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Could polls help us?

Ken Tram

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My first idea was to ask if we could have a poll about Rooney …

… because there are so many anti-Rooney, anti-Mel, threads and posts; and I want to know what the silent majority think.

And, maybe repeat the poll every now and again.

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But then I thought, maybe we could come up with wording for some standard poll questions - and work out how regularly we should post them.

For example:

1. What position will we end up in the league?

2(a). How is the manager doing?

3(b). How is the board doing?

4. What transfers do we need in the next window?

5. Are you enjoying being a fan?

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Take question (1) - where will we finish - although we do ask this before the season starts, and soon after it starts, but maybe we should ask it every two months? 

In any case, I think it might give an overall feeling for what people think, which would help.

Even though the polls wouldn't be scientific (!), I think that it would put the threads into context.

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Take question (2). 

The number of threads seems to change quite a bit based upon the last result, or two, or six!

But, a poll would let us see the actual trend over time, and smooth things out a bit.

The other thing about polls, is that it helps people who might not want to post what they think.

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And the last question about enjoying being a fan seems important. "Enjoying" may be the wrong word. Maybe, as the other thread said, a better question might be, "How is your marriage with the club going?"

That might be better, because it reflects what should be a lifelong commitment, with ups and downs, but which can still end in divorce if things break down irrecoverably.

Ever since I was a kid, our main chant, "Come on Derby," has sounded like, "Come on Derby, please try a little bit harder; please. Please."

Maybe a poll would clarify what, "Come on Derby," means?

Come on Derby: I love you for what you are. Do what you do best!

Come on Derby: I love you, and I will always be there for you; but you are not your usual self.

Come on Derby: I love you, but I am getting really frustrated [and caught myself watching another team on the TV]. 

Come on Derby: My friends are telling me that I made a mistake when I married you. Please prove them wrong!

Come on Derby: I am not sure if this will last. Why are you always like this?

Come on Derby: Hurry up, and pack your things. I have found someone else, and they're moving in next season!

This has been prompted by reading heartfelt posts from old, lifelong fans, who are fed up.

And other threads show that many still derive pride from having won Division 1, 50 years ago

It's tricky. Nearly all fans can only ever support one club. So, we are there for life. We feel trapped. Maybe like some marriages! 

I'm not moaning about this season! The old boys experienced the drop to Division 3, and stayed with the club, and enjoyed the promotions.

But, I would like a poll that helps us to see how many fans are quite relaxed about things, frustrated, and how many are at the end of their tether. Whatever the result, it should help improve the quality of the marriage - assuming that it is saveable!

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1 hour ago, Ken Tram said:

My first idea was to ask if we could have a poll about Rooney …

… because there are so many anti-Rooney, anti-Mel, threads and posts; and I want to know what the silent majority think.

And, maybe repeat the poll every now and again.


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2 hours ago, Ken Tram said:

My first idea was to ask if we could have a poll about Rooney …

… because there are so many anti-Rooney, anti-Mel, threads and posts; and I want to know what the silent majority think.

And, maybe repeat the poll every now and again.

Isn't any poll just going to reflect this anti-Rooney stuff you seem to see everywhere?

Unless you make it asymmetrical. eg Is Rooney the man to take us forward or do you think the earth is flat?

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3 hours ago, Ken Tram said:

And the last question about enjoying being a fan seems important. "Enjoying" may be the wrong word. Maybe, as the other thread said, a better question might be, "How is your marriage with the club going?"

That might be better, because it reflects what should be a lifelong commitment, with ups and downs, but which can still end in divorce if things break down irrecoverably.

Ever since I was a kid, our main chant, "Come on Derby," has sounded like, "Come on Derby, please try a little bit harder; please. Please."

Maybe a poll would clarify what, "Come on Derby," means?

Come on Derby: I love you for what you are. Do what you do best!

Come on Derby: I love you, and I will always be there for you; but you are not your usual self.

Come on Derby: I love you, but I am getting really frustrated [and caught myself watching another team on the TV]. 

Come on Derby: My friends are telling me that I made a mistake when I married you. Please prove them wrong!

Come on Derby: I am not sure if this will last. Why are you always like this?

Come on Derby: Hurry up, and pack your things. I have found someone else, and they're moving in next season!

This has been prompted by reading heartfelt posts from old, lifelong fans, who are fed up.

And other threads show that many still derive pride from having won Division 1, 50 years ago

It's tricky. Nearly all fans can only ever support one club. So, we are there for life. We feel trapped. Maybe like some marriages! 

I'm not moaning about this season! The old boys experienced the drop to Division 3, and stayed with the club, and enjoyed the promotions.

But, I would like a poll that helps us to see how many fans are quite relaxed about things, frustrated, and how many are at the end of their tether. Whatever the result, it should help improve the quality of the marriage - assuming that it is saveable!

That reminds me of the time I went to Google the phrase "Come on you Rams".

I was doing so well, but with only 3 letters still to type, my lap top emitted a piercing siren, and red warning triangles bounced across my screen!

I cleaned it up, and never typed such a search again... ever!  ?



*True story... give or take the odd fact.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 27/03/2021 at 16:41, AndyinLiverpool said:

Isn't any poll just going to reflect this anti-Rooney stuff you seem to see everywhere?

Unless you make it asymmetrical. eg Is Rooney the man to take us forward or do you think the earth is flat?

I'm not sure that it would need dodgy wording.

I cannot remember the exact numbers, but a poll in March had about 30% wanting Rooney to stay next season; 25% wanting him out by the end of this season; 30% wanting him next season; and the rest wanting to decide at the end of the season.

Firstly, I think this poll result means that some people will vote in a poll, when they do not want to post their comments. From reading the threads, I wouldn't have thought that the balance was like this.

Secondly, another advantage of having a poll that is repeated over time, is that it shows trends. For example, I'd like to know if the figures are the same, or have changed.

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4 hours ago, Ken Tram said:

I'm not sure that it would need dodgy wording.

I cannot remember the exact numbers, but a poll in March had about 30% wanting Rooney to stay next season; 25% wanting him out by the end of this season; 30% wanting him next season; and the rest wanting to decide at the end of the season.

Firstly, I think this poll result means that some people will vote in a poll, when they do not want to post their comments. From reading the threads, I wouldn't have thought that the balance was like this.

Secondly, another advantage of having a poll that is repeated over time, is that it shows trends. For example, I'd like to know if the figures are the same, or have changed.

I like this idea.

Just create them, show the changes in trends to create conversation, give people bragging rights when they are right, show them their hindsight bias when they try to cover being wrong in the first place...

Also, you'd be a poll master and become a forum legend.

Go for it, I love polls. ?

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On 07/04/2021 at 05:53, Dimmu said:

I like this idea.

Just create them, show the changes in trends to create conversation, give people bragging rights when they are right, show them their hindsight bias when they try to cover being wrong in the first place...

Also, you'd be a poll master and become a forum legend.

Go for it, I love polls. ?

Thanks for the encouragement.

I've been called worse than "poll master"!

I don't know how to set up a poll! ?

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