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18th birthday present


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It's my nephews' 18th next month and I've not got a clue what to get him as a gift.

He doesn't need money as lives at home and has an apprenticeship that keeps him in clothes and vodka.

He has a car and an Ipswich Town season ticket (unlucky boy).

His hobbies seem to mainly involve banging his girlfriend (lucky boy).

Apart from two gross of condoms, I'm stumped.  Engraved tankards are so last century.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

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8 minutes ago, admira said:

It's my nephews' 18th next month and I've not got a clue what to get him as a gift.

He doesn't need money as lives at home and has an apprenticeship that keeps him in clothes and vodka.

He has a car and an Ipswich Town season ticket (unlucky boy).

His hobbies seem to mainly involve banging his girlfriend (lucky boy).

Apart from two gross of condoms, I'm stumped.  Engraved tankards are so last century.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Seeing as he's got a season ticket for Ipswich Town what about one for Norwich City then he could go to a match every Saturday (or Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday or Sunday thanks to our lord and master SKY).

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1 hour ago, admira said:

It's my nephews' 18th next month and I've not got a clue what to get him as a gift.

He doesn't need money as lives at home and has an apprenticeship that keeps him in clothes and vodka.

He has a car and an Ipswich Town season ticket (unlucky boy).

His hobbies seem to mainly involve banging his girlfriend (lucky boy).

Apart from two gross of condoms, I'm stumped.  Engraved tankards are so last century.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

so you would have bought him a motor?

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1 hour ago, David said:

Ignore me, just seen the hobby thing.

Ipswich fan you say? He's got a car has he got a tractor? If not....sorted

Yeah, I don't think she charges him for his hobby. He doesn't seem to have any interests. He is a teenage boy so spends all day glued to his phone and just shrugs if someone speaks to him.

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1 hour ago, eddie said:

A case of Belgian beer.

Educate his palate before it's too late.

He's 18 his favourite beer will already be carlsberg

And to add at 18 a decent Belgian beer will probably blow his head off.

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6 hours ago, admira said:

It's my nephews' 18th next month and I've not got a clue what to get him as a gift.

He doesn't need money as lives at home and has an apprenticeship that keeps him in clothes and vodka.

He has a car and an Ipswich Town season ticket (unlucky boy).

His hobbies seem to mainly involve banging his girlfriend (lucky boy).

Apart from two gross of condoms, I'm stumped.  Engraved tankards are so last century.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Don't know what your budget is but I would go with a nice watch or something on those lines.

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