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Why do I care about a graph about potential infection rate figures, when as many as 90% of tests are false positives. 

What a joke this has become. The guy who's test is being used universally for Covid, even warned against this half a year ago. 

Merchants of doom and gloom. 

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43 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Read a depressing article on that ludicrous conspiracy 'theory' QAnon and it beggars belief that people are believing it.  Have we become a nation of idiots, or do we just have nothing to believe in? Perhaps the cult of the individual has given people the impression that their opinions must be true.


They still seem to be attracting a fair amount of Covidiots to these London demos protesting against the restrictions. I saw footage of them chanting "choose your side" - that's pretty terrifying behaviour.

I think the vast majority of people are sensible and cautious, but as always you get the extremists who take it too far.

A lot of people are being manipulated by grifters like David Icke & co who are trying to stoke any conspiracy theory they can get their hands on, and they don't care how they do it, or who they attract. Apparently this is all part of Bill Gates master plan for an enslaved human race (or something) - just bonkers


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What planet has this guy been on for the past few months?

"The reality is that people have done everything they were asked to do"

Out of touch or what.


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54 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

Why do I care about a graph about potential infection rate figures, when as many as 90% of tests are false positives. 

What a joke this has become. The guy who's test is being used universally for Covid, even warned against this half a year ago. 

Merchants of doom and gloom. 

One person in hospital because of covid is maybe one less person that could have life saving treatment. Now time that by a 1000 and you have a problem remember every winter the NHS barely manages as it is so add covid on top.

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7 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

To be fair, some people have done everything they were asked to do.

Some, but thats not what hes saying.

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9 minutes ago, djfred84 said:

One person in hospital because of covid is maybe one less person that could have life saving treatment. Now time that by a 1000 and you have a problem remember every winter the NHS barely manages as it is so add covid on top.

You can't really say that. The opposite is happening at the minute where empty hospitals have stopped treating cancer etc. 

And as for winter and the flu. If people are wearing face masks, socially distancing a bit, local lockdowns and older people being more careful.... I'm going to throw it out there and predict flu deaths will be significantly lower this year. As well as hospitalisation from flu. 

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Just now, Norman said:

You can't really say that. The opposite is happening at the minute where empty hospitals have stopped treating cancer etc. 

And as for winter and the flu. If people are wearing face masks, socially distancing a bit, local lockdowns and older people being more careful.... I'm going to throw it out there and predict flu deaths will be significantly lower this year. As well as hospitalisation from flu. 

And the immunisation program is the biggest ever undertaken so that will help the FLU figures surely.

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I know ive said it before, but worth repeating, the flu jab is not only available free to vulnerable people (as has been for a long time) its also available free this year to those who live with vulnerable people....

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1 minute ago, Paul71 said:

I know ive said it before, but worth repeating, the flu jab is not only available free to vulnerable people (as has been for a long time) its also available free this year to those who live with vulnerable people....

And I can get it though work for the first time too. As a fit 32 year old, I've been told to have it. Got my Hep B jabs running so might as well while I'm with the nurse. 

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13 minutes ago, Norman said:

You can't really say that. The opposite is happening at the minute where empty hospitals have stopped treating cancer etc. 

And as for winter and the flu. If people are wearing face masks, socially distancing a bit, local lockdowns and older people being more careful.... I'm going to throw it out there and predict flu deaths will be significantly lower this year. As well as hospitalisation from flu. 

Yeah that wound me up today from the scientific advisor today. Hospital appointments, GP visits and dentists have been cancelling/not allowing appointments for months.. Its not like we've been up to full capacity anyway. 

I'm normally quite level headed when it comes to scientific explanations but today it seemed like so staged and set up for whatever terrible thing boris is going to announce tomorrow it lost a lot of credibility. 

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11 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Yeah that wound me up today from the scientific advisor today. Hospital appointments, GP visits and dentists have been cancelling/not allowing appointments for months.. Its not like we've been up to full capacity anyway. 

I'm normally quite level headed when it comes to scientific explanations but today it seemed like so staged and set up for whatever terrible thing boris is going to announce tomorrow it lost a lot of credibility. 

I'm actually concerned large parts of the country are about to be locked down again. 

And I can't help but feel we are going to make a massive mistake doing it. 

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1 hour ago, Uptherams said:

Why do I care about a graph about potential infection rate figures, when as many as 90% of tests are false positives. 

What a joke this has become. The guy who's test is being used universally for Covid, even warned against this half a year ago. 

Merchants of doom and gloom. 

90% of tests are false positives? I had no idea that this number was so high. Could you link to a source so I could read about this myself please?

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21 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Yeah that wound me up today from the scientific advisor today. Hospital appointments, GP visits and dentists have been cancelling/not allowing appointments for months.. Its not like we've been up to full capacity anyway. 

