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13 hours ago, NottsRam77 said:

On my twitter page

this is why i think btc is a great store of value and hedge against inflation

but so so much more eloquently put than i ever could 


Bitcoin is not a store of value, it’s just a speculative asset people hope will go up in price.
After this debate Bitcoin dropped from $65,000 to $16,000.

I wonder how many bought at near ATH after this video on laser eyes advice, it’s going up forever, then panicked on the way down, sold and lost a lot of money.

Maybe a store of value to some people though.


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5 hours ago, cstand said:

Bitcoin is not a store of value, it’s just a speculative asset people hope will go up in price.
After this debate Bitcoin dropped from $65,000 to $16,000.

I wonder how many bought at near ATH after this video on laser eyes advice, it’s going up forever, then panicked on the way down, sold and lost a lot of money.

Maybe a store of value to some people though.


It is a store of value. Just ask 2 of the 3 biggest investment hedgefunds in the world.(black rock and fidelity) 

Its dropped from 69 to 15k…. Its back up to 30k already and were well before the halving.

Its also gone from 3k to 19k,  if u bought 8 years ago…. If u bought even further back then ur laughing

its a store of value that cant be manipilated, exploited or controlled 

unlike our own fiat currencies that are in the control by a privileged few to the detriment to the rest of us.

if u watch that video of saylor he explains exactly why it will continue to increase in value against our rapidly diluted currencies 


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On 28/07/2023 at 09:16, cstand said:

Bitcoin is not a store of value, it’s just a speculative asset people hope will go up in price.
After this debate Bitcoin dropped from $65,000 to $16,000.

I wonder how many bought at near ATH after this video on laser eyes advice, it’s going up forever, then panicked on the way down, sold and lost a lot of money.

Maybe a store of value to some people though.


This just adds support to btc quite honestly

the btc blockchain is fully viewable by any person anywhere in the world.

it is totally transparent and traceable so any transaction can be viewed.

The fact they used crypto to try and hide their gains is more the fool them.

it would have been a very easy case for the prosecution

they would have been much better advised trying to hide their monies in regular paper fiat 


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On 28/07/2023 at 09:16, cstand said:

Bitcoin is not a store of value, it’s just a speculative asset people hope will go up in price.
After this debate Bitcoin dropped from $65,000 to $16,000.

I wonder how many bought at near ATH after this video on laser eyes advice, it’s going up forever, then panicked on the way down, sold and lost a lot of money.

Maybe a store of value to some people though.


Oh wow 

just watched that debate, i felt sorry for the gold guy genuinely

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17 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

I bet you’re the only person on this forum to have watched, or be inclined to watch the whole 1 hour 56 minute debate between two individuals we’ve never heard of. 😀

😂.. im sure i am (although saylor is pretty famous) 

joking aside it is an interesting debate

i do feel though that the gold guy is fighting a losing battle 

He largely uses the same disproven rhetorics many anti btcers use without much substance.

everytime i hear saylor speak it makes me want to sell my kids to buy more bitcoin lol

ok, not that extream but im sold on it shall we say.

love the early comparison saylor makes with regard to if u gifting knowledge, money and music back in the day 19th century compared to the 21st.

just basically saying move with the times gramps, its happening and there aint s*** u can do about it 😂😂



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Those that have cared to or been bothered to follow my incessant ramblings on here about bitcoin is a hedge against inflation.

That its a mean of protecting your assets against a constantly devaluing pound

ie the pound in your pocket not so long ago could buy u a loaf of bread…. Now ur looking at nearly double that.

Well…. It isnt going to get any better soon.

Our financial system is absolutely f*****… its literally a race to the bottom between countries .. ie which countries have the least debt on their already maxed out credit cards and the only way to protect your savings or pension pot against this rapidly devaluing is through solid fixed assets. 

Watch this and tell me its not freightening.

if not for us but for our kids. I want to be able to leave them something when im gone but i can promise u it wont be in the form of pounds in the bank as by the time they can access it, it wouldnt even buy a loaf of bread .

Nottsram prizes are being awarded for who can tell me the assets that might protect your wealth against this debasement lol

which ties in beautifully with my previous video i posted


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1 hour ago, NottsRam77 said:

. I want to be able to leave them something when im gone but i can promise u it wont be in the form of pounds in the bank as by the time they can access it, it wouldnt even buy a loaf of bread .

I'd suggest you leave them these.




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58 minutes ago, Rev said:

I'd suggest you leave them these.




Who took the jam out of your donut rev?

I Think you’ve got too much time on your hands pal

You managed to read and understand the post. i’ve got too much going on in my life to be arsed to spellcheck a football forum post

oh to be some 🙄

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28 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

Who took the jam out of your donut rev?

