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POLL: “Survival” is it success or failure?


POLL: Would survival be seen as success or failure?  

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If we don’t get relegated, will Rooney’s first 6 months be deemed as success or failure in YOUR opinion. 

Something occurred whilst reading a couple of comments that in 2009, Nigel Clough came in and is credited as a success by many for keeping Derby in the championship. I cannot recall Derby being in the bottom three. I cannot recall us being truly in threat of relegation, but am willing to be proven wrong. He inherited a big squad, but with quality, Hulse, Commons, Teale, Green, Leacock, Davies, McEveley etc would all walk into the current team. 

Rooney, took over when bottom of the league and a squad featuring nobody that would get into the team Clough inherited. 

so, serious question, if we stay up, surely Rooney is a success? ??‍♂️ 

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I can't see how this team, weak though it may be, should be so poorly performing to be risking relegation. 

I'd forgive a mid to lower half finish, but we should be out of danger. Failure from all concerned, including Rooney and his management team. Failure from the players, failure from Mel. No other choice.

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6 points taken from the last 36- no coherence in our play, no dangerousness, no competence, and worst of all there is no fight. Even if we manage to claw ourselves to safety there is little hope for next season beyond the same thing happening again with this management structure in place. 

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Just now, GboroRam said:

I can't see how this team, weak though it may be, should be so poorly performing to be risking relegation. 

I'd forgive a mid to lower half finish, but we should be out of danger. Failure from all concerned, including Rooney and his management team. Failure from the players, failure from Mel. No other choice.

You can’t see ! 

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Just now, Leeds Ram said:

6 points taken from the last 36- no coherence in our play, no dangerousness, no competence, and worst of all there is no fight. Even if we manage to claw ourselves to safety there is little hope for next season beyond the same thing happening again with this management structure in place. 

You wanted Rowett gone you wanted Cocu gone now you want Rooney gone 

The forum is a circus 

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Just now, Curtains said:

You wanted Rowett gone you wanted Cocu gone now you want Rooney gone 

The forum is a circus 

Me personally? I don't remember calling for Rowett's head but that's just off the top of my head so i might be misremembering. I reluctantly thought after the run of form the time had come for Cocu to go unfortunately. 

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1 minute ago, Curtains said:

You can’t see ! 

This team is far more capable than 21st. They aren't putting the effort in, which means they aren't being managed. Rooney and Rosenior aren't getting them performing - time to move aside for a manager who can. 

I'd forgive 20th, but it'd be a failure. I'd accept 17th, as work in progress. 

I'm not asking for the earth, and I'm prepared to give time if there's evidence of progress. There's none now. 

I've hit Cocu-bottom. I wanted it to work for WR like I wanted it to work for Cocu, but you get to a point that you realise it won't happen.

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At the start of his appointment, I would have said 'success' if you told me we would stay up. But context is so important.

 I thought Nigel was a success because despite the negative football and the lack of any sort of tactics, he somehow improved us every season while slashing the budget, laying the groundwork for our best season since TBE. That was the context.

The context with Rooney is that since his best player has been injured, we have gone backwards fast and we are no better than when we sacked the previous manager. What was the point in sacking Cocu if you deem this a success? He's done nothing Cocu couldn't do, other than starting CKR, and perhaps that would have happened anyway.

I'm not necessarily slating Rooney off as a manager forever, but this isn't the time for him to be working out what sort of coach he is. And that's exactly what he's been doing - chopping and changing the team, giving off conflicting interview styles (some games are 'must-win', but also he's not worried about us being relegated??) and sharing hypothetical ideas of how he would like his teams to play one day. We should have appointed someone who knew how to do all that already.

Get rid of him at the end of the season and appoint someone who doesn't see managing us as some sort of gap year for head coaches.  

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It is a hard one for me as I really believe this squad is really poor. Cocu couldn't do anything with them and now Rooney, after the initial flurry of good results ( over achieving? ), we are really struggling again.

If we had stuck with Cocu, I think we would be down by now so Rooney has to take a bit of credit for getting some points on the board.

I think he's lost the dressing room imo.

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Just now, Nuwtfly said:

If you’re relying on Rotherham United to stay up, you’ve not done a good enough job.

1 win in his last 12 games. One managerial gamble too many for Melvyn...

Point is players need to get us out of this not just Rooney .

Can Rooney stop Shinnie giving ball away and sane with Bird etc etc etc 

Sibley needs to step us as does Lawrence.

Why did Wisdom fall over etc etc 

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Just now, Curtains said:

Point is players need to get us out of this not just Rooney .

Can Rooney stop Shinnie giving ball away and sane with Bird etc etc etc 

Sibley needs to step us as does Lawrence.

Why did Wisdom fall over etc etc 

Yes. That's his job description.

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3 minutes ago, Curtains said:

Point is players need to get us out of this not just Rooney .

Can Rooney stop Shinnie giving ball away and sane with Bird etc etc etc 

Sibley needs to step us as does Lawrence.

Why did Wisdom fall over etc etc 

Totally agree with you, Curtains. The players have let us down this season and have not been anywhere near good enough.

But the manager is ultimately responsible for what happens on the pitch. It’s all well and good blaming the players, but they follow the instructions of the management team, and that management team has failed us all season. Time to go.

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Just now, Curtains said:

Don’t be daft .

Players make mistakes..

When they cross that line it’s up to them to perform 

How do you doing Curtains, by the way? It's a while since we've replied to each other! Hope you're good.

Of course players make mistakes, you can't account for human error. However, it's also part of the coaches job description to get the best out of the players. Yes, they too must take some responsibility for that, but to flip the question round, what do you see Rooney doing that you think gives the players the platform to do their job to the best of their abilities?

What I see is a team chopping and changing every week. How can you play a ball into space, or make a run, when the players beside you change twice a week? Then in public, Rooney seems to imply that we have absolutely nothing to worry about, then all of a sudden heaps pressure on the team by declaring that Preston was a must-win game. And then there's attacking impotence, which makes you wonder exactly what they work on in the training ground.


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Just now, Nuwtfly said:

Totally agree with you, Curtains. The players have let us down this season and have not been anywhere near good enough.

But the manager is ultimately responsible for what happens on the pitch. It’s all well and good blaming the players, but they follow the instructions of the management team, and that management team has failed us all season. Time to go.

But Rooney is a club appointment as is Rosenior 

They we’re doing ok .

Its a lot to do with confidence .

The forum has always advocated sacking managers when things go wrong .

The successful clubs give Managers a chance .

If he goes we are just kicking the cabin down the next road. 

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