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Dele Alli

Sith Happens

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So did he aim his middle finger gesture at the ref?

I'm struggling to buy the story that it was aimed at Walker.

Just seems an odd thing to do.

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Deli Alli reminds me of Mario Balotelli, so much skill but his petulance and ways will mark as a target for the press, but most of all opposition players who will try and wind him up.

Giggs summed him up after the game, when he said he plays on the edge, the obvious point being he's got to learn self control. Beckham also had such ways but he did eventually, Ballotelli for all his talent never really matured, hopefully Alli does because if so, he can become the star talent maybe England lack in time.

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4 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

I don't understand why ITV chose to highlight it, almost as if they're trying to get one of England's best players banned. There was no need. I work there sometimes so will probably have words.

They couldn't win either way, I think their hand was forced(pardon the pun) because the director kept the camera on Deli all the time his bird was on show.

The commentator went quiet for a while at the time too.

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The FA are backing him. There are images that 'suggest' he could have been aiming it at walker...I have seen them and am not convinced myself.

The FA will back him, but if a lower league player did the same thing in the FA Cup they would hammer him.

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