I Think you’ve got too much time on your hands pal

You managed to read and understand the post. i’ve got too much going on in my life to be arsed to spellcheck a football forum post

oh to be some 🙄

I'm only pulling your blockchain. 

It's just that I'd find advice on  cutting edge financial technology easier to swallow if it was properly formatted. 

I do enjoy your one man effort on here though, and I have watched some of the content you've posted and found it interesting, if not persuasive.

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21 minutes ago, Rev said:

I'm only pulling your blockchain. 

It's just that I'd find advice on  cutting edge financial technology easier to swallow if it was properly formatted. 

I do enjoy your one man effort on here though, and I have watched some of the content you've posted and found it interesting, if not persuasive.

Fair play buddy

the context / tone wasn't all so clear. 

Im not trying to persuade anyone to buy bitcoin. Im trying to enlighten people as to the macro factors that are at play. 

Inflation and currency debasement is a very real problem that has affected some of   the worlds the poorest countries for years.
All I'm doing is pointing out its coming  to a country near you. As unthinkable as it may seem…. Tbh its already started, we’re living it. 

There are very few ways people can protect their savings and hard earned cash against inflation. Gold, property and imo bitcoin, Im open to any other legal suggestions but i cant think of any.

i just want to share my thoughts , if i can help any fellow rams that are interested then happy days. 

I don’t get anything out of it. I just think its a very interesting and slightly worrying topic when u take a peep down the rabbit hole.


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On 28/07/2023 at 15:05, NottsRam77 said:

It is a store of value. Just ask 2 of the 3 biggest investment hedgefunds in the world.(black rock and fidelity) 

Its dropped from 69 to 15k…. Its back up to 30k already and were well before the halving.

Its also gone from 3k to 19k,  if u bought 8 years ago…. If u bought even further back then ur laughing

its a store of value that cant be manipilated, exploited or controlled 

unlike our own fiat currencies that are in the control by a privileged few to the detriment to the rest of us.

if u watch that video of saylor he explains exactly why it will continue to increase in value against our rapidly diluted currencies 


A trusted store of value is an asset that is not volatile, holds its price or slowly increases its price over many years so you don’t have to think about panic selling into another asset during hard times when prices are dropping.

The only value you get from Bitcoin price wise is FOMO this is why its pumped by laser eyes Michael Saylor, Cathy Wood that it can only go higher and because they stand to make millions or billions.
If you watched the video Saylor just smiles when Giustra explains telling people that Bitcoin can only go higher is morally wrong. 

Approximately 3.6 million Bitcoin has been lost, again not a store of value.

Central banks all around the world are buying gold at record levels not Bitcoin because it’s a trusted store of value. 

https://www.gold.org/goldhub/research/gold-demand-trends/gold-demand-trends-q1-2023/Central-banks#:~:text=Central bank gold buying made,strongest first quarter on record.&text=This is all the more,pace of demand last year.

You hero Michael Saylor LOST 6 billion dollars in a single day in 2000 due financial irregularities in his company Micro Strategy which he still runs today but still thinks he did nothing wrong. It’s the biggest loss in history for a single day. 

According to coin desk he is about a billion dollars down on Bitcoin August 2022 at a price of $22,000 no wonder he pumps Bitcoin.


If people want to invest in Bitcoin they really need to understand it’s a high risk investment there is no guarantee it’s going to hold its value or increase in value if stock markets around drop around the world.

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1 hour ago, cstand said:

A trusted store of value is an asset that is not volatile, holds its price or slowly increases its price over many years so you don’t have to think about panic selling into another asset during hard times when prices are dropping.

The only value you get from Bitcoin price wise is FOMO this is why its pumped by laser eyes Michael Saylor, Cathy Wood that it can only go higher and because they stand to make millions or billions.
If you watched the video Saylor just smiles when Giustra explains telling people that Bitcoin can only go higher is morally wrong. 

Approximately 3.6 million Bitcoin has been lost, again not a store of value.

Central banks all around the world are buying gold at record levels not Bitcoin because it’s a trusted store of value. 

https://www.gold.org/goldhub/research/gold-demand-trends/gold-demand-trends-q1-2023/Central-banks#:~:text=Central bank gold buying made,strongest first quarter on record.&text=This is all the more,pace of demand last year.

You hero Michael Saylor LOST 6 billion dollars in a single day in 2000 due financial irregularities in his company Micro Strategy which he still runs today but still thinks he did nothing wrong. It’s the biggest loss in history for a single day. 

According to coin desk he is about a billion dollars down on Bitcoin August 2022 at a price of $22,000 no wonder he pumps Bitcoin.


