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Johnson should not have been dropped .


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Ridiculous if you believe that. He's been awful for about 8 games and absolutely needed dropping. Whatever he's lost he needs to regain before we bring him back, because we can't afford to carry him.

What's the betting that there would have been a thread entitled "Johnson should have been dropped" if he'd played last night and the result was the same?

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Just now, Penelope Pendrex said:

Hendrick was pretty much our only attacking spark for much of the first half. He was the best of a bad bunch and there's no way Johnson on current form would have been better.

Tell me about Thorne is he doing ok .

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Interesting that so far Clement has resisted trying out a midfield three of Thorne, Hendrick and Bryson which are none of the players he signed. Wonder what he will do once Hughes is back ready for selection... Think it's difficult to have spent an awful lot of money and have to admit that none of the players signed are better than what you have aimed to replace. 

Ince better than Dawkins - No

Blackman better than JR - No

Johnson ( at 6/7 million) better than anyone in midfield - LOL

Shack better than Bucko - On paper and in many fans eyes yes..but not in mine. Bucko epitomizes fighting spirit which is what we are crying out for. 

However, as mentioned above, there are deeper lying problems with the club/ team right now. I'm sure of it. I dearly hope the Mel Morris era is not going to end up as a torrid roller coaster of a disappointment but I've an inkling... 

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