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6 hours ago, Shang said:

The issue is apparently lab processing capacity of test samples. There's plenty of tests but not enough people to process them. So the government has "throttled" the amount of tests to allow the labs to catch back up and they're flying off a big bunch to get them analysed in Italy and Germany.

The government line is that too many people who don't need a test went and got one, for reasons such as going on holiday and wanting to make sure they pass the test when arriving in the other country.


1 hour ago, Paul71 said:

I hope you are right,  I was having a conversation with a close friend who thinks the same as you, he reckons it's no more dangerous than a cold.

He was open that he has no intention of sticking to the new rules and plans to have more family gatherings which includes his frail 86 yo mother. 

I hope he doesn't end up regretting that.



That's asking for the Darwin award what happened to just doing the right thing for everyone else.

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On 12/09/2020 at 11:47, Paul71 said:

I don't think anyone in here has suggested it doesn't exist. 

The hysteria from the likes if icke and Piers Corbyn are just attention seeking. If it wasn't this it would be something else. They are better ignored really. 


Here’s the strange thing ,, I find it best not to just ignore everything someone says ,heard lots of David Icke stuff , lots I don’t agree with but also a lot that has merit , never really heard much from Corbyn so cant comment , it kind of started when I saw the portrayal of scargill  used to drown out what he was saying regards gov plan s to close the coal industry only to find he was speaking the truth 

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13 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:

1. Obviously

2. Not exactly - we already knew that it had less severe effects in younger people, and that's where most of the increase is coming from - for now. There is zero scientific evidence that the virus is less severe - that's a dangerous and false opnion to be spreading. Once the new spike starts spreading to the elderly and/or vulnerable again we will see deaths rise again



Do you think it's worthwhile letting spread as quickly as possible through the youths, everyone else in a 'short-term' lock-down. Once a significant proportion have (theoretically) recovered, everyone else can return to something closer to 'normality' as the rate of spread should be lower.

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15 hours ago, TexasRam said:

Two things to note:

1. Test more = find more.

2. The virus isn't as severe as we first thought.

That's quite a conclusion to jump to and I haven't seen any experts claim that.

It's true that not many are dying from it at the moment but that's down to the age of those getting infected and a lower viral load due to better hygiene and social distancing - even if not good enough to stop them getting it, they're still getting less of it than they would have done before.

It's already getting back into care homes and it's only a matter of time before it spreads widely into vulnerable groups in the community again.

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2 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Do you think it's worthwhile letting spread as quickly as possible through the youths, everyone else in a 'short-term' lock-down. Once a significant proportion have (theoretically) recovered, everyone else can return to something closer to 'normality' as the rate of spread should be lower.

Well that's the herd immunity argument that was so villified a few months ago.

IF cases start getting out of control again and we have to make a decision - with all we now know and have learned about risk & treatments, should we:

1. Lock everyone down again

2. Lock down old & vulnerable and let everyone else go about their lives but incurring more deaths from those unlucky ones.

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2 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Do you think it's worthwhile letting spread as quickly as possible through the youths, everyone else in a 'short-term' lock-down. Once a significant proportion have (theoretically) recovered, everyone else can return to something closer to 'normality' as the rate of spread should be lower.

God knows - I'm not a virologist.

But therein lies the problem - I can't disprove what you say, and to a layman it doesn't sound too far-fetched - yet it's based on nothing more than a guy on a football forum thinking out loud. A Doctor in Texasramology if you will...


Anyway - finally got my son tested yesterday and we await the results - but lots in the news today about the labs being at capacity and results taking a long time. Meanwhile NHS workers having to isolate, teachers having to isolate, entire families like mine having to isolate until the testing fiasco is sorted

I mean - it's not like they didn't know when they said the schools would go back that the testing demand would rise is it? Or that they knew there would be a second wave. Got to feel sorry for them eh? Totally blind-sided by this one weren't they? ?


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29 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

It's already getting back into care homes and it's only a matter of time before it spreads widely into vulnerable groups in the community again

Has it, I haven’t seen any data behind that? Do you have any?

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18 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

God knows - I'm not a virologist.

But therein lies the problem - I can't disprove what you say, and to a layman it doesn't sound too far-fetched - yet it's based on nothing more than a guy on a football forum thinking out loud. A Doctor in Texasramology if you will...


Anyway - finally got my son tested yesterday and we await the results - but lots in the news today about the labs being at capacity and results taking a long time. Meanwhile NHS workers having to isolate, teachers having to isolate, entire families like mine having to isolate until the testing fiasco is sorted

I mean - it's not like they didn't know when they said the schools would go back that the testing demand would rise is it? Or that they knew there would be a second wave. Got to feel sorry for them eh? Totally blind-sided by this one weren't they? ?


Knowing something is going to happen is quite different to being able to deal with it when it does, though. Last I saw, we already test more than most countries.

Saw on the news last night that the current testing problem is largely due to senior testing people going back to academia, now the universities are back. Not sure much could have been done about that.

It's also why the UK is trying to introduce the 20 minute swab tests, rather than the current methods, once the accuracy is proven.

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4 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Has it, I haven’t seen any data behind that? Do you have any?

From what I can see - the ONS report on care home deaths was ceased at the end of July. It was a pretty horrendous graph. Half a million people in care homes and 1 in 25 died due to Covid between April and June. Numbers were largely back down to March levels when they stopped publishing it. 