If people want to invest in Bitcoin they really need to understand it’s a high risk investment there is no guarantee it’s going to hold its value or increase in value if stock markets around drop around the world.

some interesting points … 

so wish we could discuss this over a call as there is so so so many many things to talk about

Your first point… an asset needs to be stable ? Says who?

prices of any asset fluctuates.. bitcoin isnt immune (far from it) from market and macro effects. It will suffer like any other asset if macro factors dictate.

it also depends on your time frame… so many people are so short sighted. 

“its fallen in 18 months from 69k to 30k … btc is dead, its a scam”

what they dont talk about is in 4 years its sitting at 30k from its previous high of 19k…. And 4 years before that….


.. Michael saylors microstategy company owns like 152k btc at an average of just above 30k so at time of writing he is down. 
but if u know anything about bitcoin , its cycles and the halving then he wont be a worried man… quite literally the polar opposite

Any asset investment carries a risk.

the most secure investement anyone could make is buying governent debt (bonds and guilts) the rate of return will have u losing money as its miles behind the rate of inflation 3-4% vs whatever your countries inflation rate is. 

however, it was only a couple of months ago the US were having kittens about being able to service the debt on these bonds and having to beg the senate to borrow more money so they didnt have to default on these payments and crash the world economy. … 

so even these solid “gurenteed” investments carry a risk…. and theyre still seeing u lose ur money as inflation eats it up….

My question to anyone

If u have 20k to leave to your kids in 20 years time.. how are you storing that so it preserves its value and will buy them more than half a loaf of bread (ok im deliberately being sensationalist there) but how do u protect its value.

im not saying btc is the answer … but the options are v limited and love to hear them

gold and property are about the only other two i would go for. In an ideal world i would spread between the 3 

so so much id love to discuss

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Just now, NottsRam77 said:

some interesting points … 

so wish we could discuss this over a call as there is so so so many many things to talk about

Your first point… an asset needs to be stable ? Says who?

prices of any asset fluctuates.. bitcoin isnt immune (far from it) from market and macro effects. It will suffer like any other asset if macro factors dictate.

it also depends on your time frame… so many people are so short sighted. 

“its fallen in 18 months from 69k to 30k … btc is dead, its a scam”

what they dont talk about is in 4 years its sitting at 30k from its previous high of 19k…. And 4 years before that….


.. Michael saylors microstategy company owns like 152k btc at an average of just above 30k so at time of writing he is down. 
but if u know anything about bitcoin , its cycles and the halving then he wont be a worried man… quite literally the polar opposite

Any asset investment carries a risk.

the most secure investement anyone could make is buying governent debt (bonds and guilts) the rate of return will have u losing money as its miles behind the rate of inflation 3-4% vs whatever your countries inflation rate is. 

however, it was only a couple of months ago the US were having kittens about being able to service the debt on these bonds and having to beg the senate to borrow more money so they didnt have to default on these payments and crash the world economy. … 

so even these solid “gurenteed” investments carry a risk…. and theyre still seeing u lose ur money as inflation eats it up….

My question to anyone

If u have 20k to leave to your kids in 20 years time.. how are you storing that so it preserves its value and will buy them more than half a loaf of bread (ok im deliberately being sensationalist there) but how do u protect its value.

im not saying btc is the answer … but the options are v limited and love to hear them

gold and property are about the only other two i would go for. In an ideal world i would spread between the 3 

so so much id love to discuss

Sorry the comment about fomo.

Thats just naive And ill informed with respect 

you think fidelity and black rock would hold btc on their balance sheets for their clients in the interest of fomo l😂😂🙈

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@cstand“Banks are not buying bitcoin”

 bitcoin is their enemy lol.

bitcoin threatens the broken financial system they implement on us … so no they wont be buying bitcoin lol

bitcoins current market cap is 569 billion. Just 15 years ago that money was in their banking system .. and now its not.. and that shift is growing as people go in search of ways to protect themselves against inflation and debasement of their local currency

Millions and millions of pounds are leaving their financial system as people look for investments that offer more than the 4-5% interest on “savings products”  which in the uk is now 3% behind inflation… so ur losing money

thats their system … great isnt it… they get rich while we all get poor and our money is inflated away 

edit: and when they get it wrong its us (public money) that bails them out

what a system, must be great if your on the right side of it 😂😭

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2 hours ago, cstand said:

A trusted store of value is an asset that is not volatile, holds its price or slowly increases its price over many years so you don’t have to think about panic selling into another asset during hard times when prices are dropping.

The only value you get from Bitcoin price wise is FOMO this is why its pumped by laser eyes Michael Saylor, Cathy Wood that it can only go higher and because they stand to make millions or billions.
If you watched the video Saylor just smiles when Giustra explains telling people that Bitcoin can only go higher is morally wrong. 

Approximately 3.6 million Bitcoin has been lost, again not a store of value.

