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DCFC Fans - 1884 Group Podcast


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Joined by Tom from the DCFC 1884 Group, we find out the story behind those viral YouTube chant videos and what he picked up from his shopping trip to Ikea on Saturday

*Apologies, we or should I say Stephen did have audio issues again on the night, his new microphone had severe flatulence at the last minute and had to switch to the headphones mic. It does improve slightly after the first 10 minutes.

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Got to 1am trying to fix Ambitious audio before admitting defeat and I just couldn't be arsed to record one, we did say after need to record an outro.

This morning the missus had me up at 7am to start the garden, tbh forgot and just uploaded what we had.

Whole thing was a bit rushed tbh as we didn't decide to run one until the Sunday night. Now we know who's coming on next week I'll start preparing now for it....after the garden is finished of course! 

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3 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

Another good episode. My favorite but might have been comparing a week away in the West Indies to a morning coffee in Liverpool...

Seems like a legitimate comparison. Knew you of all people would like that one. 

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14 minutes ago, Mr Tibbs said:

Top work chaps. 

A good substitute for TalkSport when I lose radio signal in the Scottish Highlands! 

I tend to find that sticking needles in your eyes is a pretty good substitute for Talk Sport.

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Best line -" i'm not a big buxom guy" 

(ok it was Buxton)

Ambitious is clearly out of his face on mexican crack throughout..............could have a great future on Blue Peter.

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Quality again. Good work lads. I like the guest thing, will make each podcast just a little bit different, good idea. Look forward to the next. 

It clearly needs pointing out that I spotted Srgs talent possibly months ago, when I was stalking him all over the site making obscenities out of his posts and generally annoying him cos I was bored at the time. Yeah it was a random stalking but I prefer to think I saw some Tom Cruise/David Dickinson in him ie kaching. Therefore any fan clubs, agent fees and general exploitation I'm calling dibs on. Thanks. 

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