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Just read that Israel have killed over 90 journalists since the attacks on Gaza started. . 

Not one word of condemnation from British journalists ….I’m sure some would have known some of the murdered journalists personally and yet they cannot, or not allowed to, comment on the targeting of these brave souls who have died for trying to report what’s happening  





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Owen's channel also has a good interview with former IDF soldier Ariel Bernstein. Goes quite well with an LBC interview with Matt Frei who speaks about the weak Israeli government. 

Both are pretty balanced. Not the hard-line Pro Palestinian approach that paints Israel evil. 

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A little pre-Christmas update from the BBC:

Israel has "gone beyond self-defence" and lost the moral authority in its war with Hamas, the chair of the Commons foreign affairs committee has said.

Tory MP Alicia Kearns told the BBC she thinks Israel has broken international law and risks increasing support for Hamas among Palestinians.

She said: "Bombs don't obliterate an ideology and neither can a stable state be constructed from oblivion."


Meanwhile, US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin says the US has spoken to Israel about making the war in Gaza more "surgical". Hard to imagine a 'less surgical' approach unless you can somehow overlook the small matter of 20,000 dead Palestinian civilians, 70% of whom were women and children.

In other news, according to human rights advocates and aid groups, approaching 2 million Gazans have been forced from the area and as many as half of whom are likely to starve or be lost to disease.

When will it stop?

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I think they are being surgical. They're doing exactly what they said they'd do and nothing has been by mistake. Accept that 3 civilians shot dead were Jews and not Muslims. 

The whole idea that they ever had moral authority for the last few decades (if ever) or that it's possible for the occupier to defend itself from the occupied is hugely debatable anyway. The backtracking is good but until the West is prepared to make some admissions then Hamas and groups like Hamas will continue to resist. 

The clue is in American military history. 

I have a feeling that Palestinians might not be as eager to accept peace as imagined. I know the West probably thinks they will get to pick the terms of peace but I very much doubt the mass murder and humiliation will be forgotten quickly. This is the thing about Palestinians that so many seem oblivious to. They won't submit. Again, historical clues. 

We'll be back here again and again until they're treated equally. Holding a gun to their head telling them the terms of peace fixes nothing. They tend to remember the gun

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Never been one for conspiracy theories but 

I hope they're remembered for being on the wrong side of history. 

"I've always spoken out against the settlements".... Sure you have guys. Sure you have

Rupert Murdoch has been grafting

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3 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Good to Israel are now killing Hamas figures in Lebanon?

Is the best chance of peace the US quickly taking out Netenyahu and his extremeist colleagues?

Yep, they were bragging on this weeks ago saying their hit squads would assassinate Hamas leaders wherever they happened to be. Their attitude to diplomatic alternatives seems to be, 'Sod other countries' sovereignty, sod diplomacy, we're Jewish and we do what the **** we like'. 

From a few weeks back:

https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-security-chief-recording-vows-hunt-down-hamas-abroad-kan-tv-2023-12-03/#:~:text=Israeli security chief in recording vows to hunt down Hamas abroad,-Reuters&text=JERUSALEM%2C Dec 3 (Reuters),public broadcaster Kan on Sunday.


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I just can't get my head around support for Hamas. It's like the Palestinians don't see the benefits of a "Greater Israel".



Open your eyes, young man. You need to understand what Europeans have done to the Jews. You need to recognise that Israeli Occupation and defence of that Occupation is complex. Who the hell does he think he is?! A Ukrainian?

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From the BBC:

Israel will fight South Africa's claim that it is committing "genocidal" acts in Gaza at the International Court of Justice, an Israeli spokesman has said.

"History will judge you, and it will judge you without mercy," Eylon Levy said, addressing South African leaders.

South Africa filed the case at the ICJ on Friday, to Israel's outrage.

South Africa is a staunch supporter of the Palestinians and has repeatedly condemned Israel since the start of the war with Gaza on 7 October.

More than 22,000 Palestinians - the majority of them civilians - have been killed in Israeli strikes since the war began, according to Gaza's health ministry which is run by the Islamist group Hamas.


