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Fitness journey


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After 2 weeks all-inclusive in May, I’ve gained about 5-7lbs that isn’t going anywhere despite my usual daily walking and gym 3 times a week.  

I know my problem is evening snacking so as of now I am not allowed to eat anything after 8pm. 

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On 07/06/2024 at 15:54, De22Ram said:

Ps - also lots of water! A lot of times people think there hungry when there actually thirsty! Should be getting at least 2 litres a day, 3-4 litres if training!

I find these are great


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Posted (edited)

Its so much easier to put weight on than lose it that's for sure.

I try to set myself little mini-tasks, eg no sweet/pudding/Choc for 2weeks. Or no alcohol. Or no salt added to anything. 

It resets my thinking and I make better decisions about the rest of my eating by feeling that one pain that is do-able.

I also exercise every day. Normally first thing. But whether its a decent walk, gym, football... I do something every day.

I also find that having a big breakfast just makes me hungrier. The longer I can get by on just a small bowl of porridge the better.

Carbs generally (bread, pasta, potato) are fuel and nothing else.  They make you feel full...then empty again, with little nutritional value. Lots of veg, salad and meat... with treats of nuts, fruit, bit of sugar is the way for me as much as possible.

Edited by Chester40
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 03/07/2024 at 20:09, Wolfie said:

I know my problem is evening snacking so as of now I am not allowed to eat anything after 8pm. 

That is such a problem for me, I used to do the dishwasher and let the dog in the garden just before I went to bed and couldn't help but eat things, toast and chocolate biscuits mostly. I do the diswasher earlier to try and avoid it, but the bloody dog still leads me to tempation by making me go to the kitchen to let him out just before bed.

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9 hours ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

That’s a whole football game

Thats my watching RamsTV ride so it is a whole football game. Quickride is a wattbike setting where you just ride and set your own pace, I set it tp 120 W, there are lots of training rides available that demand variable output. Actally a flat workout like that sets up up for a cycle commute to work, 12 miles along the canal.

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On 04/04/2024 at 14:44, RadioactiveWaste said:

I get really fat in my 30s. Like really fat. Like struggling to tie shoes fat.

Got COVID and it ruined me for months so decided to sort myself out.

For me it was running, I got to the point I loved it, had run quite a few Half's and had just completed a marathon...and my knee started playing up.

Never realised how much I would miss it.

However I'm just starting to work back so I'm on the trying to get going again journey.

You don't need a gym, you don't need equipment, all you need is the will to do it.

(He said as he shovelled a KitKat into his gob)

Started running when I stopped playing football aged 30ish (when kids arrived).

Kept getting bad knees and stopping.

Then did gym and strengthened leg and core muscles and since then have been mostly injury free. Run about 1000 miles a year (20ish a week) and have done 6 marathons and about 20ish half’s.

I am built more like a rugby centre than a distance runner (6ft and 13st) so am genuinely surprised that I am now 51 and still enjoying it.

Would advise that strength/conditioning alongside the running is a good combo for longevity.


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Gasp-wheeze-waddled my way around parkrun this morning.

Was starting to get back then had a set back for a few weeks but going again now.

Jog 10 walk 2 might not seem that much but it's progress.

I checked back through my Garmin data the other day and I'm not surprised I'm finding it hard considering I'm 15kg fatter than before my knee troubles. Getting that back down is probably going to help. Slowly but surely.

And I'm going to do strength and conditioning this time. I promise. <Sob>

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So, progress has been slow, but over the last week or so I think I've reached the tipping point where things start to become enjoyable again. I checked over my recent parkrun times and there is actually some improvement coming. OK, it's a way off getting back to being under 30 minutes, but just because you're not where you want to be doesn't mean you are where you were.

25th May 37.15

20th July 37.04

27th July 38.34

17th August 37.39

31st August 36.33

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2 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

So, progress has been slow, but over the last week or so I think I've reached the tipping point where things start to become enjoyable again. I checked over my recent parkrun times and there is actually some improvement coming. OK, it's a way off getting back to being under 30 minutes, but just because you're not where you want to be doesn't mean you are where you were.

25th May 37.15

20th July 37.04

27th July 38.34

17th August 37.39

31st August 36.33

Thats pretty good depending on your age. I have,stopped looking at distance and speed. I am in my late fifties I just look at the heart zone I am in on my watch and i feel ok i carry on. A couple of fit people I know of the same age have had some pretty serious scare with their ticker. Adding to this I know that if I want to push harder or longer it leads to an injury. I just tell myself I have been out instead of having a beer and a packet of crisps sat on the sofa watching more rubbish.

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2 hours ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

Thats pretty good depending on your age. I have,stopped looking at distance and speed. I am in my late fifties I just look at the heart zone I am in on my watch and i feel ok i carry on. A couple of fit people I know of the same age have had some pretty serious scare with their ticker. Adding to this I know that if I want to push harder or longer it leads to an injury. I just tell myself I have been out instead of having a beer and a packet of crisps sat on the sofa watching more rubbish.

Not gonna lie, i'm in my early 40s and a long way off being a healthy weight or lifestyle, but, being a little bit better than i was is what it's all about. Lets say the journey is from simpson's comic book guy towards homer, then maybe one day towards groundskeeper willie.

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