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Moor Farm Extension U-Turn


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I'd also point out that the nearest building on the Locko Rd side of the development is an incredibly unkempt barn, literally falling to pieces with a rusting old banger as it's centrepiece! 

I'll take a photo next time I'm up there.

As seen on Google St view


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10 minutes ago, sage said:

So he approved it and the nimby Tories said no. 

I haven't had time to read it all, but it looks as though dcfc planning consultant argued that altho it was inappropriate development of the greenbelt, special circumstances applied.

the planning officer seems to have drafted a report recommending conditional approval

but that was overturned by the planning committee 

planning is ultimately a political process and altho the officers report indicates that some of the political arguments are non-material i.e. Irrelevant in planning terms, nevertheless the politicians rejected the application due to the impact on the greenbelt, rejecting the argument that special circumstances applied.

interestingly  there is some blurb in the planning statement to the effect that the originl development had to follow the footprint of the previous farm buildings....

i haven't read it very closely though.

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5 minutes ago, RamNut said:

One other observation....

the applicant is Mr Morris - as opposed to Derby County Football Club.

That may be explained by timing, on our summer visit he laid out the plans, but stated the funds for the new development were coming out of his pocket, not the club's, as he wasn't at that time sole owner.

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I think that some of the terminology in the planning statement is unfortunate and could be inadvertantly unhelpful to put it mildly.

it may be strictly correct in planner speak but to state that the appellant(?) ( this should presumably be applicant) accepts "that the scale of the development and its effect on openness means that it is inappropriate development in the green belt" is poor wording imo and is a gift to objectors.

the limited impact on openness and the limited effect on the character of the green belt could have been contested more expertly. They seem to have relied totally on the argument that 'special circumstances apply' because previously the secretary of state accepted this argument. 

I suppose that they also thought that with a recommendation for approval, it was going to be approved, but clearly they were having to respond to the various objections.



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5 minutes ago, TelTheRam said:

Applicant = person applying.

Appellant = person appealing.

Hence the bit you quoted refers to reasons given in an appeal against the original decision to allow the development.


para 5.9 is about the current proposal.

and 5.7

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12 hours ago, Tombo said:

Are we really suggesting that they've rejected the plans because they're Forest fans? Come on, get a grip.

I can safely say you've never had to deal with a local councilllor in a professional capacity.  THE number one reason councils are dysfunctional - councillors.  Are you a councillor? No? Why?  I'll tell you why my friend - you have a life.   Devolution and localism, a complete shambles of a political philosophy.

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13 hours ago, Animal is a Ram said:

About time someone sorted out the old Celanese site. Housing developers won't touch it because its too easy to build on greenfield rather than brownfield.

Oh lord.  IF we need to build, we definitley should build on greenfield sites for economic, ecological and social reasons.  Or we could just build ghettos for the unworthy or just shoot them.

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