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How long will Wassall get?

North East Ram

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Serious question. Is it until the summer or does MM intend to give him as long as it takes him to get it right?

By right, that seems to be playing nice football and not necessarily getting promoted. There seems to be a theory that if we play nice football and carry out Mel's vision and ethos throughout the club, then promotion will naturally be the end result. So is Wassall being manager long term seen as a declaration of stability I heard Keogh say on Friday that he's aiming for promotion this season. As the football we're currently playing is dire, is he going against club orders then? 

Btw - I wish this 'derby way' had never been mentioned. Not sure if its attempting to be the next Swansea or something, which I like, but Swansea just got on with it without the slogan. People noticed them because they were great to watch. People have noticed us because we have shouted out that we want to be nice to watch.

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I'd say that if fans are groaning, cos the performances are dire, and the likes of Martin and Ince, and Johnson look disinterested, then Wassall will be deemed as failing to improve the situation, and a new head coach will be employed, but Wassall will be part of the selection process and will revert back to his academy role.

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Whilst he'll probably get to the end of the season, hopefully moves will be made before then about confirming who the next permanent Manager will be. The longer this eats into the Summer, the less time the next guy gets to set his stall out before the season starts.

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Just now, StaffsRam said:

Whilst he'll probably get to the end of the season, hopefully moves will be made before then about confirming who the next permanent Manager will be. The longer this eats into the Summer, the less time the next guy gets to set his stall out before the season starts.

well, you'd think that, but, if he does well, surely you don't replace him. Mel spoke about this potentially happening and what message it sends out.

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Just now, Mostyn6 said:

well, you'd think that, but, if he does well, surely you don't replace him. Mel spoke about this potentially happening and what message it sends out.

No, I agree, if it's looking like Wassell towards the end of the season then just say Wassell and let him concentrate on a) finishing the season out without the question mark over the job, and b) let him start planning for what he thinks is needed to be done over the Summer.

Alternatively, if it's not going to be Wassell, then start making moves for the next man sooner rather than later.

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5 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

well, you'd think that, but, if he does well, surely you don't replace him. Mel spoke about this potentially happening and what message it sends out.

So much I understand. The risk to the downside is that by the time we realise dw is not working we do not have time to go through a rigorous process and give a new coach time to stamp their authority. 

I therefore feel forced to believe that some thinking is going on and management are not simply sat on their hands seeing if dw works out.

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Who knows, im sure if it was one of his other companies a CV like DWs wouldn't get him through the door, unless of course he was a family friend.  May as well give him until the end of the season, then hopefully the chairman will realise it's an experiment he should never repeat.

Im just hoping the tea lady hasn't taken her coaching badges yet ;-)

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This is where my worries are , to be true to mels word we cannot really do anything until the end of the season now as we need to see how wassell does ? Bit unfair to be lining up his replacement while he is on trial in the job , if he is not up to it we are then playing catch up for next season when being decisive now not only gives us a chance this season but also we are all set up for next season with a new man knowing who he wants to keep , how he wants to play and who he wants to bring in and the players are used to him and what he expects from them ,,, my worry is what is the yardstick for measuring wassall ? Is it performances and results or is it his willingness to mailable to what Mel wants , is he a conduit to allow Mel to manage team selection , purchase players and shape and tactics ? I dismissed talk of this before the last few days as just plain daft now I have grave concerns sorry if that offends people but I can't get my head round this insistence on only really wanting inexperienced coaches and the morbid fear of any experienced manager who would naturally want to do things his way to give himself the best possible chance of bringing success to Derby county, 

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13 minutes ago, archied said:

This is where my worries are , to be true to mels word we cannot really do anything until the end of the season now as we need to see how wassell does ? Bit unfair to be lining up his replacement while he is on trial in the job , if he is not up to it we are then playing catch up for next season when being decisive now not only gives us a chance this season but also we are all set up for next season with a new man knowing who he wants to keep , how he wants to play and who he wants to bring in and the players are used to him and what he expects from them ,,, my worry is what is the yardstick for measuring wassall ? Is it performances and results or is it his willingness to mailable to what Mel wants , is he a conduit to allow Mel to manage team selection , purchase players and shape and tactics ? I dismissed talk of this before the last few days as just plain daft now I have grave concerns sorry if that offends people but I can't get my head round this insistence on only really wanting inexperienced coaches and the morbid fear of any experienced manager who would naturally want to do things his way to give himself the best possible chance of bringing success to Derby county, 

Wassall is not inexperienced though.

