unforgivable stuff.

I don't think anyones panicking here NR. Merely shaking our heads at some pisspoor journalism. Do you really expect NC to comment on every made up story in the press?

Relax fella and look forward to what could be a cracking game on satdee!

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Not really, depends on what paper (if any) he reads.

Its being reported on the BBC (albeit the rumour page copied from The Mirror), Glick has had to come out and say "He is our guy", he in the top 3 favorites at the bookies and surely his friends/family/squad would say "Hey! Apparently your taking the Forest job!"

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Yes but if he's not interested in taking the forest job he'd just shrug and laugh it off and concentrate on getting the team ready for Southampton.

Storm in a teacup created by very lazy journalism.

All he has to do is speak to Bloomers - "There has been no contact and I am not interested"

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It leaves a sour taste in the mouth that he isnt coming out and publicly saying " Im staying at Derby its a special club and means alot to the family i have no intention of going nowhere for a long time ".

The fact he isnt calming fans nerves who do want him here,speaks volumes to me.I dont like the silence and im beginning to think these something in it.

I think after the leicester game he said something along the lines of 'they know what this club means to me...' before going on about the Tampa bay Rays playing that evening .

But, yeh! I even had one of those 'real type' dreams Sunday night that he'd gone to manage Liverpool... woke up feeling really low.

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Why??? Just to please you???

Me and Mrs recently found new dog and she wines quite a bit when she is left on her own, she constantly needs reasuring which our woman does quite abit however I just ignore her make sure she gets walked and fed and she doesnt wine as much now, anyway the long winded point i'm trying to make is, I'd rather our Nige just carries on with his job which he is doing bloody well at instead of spending all his time reassuring insecure fans....

Just saying

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Getting totally bored of this so called paper, and their gutter journalism, and to make it worse the BBC feature it, admittedly under gossip.

Simple fact is that THIS was always going to happen, and more so because we are 3rd, and the other idiots are imploding and going down faster that a 2 dollar whole in a crack house.

Where has the rumor gone about a 30m buy out by a chinese company and an experianced european manager coming in...that disappeared as quick as the summer.

The Clough nonesense will stick around for a while, and allsorts will be said, and 1% may have a glimmer of fact. Just stop and think.....If Clough left for Forest he would have to move house, move family and go againest all his moral ethics and for what? A club that has less direction that what he joined when he arrived here.

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