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Half and Half scarves

Bris Vegas

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Historic games, cup finals and "pretty much cup finals" (i.e. non-league side vs Manchester United) only

Any other time then no

Also I think it's less about being a neutral in the game and being more about getting a souvenir from a game. I've never owned one but I see why people do.

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it's commemorative, some people want to remember something that others might find doesnt really warrant remembrance. its not to keep your neck warm, its not to fight under, its just a souvenir. Cremonese game being an example, not exactly the champions league final but if you found the half half scarf when you're cleaning out the loft, you'll get a nostagic whiff of a bygone time. mmmmmmmmmmmmm old wembley toilets

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13 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

I swapped my Rams scarf for a Cremonese one after the European Cup Final at Wembley in 1993 as a souvenir.

It's difficult to explain why this is so perfect, but a very similar item is so worthless.

You have an interesting item with a story behind it and the satisfying knowledge that somewhere in Cremona there's a rams scarf collecting dust. The owner of a half and half scarf has a piece of mass produced tat that was designed solely to nickel and dime oblivious consumers. "Memories for sale! Line up and by your authentic memories. Why create your own when this half and half scarf is available for just £15?"

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I must be a complete weirdo then after reading comments from Bris and a few others. I'm only a Derby supporter. Have no interest in other teams at all when watching football. Whether it's live in a stadium or on TV... I can and have watched many games as a neutral through the years quite happy and oblivious to supporting one team or another...

Of course there are exceptions as there are teams, clubs I just plain dislike..Leeds, QPR, Forest, Birmngham City for example so I do support the opposition if I find myself watching any of those sides... 

I have travelled extensively and been privileged to watch football and other sports on must continents from New York Cosmos to Bocca Juniors and never once found the need to buy a scarf, any scarf as souveneer... Match ticket, programme will suffice... 

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Not a half and half scrave buyer either, but I think some of you need to worry more about your own lives and less about others.

People have different ways of memories. It's like people that go to a concert and record every song, watching the artists through a lens on their phone. I opt to watch it with my own eyes and remember them for that, yet I bet some of you complaining also record concerts. That's fine, as is buying a half and half scarf if it makes said person happy!

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A half scarf is a surely a souvenir of an event. The perspective of that event differs from fan to fan. Derby vs Chelsea to me is not worthy of a souvenir . To a young lad who has only seen Derby in the second division suddenly playing against a side he has seen revered on telly then it probably is worth buying a souvenir scarf. It's all perspective. No right no wrong. 

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On 05/11/2015, 18:54:07, Alan Ramage 4 EVA said:

Not nit picking mate but think it was Anglo/Italian Cup Final 

It was a cup final played in an European competition. We'll take that. 22 years ago we were last in a European cup final. Sooner than Forest have been in one.

Derby 1-0 Forest on that one. 

Or 1-1 I suppose.....equaliser from......yeah.....you know....

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