I'm also interested to know if there has been published evidence of it returning, as I've not seen anything yet. However, it wouldn't be much of a surprise given the testing problems, schools going back and the loosening of lockdown/public behaviour in August. But again, the sort of thing that should be easily predicted and dealt with to ensure care home residents are strongly protected. 


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8 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Oh, backed up with numbers? Hospital admissions etc? 

I just half listened to a news story. You could always try google.

5 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

From what I can see - the ONS report on care home deaths was ceased at the end of July. It was a pretty horrendous graph. Half a million people in care homes and 1 in 25 died due to Covid between April and June. Numbers were largely back down to March levels when they stopped publishing it. 

I'm also interested to know if there has been published evidence of it returning, as I've not seen anything yet. However, it wouldn't be much of a surprise given the testing problems, schools going back and the loosening of lockdown/public behaviour in August. But again, the sort of thing that should be easily predicted and dealt with to ensure care home residents are strongly protected. 


From memory, the cases in care homes were mainly amongst the staff and exactly this is happening to try and stop it reaching the inmates.

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5 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

I just half listened to a news story. You could always try google.

From memory, the cases in care homes were mainly amongst the staff and exactly this is happening to try and stop it reaching the inmates.


14 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

From what I can see - the ONS report on care home deaths was ceased at the end of July. It was a pretty horrendous graph. Half a million people in care homes and 1 in 25 died due to Covid between April and June. Numbers were largely back down to March levels when they stopped publishing it. 

I'm also interested to know if there has been published evidence of it returning, as I've not seen anything yet. However, it wouldn't be much of a surprise given the testing problems, schools going back and the loosening of lockdown/public behaviour in August. But again, the sort of thing that should be easily predicted and dealt with to ensure care home residents are strongly protected. 


Just seems odd there are a lot of strong arguments being put forward based on assumptions and maybe’s. Not much factual data based evidence  behind the claims. 

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The government is totally toothless in the number of threats it trots out about people transgressing the lockdown rules, all mouth and no trousers, getting hacked off now with the repeated threats that are never delivered on.

Latest one from Nottingham is the Universities this time threatening students to be kicked out of their accomodation and their courses if they are found to be holding mass gatherings.

This is following on from a very recent case when a student in Lenton was allegedly fined ten grand for holding a house party with 500 people. I note with interest that they didn't get expelled from their course or their student accommodation. They did however write a grovelling letter to their neighbours. 

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25 minutes ago, TexasRam said:


Just seems odd there are a lot of strong arguments being put forward based on assumptions and maybe’s. Not much factual data based evidence  behind the claims. 

irony GIF

17 hours ago, TexasRam said:

1 death in the UK associated to Covid in the last 24hrs................

In April, for every death, we found 5.5 cases. 

In September, for every death, we are finding 283 cases. 

Two things to note:

1. Test more = find more.

2. The virus isn't as severe as we first thought.


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This us what happens when a nation votes in morons and liars when it's clear that they are morons and liars...

"Two families of four stopping for a chat in the street would contravene England’s “rule of six” coronavirus restrictions and constitute mingling, the home secretary has said.

“You have got to put this in the context of coronavirus and keeping distance, wearing masks,” Priti Patel told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. “The rule of six is about making sure that people are being conscientious and not putting other people’s health at risk.”

She said she would report neighbours or any other group that she saw flouting the new restrictions banning social gatherings of more than six people, which came into place in England on Monday. People face fines of up to £3,200 if they break the new rule, which follows an increase in coronavirus cases.

Patel told Sky News: “I’m rarely at home but if I saw something that I thought was inappropriate then, quite frankly, I would call the police. It’s not dobbing in neighbours, it’s all about us taking personal responsibility.”

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13 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

This us what happens when a nation votes in morons and liars when it's clear that they are morons and liars...

"Two families of four stopping for a chat in the street would contravene England’s “rule of six” coronavirus restrictions and constitute mingling, the home secretary has said.

“You have got to put this in the context of coronavirus and keeping distance, wearing masks,” Priti Patel told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. “The rule of six is about making sure that people are being conscientious and not putting other people’s health at risk.”

It's certainly worthy of an eyebrow raise when you read that they convened a meeting to discuss special exclusions for grouse-shooting parties

As for the "rule of 6" law itself, there was an interesting thread last night from a guy on twitter (a lawyer i think?) saying that the statute was still not published, and therefore highly unusual. At best no one could be charged for a law that was not published, and at worse a hallmark of creeping totalitarianism to be trying to charge people of crimes for which they had no visibility on the statute books


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4 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

It's certainly worthy of an eyebrow raise when you read that they convened a meeting to discuss special exclusions for grouse-shooting parties

As for the "rule of 6" law itself, there was an interesting thread last night from a guy on twitter (a lawyer i think?) saying that the statute was still not published, and therefore highly unusual. At best no one could be charged for a law that was not published, and at worse a hallmark of creeping totalitarianism to be trying to charge people of crimes for which they had no visibility on the statute books


Details, details. It's "rule of six" init? It's an oven ready rule. We got Covid done.

I just stole some wine from the supermarket and when questioned by the security guard, he had no answer to my "rule of six" justification.

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