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How are us Derby fans finding McClaren 2nd time around


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3 minutes ago, David said:

I just look over at the dugout and he's usually there for the second half, not hard to find

We could always find Pearson and Clement as they were always in the dugout or the manager area by the side if the pitch and so was Wassall. 

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Just now, curtains said:

Be interesting to see how happy at the end of the season though

Im hoping you will be ecstatic. 

What if we do?

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3 minutes ago, Casio said:

Are you a happy fan?

Hard to say.  

I will  see what business is done in January and then I'll decide.  

Fed up of not being in the Premier League to be honest so I need to see a lot more effort to get up from all involved at the club  



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6 minutes ago, curtains said:

Be interesting to see how happy at the end of the season though

Im hoping you will be ecstatic. 

Yep , Christmas /New Year here form on the way down probably miss all our main transfer targets and buy over priced  second best donkeys ,but yes much better than under Pearson ,thanks. 

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1 minute ago, curtains said:

Hard to say.  

I will  see what business is done in January and then I'll decide.  

Fed up of not being in the Premier League to be honest .



Be happy.

I for one look forward to the occasional whingeathon, so this thread has potential.

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A few more goals please but apart from that I am pretty happy. I like his first half in the stands so he can see what's going on on. .. For this means he is getting a fans eye view as well. He is seeing what we are ! 

Its a strange thing .. I like to be a winner so should be gagging for the premier league but if I am honest it's all a bit hyped, packaged and industrial. All I want is a good crowd, attractive football, us scoring goals and winning more often than we lose. If we were top half of the table, wining well at home and be near to leading goal scorers in the league then I would be content ... I think this means I am officially a selfish old goat 

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1 minute ago, jono said:

A few more goals please but apart from that I am pretty happy. I like his first half in the stands so he can see what's going on on. .. For this means he is getting a fans eye view as well. He is seeing what we are ! 

Its a strange thing .. I like to be a winner so should be gagging for the premier league but if I am honest it's all a bit hyped, packaged and industrial. All I want is a good crowd, attractive football, us scoring goals and winning more often than we lose. If we were top half of the table, wining well at home and be near to leading goal scorers in the league then I would be content ... I think this means I am officially a selfish old goat 

Pretty much this. The one thing I'd add is we get the football right and look to incrementally improve (i.e. what MM has been banging on about since taking over) success will come, there is zero reason why we can't emulate Southampton have done. We just need to be patient and enjoy the ride.

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12 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

Pretty much this. The one thing I'd add is we get the football right and look to incrementally improve (i.e. what MM has been banging on about since taking over) success will come, there is zero reason why we can't emulate Southampton have done. We just need to be patient and enjoy the ride.

And that is exactly it .... patience .. It can't happen overnight, good teams get built, they evolve. The last thing we want is to crawl in to the Prem, get humiliated and go back to square one. I actually think aspiring stars WANT to go to Southampton but would they really WANT to go to Hull or Burnley ? .. I would hate it if we were the sort of club that attracted cast offs of a certain type because we just about made the big league. Contraradicting a little my earlier statement about packaged industrial premier league .. We need a USP for recruits. Enlightened club with great facilities, fans, history and the right sort of ambition.

If I was a comunist I'd be saying ...Comrades .. We need a five year plan .. Jees and there is even a tractor factory down the road (we'll sort of)

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With Stevie Mac's return, i expected a return to the whirlwind/tornado type of attacking football which we stormed the Championship for one and a half seasons, up until the head-turning. What we have got instead is a different approach, possibly in an attempt to overcome the "park-the-bus" approach from many of our visitors. So instead of everyone piling forwards, we hold back trying to coax them out of their half instead. If it works, it creates room for us to play, and it also stifles their counter-attacking opportunities - you can't counter-attack a team who is still 70 or 80% in its own half.

We have a stronger defence, which may be Powell's doing, or simply because Pearce has found his place, and our less-gung-ho approach means threat the midfield are better able to shield the defence, increasing our ability to keep clean sheets.

The downside is that it is easy to fall into Clementitis, with a side-to-side, "keepers on" passing mentality, so any chance to break and attack with speed is thrown away while we kindly wait for the opposition to take up their defensive positions again.

Despite the frustrations this brings, I think we are in a stronger position than during Steve's last time here, vis-a-vis our results and league position. 
 further review after the January transfer shennanigans will be interesting reading.

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