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Cat Owners Question

Sith Happens

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 If you want a serious suggestion that should solve your problem with out having the unsightly ness of a big wire cage of a monstrosity in your garden ,hire a jcb for the week end dig a moat around the garden  5 feet deep by 6 foot wide should do it fiill it with water ,right up to the top ,this should stop most things including foxes ,cats dogs ,next doors kids hungry neighbour ect showing an unhealthy interest in your rabbits ,could use the soil from the moat to build a wall / mound of mud as an extra deterrent ,

ps since your hireling a jcb for the week end ,any chance I could borrow it for a few days ,cheers and glad to be of help 

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If you go down that route then you could argue its against nature to actually keep cats (or rabbits) as pets and therefore it would then be a non issue. Arrogant is a bit harsh.

Rabbits are pointless pets. They are either dinner or something cute you point at in the countryside. No one should ever need a rabbit as a pet

Cats as pets - can anyone truly say that a cat is ever a pet? It's just a wild animal that chooses to depend on certain people for food and shelter. They have no loyalty to you and will disappear at the first sign of a warmer house or a bigger food bowl.


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Loada ******, of course cats are pets, all animals are wild, don't feed your dog and leave the gate open they will be off. 

One of my cats follows us round the block for the dogs morning walk, will sit and watch me dump in the morning if I leave the door open. Cats are just as loyal as any pet if you look after them right. 


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Loada ******, of course cats are pets, all animals are wild, don't feed your dog and leave the gate open they will be off. 

One of my cats follows us round the block for the dogs morning walk, will sit and watch me dump in the morning if I leave the door open. Cats are just as loyal as any pet if you look after them right. 


Don't get me started on dogs. Dogs are idiots. My advice to anyone with a dog is leave the gate open and set it free to roam the land being an idiot on its own time.

Cats are loyal? Let me move in next door to you and I guarantee i can make your cat more loyal to me by feeding it more and giving it a cushion on a radiator :)

And I won't make it watch me poo

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The joke of this thread is that here we have a prime example of man trying to work out how to change nature. Cats will do what they like

We're arrogant fools aren't we?

Agreed. It's just called 'cat stuff', and we are not worthy enough to know what is going on in their minds.

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I cornered a neighbours cat in the greenhouse snoozing on the shelf. 

I opened the door, he looked up, I gave him a pint glass full of water smack in the face.  He shot past me spitting and squawking. 

Next week he was back. They apparently have short memories. 

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Cut up some small lengths of hose pipe and place them around the garden. Seems they think they're snakes?!

Alternatively, tie a bit of rag around a long stick and dip it in white spirit. When you see the cat, ram the stick up its arse. They don't like it up em apparently!

Put an empty cardboard box in the middle of the lawn.

Leave for 5 minutes.

When full of cats, remove to a more cat-friendly environment (i.e. my house)

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:( I was lining up a joke, I hoped somebody would reply with "that's what they do" And I was going to get back with "what, with a shovel ? 

Didn't get a bite though. mauvaisepeche.gif

may I humbly appologise on behalf of Daveo

in his defence, we never saw the script beforehand.

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