I'm normally quite level headed when it comes to scientific explanations but today it seemed like so staged and set up for whatever terrible thing boris is going to announce tomorrow it lost a lot of credibility. 

Maybe he's gonna tell us about his super injunction. 

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2 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

A theory I have just thought of, but will present as unquestionable fact, is that cases risen due to people's non-compliance with the rules after reading and listening to people who don't really know anything?

We've saw a huge number of deaths due to Covid in the Spring, but there is so much uninformed opinion that continued restrictions and lockdown is not required, that it's hardly surprising that many people neglect to listen to the experts.

Somewhat ironic that the current administration are losing the war on Covid because of this.

Read a depressing article on that ludicrous conspiracy 'theory' QAnon and it beggars belief that people are believing it.  Have we become a nation of idiots, or do we just have nothing to believe in? Perhaps the cult of the individual has given people the impression that their opinions must be true.


There was hope in the 1990s that the internet would bring new levels of knowledge to people, making information open to all. In a large part all it seems to have done is spread conspiracy theories and bewildering levels of ignorance like never before in human history. QAnon, anti-vaxxers, Corbynistas, Brexiters, coronavirus deniers, Boris fanboys, Trump supporters, racists, homophobes, Tommy Robinson supporters, and rent-a-gobs like Katie Hopkins now reside in an online echo chamber where their opinions are cheered on and legitimised. Whatever your political persuasions or opinions on contentious topics, some of the stuff the conspiracy theorists like QAnon come out with is just jaw-droppingly insane.

It's all rather depressing. 

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4 minutes ago, Olton Ram said:

There was hope in the 1990s that the internet would bring new levels of knowledge to people, making information open to all. In a large part all it seems to have done is spread conspiracy theories and bewildering levels of ignorance like never before in human history. QAnon, anti-vaxxers, Corbynistas, Brexiters, coronavirus deniers, Boris fanboys, Trump supporters, racists, homophobes, Tommy Robinson supporters, and rent-a-gobs like Katie Hopkins now reside in an online echo chamber where their opinions are cheered on and legitimised. Whatever your political persuasions or opinions on contentious topics, some of the stuff the conspiracy theorists like QAnon come out with is just jaw-droppingly insane.

It's all rather depressing. 

Do you remember a few years back when people used to make derogatory comments about wikipedia, as if everyone knew it was unreliable. It's model of multiple people checking the content makes it one of the last places you can go for balanced facts.

If you haven't seen it already, The Loudest Voice is a highly depressing take on where the USA is at, and where we could be heading. The idea that a UK version of Fox news would bring a useful alternative point of view to our "left wing" TV news coverage is scary.

I'm struggling to see a way out of our problems to be honest. I used to think that once populism is exposed for not delivering, people will turn back to logic and experts. But I fear that fake news and lies will just produce more extreme populists.

Can almost look back of George W Bush as the good old days compared to Trump. Maybe in 15 years time we'll be looking back on Trump as pretty balanced vs the current regime.

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1 minute ago, ariotofmyown said:

Do you remember a few years back when people used to make derogatory comments about wikipedia, as if everyone knew it was unreliable. It's model of multiple people checking the content makes it one of the last places you can go for balanced facts.

If you haven't seen it already, The Loudest Voice is a highly depressing take on where the USA is at, and where we could be heading. The idea that a UK version of Fox news would bring a useful alternative point of view to our "left wing" TV news coverage is scary.

I'm struggling to see a way out of our problems to be honest. I used to think that once populism is exposed for not delivering, people will turn back to logic and experts. But I fear that fake news and lies will just produce more extreme populists.

Can almost look back of George W Bush as the good old days compared to Trump. Maybe in 15 years time we'll be looking back on Trump as pretty balanced vs the current regime.

Sadly, I agree. Due to the anonymity of the internet (full disclosure, my name isn't really Olton Ram) viewpoints and opinions that were deemed unacceptable or outdated 15 or 20 years ago have now become mainstream online.

We're on a dangerous path, and there are large parts of the population that will cheer on the worrying changes to our society just as long as the people making those changes are on their 'team'. I fear that politics and society are rapidly changing into a (permanent?) culture war.

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15 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

That is pretty interesting, however a key part in the article is "The Office for National Statistics admits they do not ‘know the true sensitivity and specificity of the test because Covid-19 is a new virus’." This makes you wonder if Hancock was just making up numbers that he thought sounded good.

It would also be surprising if Sage had missed this problem and is advising the government incorrectly. Or even stranger if they were covering this all up so the government could continue their evil plan of screwing up the economy.

Unfortunately, the number of people on ventilators in hospital for Covid doubled last week, which suggests the rise in infections might actually mean something.

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