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Prison smoking ban


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Smoking will be banned in all prisons in Wales and four in south-west England from next year, the government says.

This will begin a phased roll-out that will eventually see all jails in England and Wales go smoke-free.

And from next month, smoking will be barred inside buildings at all "open" prisons in England and Wales.

The Prison Governors Association, which supports the ban, said it would monitor this initial phase to ensure stability and safety were maintained.

A smoke-free policy will be implemented in all prisons in Wales - Cardiff, Parc, Swansea and Usk/Prescoed - from January 2016, and at four English prisons - Exeter, Channings Wood, Dartmoor and Erlestoke - from March 2016.

Smoking is currently allowed only in prison cells and exercise yards, but the government eventually intends to ban smoking in all 136 prisons in England and Wales to reduce health risks. 

The move follows a series of legal challenges by prison officers and inmates who have complained about the effects of passive smoking.

Read more: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34395034


Seems harsh to me not to let them smoke even outside, should ban tv's and game consoles if anything. Books and training courses only. Shouldn't be an easy lifestyle choice for drop outs.

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What is to be gained by banning smoking? Why not simply have a ban on smoking in most areas and have a designated smoking area outside during their recreation time.

There is nothing to be gained by this, and it will only lead to more strife for prison guards.

The anti-smoking campaigners are going too far in the UK.

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the problem with the hardline approach is that innocent people are sent to prison (and guilty) whilst the crown prosecution builds a case against them. Is it fair that someone on remand, having been wrongly accused of something, is treated as guilty, being forced to have nothing like normal life, as well as being with the scum of the earth, and possibly losing their job and home, and possessions and possibly relationships whilst waiting to attend court?

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Ahh the anti-smoking movement in all its fascist glory. Government should not over step its mandate on this sort of stuff and they are at the moment.

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I am not anti smoking I am anti convicted prisioners have better life styles that people that try to work hard and have to choose between heating or eating, whilst these lags get 3 meals aday.

Remand should be treated as innocent until proven otherwise, and held away from the convicted.

As for wrong convictions, whilst bad, it should have a very good compensation and an investigation as to why.

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I am not anti smoking I am anti convicted prisioners have better life styles that people that try to work hard and have to choose between heating or eating, whilst these lags get 3 meals aday.

Remand should be treated as innocent until proven otherwise, and held away from the convicted.

As for wrong convictions, whilst bad, it should have a very good compensation and an investigation as to why.

Do you regard a inmate having the right to smoke as them having a better lifestyle than the general public?

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People turn a blind eye to illegal drugs in prisons because it aids the control. So, I don't see a ban on legal drugs working in practice.

While this probably may make sense on paper to the bureacrats, I'm sure it will make life very difficult for the officers on the ground. You can understand there being a ban inside including in cells, but there should be designated smoking areas.

Most people are coming round to the view that e-cigarettes are actually a massive health boon (because they help stop people smoking). If this ban comes in, vaping has to be allowed.

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Do you regard a inmate having the right to smoke as them having a better lifestyle than the general public?

Outside you have a choice, once locked up all choices should be removed. Minimal nutrtional requirement provided and a strict rehabilitation plan, including labour that contributes to society.

What about non smokers, why should they be in an environment where they could be exposed to secound hand smoke? Why should prisoners be allowed smoking areas, why allowed special allowances, if that is the case?

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