Central banks all around the world are buying gold at record levels not Bitcoin because it’s a trusted store of value. 

https://www.gold.org/goldhub/research/gold-demand-trends/gold-demand-trends-q1-2023/Central-banks#:~:text=Central bank gold buying made,strongest first quarter on record.&text=This is all the more,pace of demand last year.

You hero Michael Saylor LOST 6 billion dollars in a single day in 2000 due financial irregularities in his company Micro Strategy which he still runs today but still thinks he did nothing wrong. It’s the biggest loss in history for a single day. 

According to coin desk he is about a billion dollars down on Bitcoin August 2022 at a price of $22,000 no wonder he pumps Bitcoin.


If people want to invest in Bitcoin they really need to understand it’s a high risk investment there is no guarantee it’s going to hold its value or increase in value if stock markets around drop around the world.

Totally echo ur point nothing is guaranteed 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

nothing in life is and past performance means nothing. 

Never ever borrow to invest.

never ever invest more than you can afford to lose

always always do your own research.

this applies to bitcoin and anything else without exception  

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On 03/08/2023 at 16:47, NottsRam77 said:

Those that have cared to or been bothered to follow my incessant ramblings on here about bitcoin is a hedge against inflation.

That its a mean of protecting your assets against a constantly devaluing pound

ie the pound in your pocket not so long ago could buy u a loaf of bread…. Now ur looking at nearly double that.

Well…. It isnt going to get any better soon.

Our financial system is absolutely f*****… its literally a race to the bottom between countries .. ie which countries have the least debt on their already maxed out credit cards and the only way to protect your savings or pension pot against this rapidly devaluing is through solid fixed assets. 

Watch this and tell me its not freightening.

if not for us but for our kids. I want to be able to leave them something when im gone but i can promise u it wont be in the form of pounds in the bank as by the time they can access it, it wouldnt even buy a loaf of bread .

Nottsram prizes are being awarded for who can tell me the assets that might protect your wealth against this debasement lol

which ties in beautifully with my previous video i posted


Sadly, inflation has been around for ever and yet I believe (I.e. I don’t have any source to quote) for many families the value (in real terms) of inheritances have increased pretty much every generation. Admittedly, the increase is probably largely down to property values so therefore, perhaps there is an argument that the best way to protect your descendants inheritance is to invest in property or help them get on the housing market before you die?

Bitcoin may well hold its value in real terms but, given we’d never heard of it 20 years ago, what’s to stop an alternative (possibly another cryptocurrency) emerging that overtakes Bitcoin and causes a severe drop in its value by the time our kids get to inherit our wealth?

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10 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

Sadly, inflation has been around for ever and yet I believe (I.e. I don’t have any source to quote) for many families the value (in real terms) of inheritances have increased pretty much every generation. Admittedly, the increase is probably largely down to property values so therefore, perhaps there is an argument that the best way to protect your descendants inheritance is to invest in property or help them get on the housing market before you die?

Bitcoin may well hold its value in real terms but, given we’d never heard of it 20 years ago, what’s to stop an alternative (possibly another cryptocurrency) emerging that overtakes Bitcoin and causes a severe drop in its value by the time our kids get to inherit our wealth?

Thought id reply to this now to help distract myself from todays football 🙈😭

your right inflation has been around forever … historically in this country at in and around the BOE 2% target… with some exceptions. ( like now)

i totally agree re property, imo thats as safe a place as u could possibly put your money. History says that despite a couple of crashes (nothing is immune from macro economic factors) property is a good bet to protect ur moneys value.

But thats this country… where we are fortunate. We have a pretty resilient economy and a stable political system.

There are countries all over the world who dont have this and their currencies are losing value by the month against the dollar….. so how do they protect their money? 

As i said we are lucky comparatively but even we are seeing the effects of high inflation and what that brings. More importantly we are seeing what it does to the pound in our pocket. 

lets say u cant buy a property to invest in? What cab the average jo do to save for the future? Where or what can they invest in that will offer a safe haven against inflation.

As for other alternatives.

no one knows the future and im not going to pretend to know any different.

All i know is that there are 1000s and 1000s of other cryptos and not one of them have been able to offer anything near what btc is

The bitcoin network isnt owned by any one person, company, group of people… its permissionless, totally transparent, transferable anywhere in the world in a few seconds. It cant be controlled, manipulated or shut down.

its the biggest open ledger on the plannet, accessible and viewable by anyone. Its supply is finite, it cant be added to, diluted or hacked.

its digital gold

back in 19th century if someone wanted to gift music, knowledge and wealth they would give an instrument, books and a block of gold.

in the 21st centuary u would now give them Spotify, the internet and bitcoin

its the future of money 


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