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When do we give up on clough??


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so far nigel has been unspectacular, but has not had barely any money and have to ruduce the wage bill, but if we have another average season (such as finishing 14th and below) like the last 2 will it be time to give up on him and move on? and who should take over??

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so far nigel has been unspectacular, but has not had barely any money and have to ruduce the wage bill, but if we have another average season (such as finishing 14th and below) like the last 2 will it be time to give up on him and move on? and who should take over??

Can't you make yer own mind up?

Just saying.

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I think Nigel has done an OK job in very difficult circumstances. He has kept us in the division, butchered the squad and halved the wage bill. This would have been beyond the scope of many mangers, who would have either walked away or got us relegated.

Yet even the most blinkeredly pro-Clough fan cannot have missed the fact that Nigel appears to have made quite a few mistakes along the way. Negative tactics, strange team selections and publically berating players don't seem to me to be ideal ways to do the job. However, I feel that most of them were the result of him being asked to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. The players didn't do what he demanded and so he lost faith in them. To an extent this is excusable as they were either not his chosen players or players brought in that were cheap gambles.

This season those excuses won't wash. These are Nigel's players. He has had time to filter out the unwanted and (finally) the resources to replace them with his own choices.

We know that Nigel can cut costs, but we don't know if he can produce a successful team - which I always considered was the manger's main job. If he can't do that, then he should go. A review of the position in November to allow for dealing in January. I would suggest if we are in the bottom eight in mid Novemeber Nigel should be sacked. Then another review at the end of the season. Bottom half then Nigel is replaced by someone who can produce a winning team. I don't expect promotion but I feel Nigel has now been given the tools to produce a competitive Championship side. Falure (or even success) now is down to only one man - Nigel Clough.

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So its Clough all the way then for some of you, so if we don't win a game in the first ten, you will not waver, we are in the zone at Christmas, still no wavering, after a disastrous window in Jan no improvement, still you say Clough is the man, when would you pull the plug?, never ?.

My personal opinion is , ( and I have no proof ), that the Yanks have given an ultimatum, and will pull the plug as soon as the playoffs start to look iffy, and before they become unlikely, we will have to wait and see .

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