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On the flags, there's a few less than we started with but generally still the same.

As for the noise, I missed the leeds game, but thought it was the best I'd heard this season, not all the way through, but it had its peaks, particularly when we were playing well.

I think goals will help but I still maintain that there is singing pretty much all game to join in with, it's up to the individual whether you do or not. I have no voice left today. 


have you got anything up your sleeve for the Brentford game on Saturday? 

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We definitely need to sing 'We are Derby' more, all the way from a kid until quite recently it's been the one refrain heard when things aren't going so good on the pitch, and used to last for ages too.

I think the problem is when it is sung its a higher tempo now than I remember in the past, I reckon people get out of breath

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We definitely need some goals and wins to get the crowd going.

Funny you asked about brentford, a 12m x 3m banner arrived yesterday! It's on twitter but I can't attach it here for some reason.

There also might be something else but tbc!

We're also planning on spending the whole day on the 10th flag building, we have about another 150 to add to the mix.

Also got a tonne of streamers and display flags on order, and we've started working on something HUGE!

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you can have as many flags as you want but if people don't sing then the atmosphere is ****

Well if you can suggest a way to get all 26000 fans singing tomorrow then let me know, I'm all ears. My suggestion is for Derby to play well and score some goals. I feel that showing support for the players as they come out of the tunnel might help that. Henc e why we are putting lots of effort into flags, banners, etc, etc.

I will be singing every song, even if I hate it. 100% support throughout the game.

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Community centre meet every couple of months, like minded fans get together, knock a few song ideas together and for next season ask the club to reserve a block for you in the centre of the south stand. Get all those that want to sing together in one block and it will hopefully spread to the blocks next to and eventually across the stand. 

(Songs that other stands feel comfortable to join in with, you're not going to get the North Stand rocking with the Stan Collymore chant)

Flags are great but it seems costly for a few minutes worth as the players come out to then get chucked on the floor and taken home at the end of the game. Spend on banners that have a permanent place in the stand, encourage people to wear white and bring scarfs.


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All ideas we're throwing around, it will be a case of building slowly.

 I like the idea of specific blocks, but let's say you take blocks G and H in the South Upper and say next season they are for people who want to wave flags and sing non-stop. How do you enforce it? Not having a go, I'm genuinely interested to hear how you would do it because that's been the issue with the South Stand as a whole, some people want to sit, some got cheap tickets, some like listening to the chanting and being in it without contributing themselves.

Banners we have started now, people seem mostly to have stopped taking flags and there's some stuff I'm not allowed to say just yet.


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All ideas we're throwing around, it will be a case of building slowly.

 I like the idea of specific blocks, but let's say you take blocks G and H in the South Upper and say next season they are for people who want to wave flags and sing non-stop. How do you enforce it? Not having a go, I'm genuinely interested to hear how you would do it because that's been the issue with the South Stand as a whole, some people want to sit, some got cheap tickets, some like listening to the chanting and being in it without contributing themselves.

Banners we have started now, people seem mostly to have stopped taking flags and there's some stuff I'm not allowed to say just yet.


Fan meet ups, get the like minded fans together, maybe at the ground see if they will let you meet there once a month for an hour. Come up with song ideas, renewal time get all the fans that attend these meets in the same area, may not need a full block, could just be 3 rows.

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