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E Cig ban for Wales


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People will be banned from using e-cigarettes in enclosed places such as restaurants, pubs and at work in Wales, under a new public health law.

The plan, likely to come into force in 2017 and the first in the UK, has already divided opinion among health and medical groups, including some anti-smoking campaigners.

But ministers say it is a "balance of risk" and will stop children smoking.



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Sith Happens

Smoking in cars should be banned, dont see why its any different to being on a mobile phone. You can be charged with driving without due care and attention for eating or drinking so why not smoking.

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This is properly daft. The only reason anyone has to be against e-cigs is the fact that some kids might find it to be an accessible way into smoking. Like a modern version of candy sticks.

Its absolute ********. If a kid wants to smoke because it's cool, then they'll get a proper pack of cigarettes. I don't believe anyone starts on e-cigs, and they certainly aren't cool. I've only ever seen them be used by experienced long time smokers who are genuinely trying to quit and cut down.

For the very small chance some kids might get there hands on them, and that might be a gateway into smoking real fags, the campaigners against e-cigs are choosing to ignore the overwhelming amount of good they do for those that are trying to get off cigarettes. So instead they're going to send them outside to have a vase, into the smoking areas with the other smokers. At which point they'll think, 'what's the point, can I bum a smoke mate'. 

This is seriously backwards thinking from the Welsh, and it pisses me off. It's an absolute cowards move, a lazy move, which will ultimately do a lot more harm than good in Wales. As a politician, it's easy to be tough on an antisocial habit or taboo subject, it's easy to be tough on drugs, tough on cigarettes, tough on prostitution, tough on criminals etc. its far harder to actually find a solution to those issues, to really get to the bottom of them, understand them and make it the world better for everyone. 

Not that I really give a ****. I don't smoke, and the Welsh are welcome to make a mess of their country as much as they want. 

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Isn't the issue around possible currently unknown health risks from long-term usage?. That was the report I saw anyway. Sounds like people covering their backside if the brown stuff hits the spinny thing a few years down the line.

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Isn't the issue around possible currently unknown health risks from long-term usage?. That was the report I saw anyway. Sounds like people covering their backside if the brown stuff hits the spinny thing a few years down the line.

​The thing I read, specifically about this ban, was that it's about the possibility of kids getting into smoking through vaping. There are no long term health risks, because all the poisonous **** has been taken out. As far as I know, the only thing besides water snd flavouring in it is the nicotine drug. In which case it's no more risky than a nicotine patch, or a cup of coffee, and certainly less risky than an actual fag.

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I don't really know the science behind how harmful these vapours they leave behind are. What I do know is I saw a bloke walking around the Co-op yesterday blowing this stuff everywhere and I thought he was an ignorant ****. You wouldn't walk around a shop spraying Fabreze and you wouldn't walk around with a lit incense stick so why did this clearly antagonistic git think it was right to have his ecig on the go?


I'm aware it might be ironic paraphrasing Bill Hicks on this but only in Wales do you have to legislate common courtesy.

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I don't really know the science behind how harmful these vapours they leave behind are. What I do know is I saw a bloke walking around the Co-op yesterday blowing this stuff everywhere and I thought he was an ignorant ****. You wouldn't walk around a shop spraying Fabreze and you wouldn't walk around with a lit incense stick so why did this clearly antagonistic git think it was right to have his ecig on the go?


I'm aware it might be ironic paraphrasing Bill Hicks on this but only in Wales do you have to legislate common courtesy.

I did know someone a few years ago, when ecigs first came out, who would 'light up' at a bar, specifically waiting for someone to tell him to go outside, so he could be a smart arse and show them the error of their ways. 

On the one hand I can respect the fact that it must be a nice feeling to be able to have a puff at the bar with a pint in one hand and your ecig in the other again, so it's probably a nice feeling to be able to flaunt it. 

On the other hand, he was being a bit of a dick about it. 

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Sith Happens

Some pubs already ban them as from a distance its not always possible to tell if its real or not. I would ban them indoors, they arent particularly pleasant to smell when someone is using one. Also ban Smoking in entrances to buildings, i.e doorways at pubs.


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Some pubs already ban them as from a distance its not always possible to tell if its real or not. I would ban them indoors, they arent particularly pleasant to smell when someone is using one. Also ban Smoking in entrances to buildings, i.e doorways at pubs.


But this is the only way you can feel like you're on stars in their eyes. Every entrance comes with a big cloud of smoke. 

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