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Was getting a bit bored of this war now, needed a new plot line....hold on, in come Islamic State. Not sure we saw that twist.

Will IS join forces with Israel vs Iran and friends? 

Israel were already having closer ties with the Gulf States and Saudis, so an unlikely combo cannot be ruled out.

Any thoughts who might join up on the Hamas/Iran side now? Russia might fancy it perhaps?

We does the US now support? IS are probably the worst terrorists right?

Although I'm sure there was talk of IS links with the Hamas attacks? Maybe Hamas will join the IS side? With Israel?

Exciting times!

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10 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Was getting a bit bored of this war now, needed a new plot line....hold on, in come Islamic State. Not sure we saw that twist.

Will IS join forces with Israel vs Iran and friends? 

Israel were already having closer ties with the Gulf States and Saudis, so an unlikely combo cannot be ruled out.

Any thoughts who might join up on the Hamas/Iran side now? Russia might fancy it perhaps?

We does the US now support? IS are probably the worst terrorists right?

Although I'm sure there was talk of IS links with the Hamas attacks? Maybe Hamas will join the IS side? With Israel?

Exciting times!

ISIS never attack Israel or their interests, during Syrian conflict their members received medical aid from Israel, some claim that the name ISIS is an in our face dark joke, that it stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.  Terror bombing in Iran claimed by Islamic State, huh, no surprise there.

USA policy is the enemy of my enemy is my friend, until I stab him in the back.

“To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”  - Henry Kissinger

Except for Israel of course, one might surmise.

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South Africa might know a thing or two about Apartheid States. 

America wasn't too concerned with South Africa until it became convenient for them to be concerned. 

Oh well, the ICCJ will hear the case but whatever they rule will be ignored by Israel. Standard stuff. Nothing new.

It's funny hearing a Zionist say history will judge South Africa. I would very much hate to be a person who's convinced themselves that they're on the right side of history by thinking this is right. I doubt there's a God but if there is then good luck on your day of judgement. 

Eylon Levy, who is an absolute Bamford of the highest order, I'm sure will understand that all Putin is doing is liberating the Republics of Lugansk and Donbas after Ukraine has broken treaties and allows extremist groups such as Azov operate in the regions. We are all fine with carving out territories and then killing civilians in the name of self defence? Nothing wrong with leveling a Ukrainian city in the name of self defence and national security. Right? Do you condemn Azov Brigade, Mr Levy?

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Quick, somebody say 40 beheaded babies again. 

Hard to pick a highlight of the month. Is it bulldozing people alive under rubble? Making prisoners in the West Bank strip, crawl on all fours and bark? Is it sniping Christians and claiming there are no churches in Gaza? Is it executing kids? Filming blowing up empty schools? Or urinating on people's homes? Or filming yourselves chilling out with Palestinians bound and gagged in their homes? Or re-edits of "Hamas" surrendering weapons? 

So much to choose from. I'm gonna go with bulldozing people trapped in rubble. It's symbolic of the history I think. 

New Year usually means a lot of people plan to lose weight. Very popular resolution in Gaza. Even the kids are at it. Skipping breakfast, dinner and tea. Respect the dedication 

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5 hours ago, Alph said:


Quick, somebody say 40 beheaded babies again. 

Hard to pick a highlight of the month. Is it bulldozing people alive under rubble? Making prisoners in the West Bank strip, crawl on all fours and bark? Is it sniping Christians and claiming there are no churches in Gaza? Is it executing kids? Filming blowing up empty schools? Or urinating on people's homes? Or filming yourselves chilling out with Palestinians bound and gagged in their homes? Or re-edits of "Hamas" surrendering weapons? 

So much to choose from. I'm gonna go with bulldozing people trapped in rubble. It's symbolic of the history I think. 

New Year usually means a lot of people plan to lose weight. Very popular resolution in Gaza. Even the kids are at it. Skipping breakfast, dinner and tea. Respect the dedication 

It's literally horrific and it makes me very sad to see the West continue to look away. What a world we live in.

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