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1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

I'd say that if fans are groaning, cos the performances are dire, and the likes of Martin and Ince, and Johnson look disinterested, then Wassall will be deemed as failing to improve the situation, and a new head coach will be employed, but Wassall will be part of the selection process and will revert back to his academy role.

As if us fans would moan?!

Im glad it's not an appt without time limits. If DW get's it right, then great. But I'm glad that there's a view to getting in another manager if things just aren't working.

Off thread topic but fair play for challenging Mel regarding the dressing room incident. I'm with you on that regardless how much money he has pumped in. Obviously he doesn't agree though or reflected that a more pragmatic or private approach might work next time. Slightly different but the Hull players never forgave Phil Brown for his idiotic HT 'pep talk' and I bet our players weren't best chuffed either, never mind PC. You don't hear of many players saying that they bucked their ideas up after the chairman have em a verbal broadside.

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Wassel is totally and utterly inexperienced in the role of being the first team coach of a second tier English football club  that plays in front of 30 thou fans with promotion expectations , that has this season alone spent 25 mill on players to add to a squad that has high value and has topped the table at times over the last few years and been in the thick of the promotion chase for the prem , the role he is now in is massively beyond his experience , do us all a favour and at least debate properly mostyn, the fact he has been given the role to the end of the season tells you and everybody else that it's a trial to so if he can fill a role he has NO repeat NO experience of , do you think they would give Rogers ,moyes or Pearson a trial run till the end of the season to see how they get on?

to state wassal is not inexperienced just makes you look foolish and desperate to tow a party line

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At least with Wassall we keep continuality  with the Shiite performances etc.....

Hopeless, but hey at least he's a family friend.....................

Giving the job even in a temporary role to Wassall just shows the lack of ambition within the club.

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14 hours ago, archied said:

Wassel is totally and utterly inexperienced in the role of being the first team coach of a second tier English football club  that plays in front of 30 thou fans with promotion expectations , that has this season alone spent 25 mill on players to add to a squad that has high value and has topped the table at times over the last few years and been in the thick of the promotion chase for the prem , the role he is now in is massively beyond his experience , do us all a favour and at least debate properly mostyn, the fact he has been given the role to the end of the season tells you and everybody else that it's a trial to so if he can fill a role he has NO repeat NO experience of , do you think they would give Rogers ,moyes or Pearson a trial run till the end of the season to see how they get on?

to state wassal is not inexperienced just makes you look foolish and desperate to tow a party line

sorry, didn't see this as you didn't quote me.

At one point, EVERY manager was inexperienced as a manager. a few years ago Rodgers was in EXACTLY the same scenario.

How did you feel when Dave Mackay was given the job? (assuming you're older than me), he had zero coaching experience let alone first team.

Why don't you just wind it in a bit and give Wassall a chance ffs! 

If you're a real Derby fan, you'll know that without doubt, nothing guarantees anything at this club! We could bring in the world's greatest manager and achieve nothing, so try being a bit loyal for once and giving the guy longer than 90 minutes to decide.

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My issue with Wassall is his closeness to Mel.Of course Wassall was the best candidate for the short-term caretaker role. I, and I presume 99% of Derby fans, would have absolutely no issue with Darren in charge for two or three games whilst the selection of a new manager/head coach was concluded. That would even give some wiggle room to delay any appointment if Wassall's Derby suddenly turned into world-beaters. Two games could easily be stretched to four, four to six and then Wassall until the end of the season, and Wassall takes us up and earns the job permanently. Yet, to give him the job until the end of the season when we are in the top five just smacks of extended nepotism.

