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Just thought I'd put up a thread to talk about favourite people to follow on Twitter or to share anything particularly funny they've seen.

I have a few people I love on twitter but Richard Herring really takes the cake on International Women's Day (today) - answering all the people asking when the day for men is. My timeline is completely full of it. :lol:

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5 minutes ago, Mafiabob said:

Cough Cough

Oh right,

But obviously I'm always paying attention to your superb tweets. 

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Talking of Twitter why is there still the obsession of having a ton of followers and all this follow for follow back nonsense?

My timeline is there for things I'm interested in and people I either know or members from the forum that I'm aware of as I'm nice like that and I do like most of the members on here. Why would I want it clogged up with thousands of people I haven't a clue who they are but because they are a Derby fan that's followed I'll swing a follow back.

I did it under the forum account when it first started but I soon got bored of having to go through clicking follow, not knowing if some of these eggs were bot accounts, you could probably get it automated but I decided to strip it down to players and Derby stuff only.

It's probably why I don't find Twitter as annoying after games as other people on both accounts now that have chosen this path of must follow for follow back, occasionally I'll go into the hashtags for a laugh and deary me theres some strange folk on there that would annoy the hell out of me if I had on my timeline.

Oh and whilst I'm at it I'll call @Mostyn6 out for this one, and Santos in the U21's, why would you even bother signing up to a service that tweets out how many followers you have lost this week, should I send you my condolences? Santos has one that tweets out how many people he follows that doesn't follow back, why are you bothered?? ....(but why are you bothered David, good point, I just find it ridiculous)

I lose and gain followers by the day, some are bots, some that repeatedly follow then unfollow and follow back, which happens far too often to be a slip of a finger, it's to say hey did you miss me, follow back, no, no, no!

@Mafiabob is one that is obsessed by his followers number but that's to make up for his size below, he's the ultimate troll on Twitter tho and never fails to make me smile, don't follow him tho as it will increase his followers, just keep searching him out and see who he keeps winding up today.

You should also follow the DCFC Fans account obviously for when we run upgrades and if it's balls up as that's how I can let people know if I've locked myself out which happens far too often that it should. I have no notifications on for mentions or dms, a lot of the time I just change the account on my tweet screen from the personal account by the way.

Swing @Srg srgDCFC a follow just for his 2pm team selection rants and half time moans

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I'm the same, don't follow anyone who hasn't posted something I'm interested in to warrant it, or I know from elsewhere. I generally use Twitter for reading, rather than posting, but I enjoy replying to stuff. Usually sarcastically. 

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the thing is @Daveo I never see those things, I don't recall signing up to anything, but vaguely remember someone having a go at me for unfollowing her, and maybe whatever I clicked triggering something.

As it comes as a tweet I've posted, I never see it unless people comment. How often does it happen?

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6 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

the thing is @Daveo I never see those things, I don't recall signing up to anything, but vaguely remember someone having a go at me for unfollowing her, and maybe whatever I clicked triggering something.

As it comes as a tweet I've posted, I never see it unless people comment. How often does it happen?

If you're on the desktop and go into your twitter settings you can then look at apps and revoke access for any apps you don't like that might be tweeting that sort of b*llocks out on your behalf.

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47 minutes ago, Duracell said:

I fell out of love with it a while ago, do enjoy Daveo's attempts at banter at me every now and again though.

You ignore me a lot of the time tho which makes me sad.

@Smyth_18 is another worthy of a mention, ignores my Dave Whelan banter as I call him Dave for the 182836th time as he tells us for the 182836th time he once broke a few bones, fair play to him tho


bensmyth18 on Twitter, kinda obsessed with Fawaz and Forest mind you but you could show him some love, he once broke a bone y'know?

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I admit I used to be one of those people who literally just followed back anyone who followed me. It got to the point where I had 5000 followers, but I also followed 5000. I had tweets to read quicker than I could actually read them and just gave up on it. In the end I used a third-party tool to literally unfollow all 5000 in one go and then manually followed back Derby related stuff or people I actually know/am interested in what they have to say. So now my follower count decreases everyday, it's at around 2000 now which proves how many people follow you literally just because you follow them too. I have followed a few people on here, Mafia is nice and has followed me back, but the rest clearly don't think I have anything interesting to say :angry:

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13 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

I've been unfollowing Derby moaners quite a bit. It was either that or alert the emergency services that they are about to end their lives 

I pull a daveo and just type #dcfc in when I want to see nutters moan. I only follow Derby fans I have an enjoyable chat with unrelated to Derby :lol:

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I rarely post, and tend to follow Rams, news and the odd politician or journo. I follow Derby fans who follow me to be polite. I recently unfollowed Quantockram because he posts hundreds of pictures of lorries and felt guilty about it.

I only go on about twice a week or if i'm out and about for instant news/rams updates.


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14 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

I rarely post, and tend to follow Rams, news and the odd politician or journo. I follow Derby fans who follow me to be polite. I recently unfollowed Quantockram because he posts hundreds of pictures of lorries and felt guilty about it.

I only go on about twice a week or if i'm out and about for instant news/rams updates.


you monster!

I post pics of puppies. I like dogs more than I like humans.

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1 minute ago, Mostyn6 said:

you monster!

I post pics of puppies. I like dogs more than I like humans.

I like a lot of things more than humans, but only humans use twitter, hence why I don't post anything. Just reply and retweet :p 

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3 hours ago, Daveo said:

Talking of Twitter why is there still the obsession of having a ton of followers and all this follow for follow back nonsense?

My timeline is there for things I'm interested in and people I either know or members from the forum that I'm aware of as I'm nice like that and I do like most of the members on here. Why would I want it clogged up with thousands of people I haven't a clue who they are but because they are a Derby fan that's followed I'll swing a follow back.

I did it under the forum account when it first started but I soon got bored of having to go through clicking follow, not knowing if some of these eggs were bot accounts, you could probably get it automated but I decided to strip it down to players and Derby stuff only.

It's probably why I don't find Twitter as annoying after games as other people on both accounts now that have chosen this path of must follow for follow back, occasionally I'll go into the hashtags for a laugh and deary me theres some strange folk on there that would annoy the hell out of me if I had on my timeline.

Oh and whilst I'm at it I'll call @Mostyn6 out for this one, and Santos in the U21's, why would you even bother signing up to a service that tweets out how many followers you have lost this week, should I send you my condolences? Santos has one that tweets out how many people he follows that doesn't follow back, why are you bothered?? ....(but why are you bothered David, good point, I just find it ridiculous)

I lose and gain followers by the day, some are bots, some that repeatedly follow then unfollow and follow back, which happens far too often to be a slip of a finger, it's to say hey did you miss me, follow back, no, no, no!

@Mafiabob is one that is obsessed by his followers number but that's to make up for his size below, he's the ultimate troll on Twitter tho and never fails to make me smile, don't follow him tho as it will increase his followers, just keep searching him out and see who he keeps winding up today.

You should also follow the DCFC Fans account obviously for when we run upgrades and if it's balls up as that's how I can let people know if I've locked myself out which happens far too often that it should. I have no notifications on for mentions or dms, a lot of the time I just change the account on my tweet screen from the personal account by the way.

Swing @Srg srgDCFC a follow just for his 2pm team selection rants and half time moans

Cheers for the plug.... It maybe small but I know it works.... Oh and the handle is @baronmad79 for those that don't know.... 

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