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Holmes Racial Abuse Complaint


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1 hour ago, VulcanRam said:

He does. He's a bee. Clue's in the name.

Nothing about hive mentality?

(that's my only contribution to the thread - glad it's the wittiest).

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17 hours ago, KCG said:

The problem the way I see it, is that some moronic fans feel it's OK to abuse players. It happens at every match. It should be unacceptable and the police should step in. There's plenty of video evidence to convict these idiots.

Me too. If I was Commander of the Metropolitan Police I would be putting knife crime on the back burner and spend more time arresting people shouting abuse at football matches. The sooner we can get these hardened criminals in prison the better.

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16 hours ago, Carnero said:

Is it possible to make a racist gesture (or event a racist comment) without actually being racist?

Asking for a friend.

Are you suggesting that sometimes people say or do things just to get a reaction? What an outlandish comment!

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13 hours ago, R@M said:

The CRown Prosecution Service still have to take the case to court, to prosecute, even with a confession.

If you are also talking about the police referral to the CPS, they have to jump through hoops to send it on and the info I posted was almost word for word, or what I can remember from legal textbooks.

I agree about letting the CPS deal with it now, but there is clearly some evidence (other than just Holmes)for it to get that far.

Well we don't know that do we.  If there is corroborating evidence I'd expect him to end up in court so time will tell.   This is a very public case and there will be pressure on the police to be seen to be doing everything they can. 

What makes me have some doubt is that if this was a gesture (as has been reported) how can we be sure it's not just been misinterpreted - I mean it's pretty hard to imitate a monkey in a way that it wouldn't have been obvious to the crowd in that area and I've yet to hear one back up Holmes' accusation.   

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6 hours ago, Will the Ram said:

@Bee  A banner was being held up behind Derby’s dugout in the second half. Any idea what it said? I couldn’t see it clearly from where I was.

The fourth official looked like they talked to the referee about it as they were discussing something.

All I could see for sure on the banner was;

’I’m little Lampard’s father, we met in Brazil in 2014....(something)’

I couldn’t make out the rest. He had a young child with him, so I got the impression he was such a big fan of Frank that he’d named his child after him and was trying to meet the real one again. I assume maybe they’d previously met during the Brazil World Cup or something? I’ve certainly never seen any of that family at Griffin Park before. 

Frank seemed to acknowledge the sign, but I suppose after the subsequent incident he didn’t feel right to hang around. 

But yeah, it was nothing sinister or anything, just seemed like a mega fan trying to get Frank’s attention. Beyond me, but to each their own! 

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3 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Me too. If I was Commander of the Metropolitan Police I would be putting knife crime on the back burner and spend more time arresting people shouting abuse at football matches. The sooner we can get these hardened criminals in prison the better.

Eh?  You have to actually go outside and physically arrest someone for that.  What you really want is a nice desk job banning people on social media for saying mean words ?

*just in case some people can't take a joke, if the guy accused of racially abusing Duane is guilty then I hope he gets an appropriate punishment.

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Just now, TigerTedd said:

Oh the irony. I’ve just seen an advert in this very website for ‘MyBlacky - find your ebony beauty’. That can’t be right can it?

Maybe it was about finding a car share to Blackburn. 

You know the ads are tailored to your search history right?

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On 07/04/2019 at 14:03, Inglorius said:

What does this guy do then when it IS a match of importance and he sees something that upsets him, rip seats out and hurl them at the opposition dugout?

You're not doing a very good job of painting this guy in a great light racist behavior or not 

No, that's just a Derby fan at Rotherham

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just so you know , all charges dropped, no case to answer for but knowing the lad and those around him, that was always going to be the case. Good luck in the POs, we killed Leeds' season, your job is to now finish the job.


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2 hours ago, Bees Fan said:

Just so you know , all charges dropped, no case to answer for but knowing the lad and those around him, that was always going to be the case. Good luck in the POs, we killed Leeds' season, your job is to now finish the job.


Glad. Hopefully misunderstanding and no malice.

all the best for Bees next season.

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