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7 minutes ago, YouRams said:

Anyone had Hitman yet? Is it worth getting? I was really looking forward to the release until I read about them releasing episodes rather than the full game.

Jump about a page back :p

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20 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

Jump about a page back :p

Typical I went back to the pages around release date but not the one before ha. When are they releasing the episodes is it monthly? In two minds whether to go for the Division until they have released a few.

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3 minutes ago, YouRams said:

Typical I went back to the pages around release date but not the one before ha. When are they releasing the episodes is it monthly? In two minds whether to go for the Division until they have released a few.

All of them will be out "by end of summer". So I'd get Division, and buy Hitman at the end of the summer. Hardly a long time to wait for the complete game. 

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9 minutes ago, YouRams said:

Typical I went back to the pages around release date but not the one before ha. When are they releasing the episodes is it monthly? In two minds whether to go for the Division until they have released a few.

I bought them both, not had a great deal of chance play either - particularly Hitman. But both seem decent. Luckily, it doesn't actually cost more to buy the complete Hitman now - I'm a stickler for having download copies rather than disks and it was like £41 off cdkeys.

I've only played through the first training mission once on Hitman, but put maybe 2 to 3 hours into the Division.

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Gotten back into Robocraft in the last few days, changed a lot for the better. Entirely free. Similar model to World of Tanks etc. if you've played any of those - the difference being that you build your own tanks/cars/jets/helicopters/mechs/walkers 

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Just now, AmericanRam said:

Gears 4 Beta available April 18th for early access which I have and open to everyone 25th.Can't wait.




Love Gears.

Hitman update: Played one playthrough of the Paris level. The level is extremely impressive. It's very big for a hitman game from what I gather, and there's hundreds of NPCs milling around which makes things very tough.

See below for how I completed first play through, put it in spoilers just in case...


I went to kill the woman first. I did this by scaling upto the second floor up a drainpipe, and using the lockpick, I got into a private wing where a VIP Sheikh was. Killed him, and his bodyguard, then that allowed me to freely go about the whole building without arousing any suspicion. I got close to the woman and eventually killed her after following her for about 10 mins, until she was just on her own long enough.

Second guy, I killed his bodyguard. This was a bad move as he was completely suspicious of me in his outfit. But, this put him on his own for the duration. Just had to wait until he was out of sight of anyone else, then popped him... walked out the joint no bother.

Need to play around with some of the more inventive killings, like explosions or poisons etc. But it does at least have a lot of incentive to keep playing. I sort of get the episodic idea now. It does mean you keep playing the level they give you to the full extent. If there were other full levels, you'd do it once, consider it 'done' and move on.

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27 minutes ago, Srg said:

Love Gears.


I went to kill the woman first. I did this by scaling upto the second floor up a drainpipe, and using the lockpick, I got into a private wing where a VIP Sheikh was. Killed him, and his bodyguard, then that allowed me to freely go about the whole building without arousing any suspicion. I got close to the woman and eventually killed her after following her for about 10 mins, until she was just on her own long enough.

Second guy, I killed his bodyguard. This was a bad move as he was completely suspicious of me in his outfit. But, this put him on his own for the duration. Just had to wait until he was out of sight of anyone else, then popped him... walked out the joint no bother.


Yeah I do as well.Played and beat all of the campaign on all of them multiple times and have logged tons of hours on multiplayer as well.

Have the ultimate edition for xbox one also.






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On 3/18/2016 at 11:37, DerbyRam! said:

PS4 - "EpicFatNinja"

anyone feel free to add me, anyone fancy a game of rocket league tonight?


Ps. anyone know how I can change my gamertag without paying :lol:? I've had it for far too long

:D Hey I'll play with you. I'll add ya. My psn is Broderique.

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16 hours ago, DerbyRam! said:


:D i bet you quit before the game is over :ph34r::lol:

I've not quit one game actually, took some real poundings on there as well, 8,9,10 conceded....that's mainly on those lab maps which are pretty stupid anyhow

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3 minutes ago, Daveo said:

I've not quit one game actually, took some real poundings on there as well, 8,9,10 conceded....that's mainly on those lab maps which are pretty stupid anyhow

I had an 11-1 win last night....swiftly followed by a 4-0 thrashing...:D


those lab maps arnt bad, I like the one with two goals each, it's nice and quick. They could do a lot more with the maps though and I'm surprised they havnt already. Could create some really fun games

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We went on a 3v3 where it's pretty much a circle, some dick decided to help the other team, just kept smashing into us and sending the ball back to our own goal, first time I've ran into someone like that so hopefully a one off fool

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