Mel and Darren clearly get on well and Wassall can often be seen conversing with Morris during matches. That seems to me like when a close friend/partner talks to you about their job. You naturally believe what they're saying and generally start to think that they are superbly competent. If they are having trouble with a colleague, you tend to get the impression that it is all the colleague's fault. I would imagine that after a few months of Darren making insightful comments to Mel, which were then reinforced by poor performances and increasingly appalling results, Wassall must seem to Mel like the man with all the answers.

I thought that Clement was the wrong appointment. I think that sacking him was the correct decision. I also think that appointing Wassall until the end of the season is a terrible and ill thought through decision. It is such a waste that a new manager (for that is what we need) will not have the remaining games of the season to assess the squad. That will just result in the continuation of our disastrous and ill-informed transfer policy.

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Wassalls approach - judging by week 1 - was to come in, be positive, tell the players how great they are, keep all of them training with the first team plus have 2 youth - calero and Hanson - in training. Then on game day he includes NO YOUTH in the match day squad - I think we were all very surprised Hanson wasn't in there starting at cdm especially after he was the one player Mel had specifically mentioned by name. Then he pays homage to the old gang - Martin Bryson Russell and hendrick with Bucko on the bench and Keogh as captain. All the new acquisitions are dropped and the most expensive acquisitions included. 

Thats what we see that he did. 

Wherehe failed ? The formation was odd - first we had no ball winners in the midfield - second he puts Ince wide but JR central at striker ? And he persists with the Martin formula. The result ? Epic Fail. MK Dons came for a draw and got a win ! And in the process we were bored. 

The bigger problem: bloated squad and except for the defenders no one knows if they'll play. 

Wassall needs to recall Zanzala and push Hanson into the starting lineup. Several players need to be moved down to the reserves - weimann Baird and about 3 other players.

Mel admires Bournemouth but eddie Howe went out of his way to talk about his tight knit squad and how he makes sure they get rid of players if they bring new ones in - oversized dressing rooms are Toxic!!! Wassall needs to completely cut out players asap otherwise morale drops and performance follows.

wassall is capable of doing this but he can't be mr lovey dovey with the current group of senior players he needs to bring an axe down and settle a tight knit consistent and motivated team who know they'll play. 

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Dealing with kids is completely different to dealing with multi pound senior players with egos.

I would have thought before Mel sacked Clement he would have looked at who he could bring in ASAP who was better than Clement and at least try and save the season.

Does Mel Morris really think Darren Wassall is a better coach than Paul Clement, even with Clement's limited experience?


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13 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

My issue with Wassall is his closeness to Mel.Of course Wassall was the best candidate for the short-term caretaker role. I, and I presume 99% of Derby fans, would have absolutely no issue with Darren in charge for two or three games whilst the selection of a new manager/head coach was concluded. That would even give some wiggle room to delay any appointment if Wassall's Derby suddenly turned into world-beaters. Two games could easily be stretched to four, four to six and then Wassall until the end of the season, and Wassall takes us up and earns the job permanently. Yet, to give him the job until the end of the season when we are in the top five just smacks of extended nepotism.

Mel and Darren clearly get on well and Wassall can often be seen conversing with Morris during matches. That seems to me like when a close friend/partner talks to you about their job. You naturally believe what they're saying and generally start to think that they are superbly competent. If they are having trouble with a colleague, you tend to get the impression that it is all the colleague's fault. I would imagine that after a few months of Darren making insightful comments to Mel, which were then reinforced by poor performances and increasingly appalling results, Wassall must seem to Mel like the man with all the answers.

I thought that Clement was the wrong appointment. I think that sacking him was the correct decision. I also think that appointing Wassall until the end of the season is a terrible and ill thought through decision. It is such a waste that a new manager (for that is what we need) will not have the remaining games of the season to assess the squad. That will just result in the continuation of our disastrous and ill-informed transfer policy.

that could be thrown had Wassall not already been an employee of the club. Wassall cannot be accused of talking up his current job when the proof is there for all to see. If Wassall was unemployed or employed elsewhere then your assertion would ring true, but I think you're doing both Wassall and Mel a dis-service here. Mel is no mug, and he's certainly not wanting his investment to shrink further.

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