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Learn NUFC lessons or suffer eight years of heartache?

Half fan

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"Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it."
Winston Churchill

"History repeats itself because no one was listening the first time."

Excerpts from today's Daily Telegraph:

"Steve McClaren always felt like the wrong appointment for NUFC. But the Ashley regime could not stomach the thought of a manager who would challenge them. They did not want a personality such as Kevin Keegan, who resigned in protest at boardroom interference in 2008, helping to launch the anti-Ashley movement that has ebbed and flowed in ferocity ever since. In a desperate attempt to avoid relegation, they have been panicked into change. NUFC have turned to Rafa, a man who will challenge them at every opportunity, a man who demands control over every key area of the club.. The way McClaren was treated at the end was shoddy at best. The problem is, McClaren was the right man for a flawed model that meant Newcastle were looking for someone to coach the players rather than manage the club. With Benitez, they have not only changed manager, they have supposedly changed the whole structure of the business to get him."

So will our next manager fit the same flawed model? Or will a strong new manager herald a change to the model? If so, will it take DCFC eight years to learn the lesson?

Blue touch paper lit.





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My apologies for being obtuse again.

I'm asking whether we think the current Owner/Chairman and (mere) Coach structure will get us promoted, or whether we fans who are increasingly targeting our Owner and Coach as the Geordies have been, will have to continue to do so until DUFC changes its model?

The analogous history of NUFC suggests the latter option.

I was hoping people would express a view and maybe a preference. And hoping hat one person in particular might reflect on the history - that person not being you Mostyn! Unless you are in fact HIM!

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thanks @Half fan I don't think the way Newcastle has been ran can ever work. It's too continental, and the amount of clubs using that structure Vs the success using it shows it to be not very good. The thinking behind it mainly is to allow coaches to be sacked and new ones employed without having to spend a load of new cash on replacement players.

I'd like to think, although I cannot be sure, that Mel has a bit more love for Derby and this would hopefully prevent him doing what Ashley is doing there.

I think, had Clement been a little bit different in philosophy and methods, he could've succeeded regardless of Mel.

People don't appear to acknowledge that the players were not happy under Clement and that explains the sudden dip. I think that IF the next head coach has a bit about him, it could work.

Ideally, my preference is a control freak and manager. Someone with discipline and influence who'd manage each player individually, and get them playing 7/10. That man will need a few years though. For some reason, and you'll laugh. My idea is Graeme Sounness!! lol

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You'll laugh (or roll your eyes in disbelief)  at what I wondered earlier on tonight. Has Gary Neville got the managerial bug ? 

Is the reason we can't appoint a replacement for Clement because he's tied up over in Spain ?

Am I typing sh1te again ? 

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5 minutes ago, EastHertsRam said:

You'll laugh (or roll your eyes in disbelief)  at what I wondered earlier on tonight. Has Gary Neville got the managerial bug ? 

Is the reason we can't appoint a replacement for Clement because he's tied up over in Spain ?

Am I typing sh1te again ?

Yep !

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6 minutes ago, EastHertsRam said:

You'll laugh (or roll your eyes in disbelief)  at what I wondered earlier on tonight. Has Gary Neville got the managerial bug ? 

Is the reason we can't appoint a replacement for Clement because he's tied up over in Spain ?

Am I typing sh1te again ? 

I hope so. His tenure at Valencia has been worse than Wassall's at Derby so far.

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Hey lads, fair calls, no complaints. I'm just wracking my brains to come up with a justifiable reason we went down the interim manager route.

I'm reading today Pearson (who I really wouldn't like here) can't work until the end of the season. I don't buy that, if somebody wanted him badly enough to keep their season on track be it someone chasing promotion or fighting relegation, they'd sit down with the Leicester board and thrash out a deal. Money talks.

Pearson is of no interest to Leicester's rivals for the title or anyone in another division so I can't see the point of stopping him working for another club, particularly in the championship.

So, the question I'm still asking myself is, just who has Mel set his sights on and I can't come up with an answer hence my trying to think outside the box as it were. :)

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I agree- I hope it isn't Rowett.

But, the truth is, as Mel hasn't appointed anyone yet it must be due to his choice being in work or Brendan Rodgers or Nigel Pearson.

Brendan won't take a job until next season, but unlikely to come to Derby. Pearson could be brought in right now- so not him.

Therefore, it has to be someone in a job and depressingly in my view Rowett is most likely.

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he structure of derby county and newcastle are like night and day. mel, and Sam Rush and dare I say it Wassall have a clear vison of the right way to play football, if you against that, like PC did, you risk the sack.

I cannot see a 'manager' who wants to make all decisions and risk everything derby has built on, being allowed to come in.

Gary Monk is the safe option, and will buy into what our execs want. Ill be amazed if Derby actually go after Pearson. He wouldnt see eye to eye with Mel, no chance.

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Thanks jagerbob for getting my topic back on track!

I obviously think the structure of DCFC management is far more important than all the upset over today's repeat of Birmingham and Forest.

Because if your are right, and Gary Monk is appointed because like Carver and Schteve at NUFC he will tolerate being a mere coach, then I fear we will have the years of heartache until the club changes the model and appoints a Rafa.

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